Weekly Update Newsletter
Friday, November 25, 2022
Upcoming Dates and Events
Nov. 25 - Term 1 Report Cards available on PowerSchool at 3:30 pm
- Hot Lunch (Round 2) Now open for orders
- Hot Lunch Order Closes Dec 18.
Dec. 1 - Field Trip - Gr. 9 Art Gallery
Dec. 2 - Volleybal Tournament
Dec. 6 - Field Trip - Gr. 9 Wonderful Life
- Enterprise & Innovation - Bev Facey Callysti Hackathon
Dec. 7 - Early Dismissal 2:10 pm
Dec. 8 - Linking Generation Visit
Dec. 9 - Field Trip Gr. 7 & 8 Art Gallery
- Last day to purchase tickets for the Best Seats in the House Raffle
Dec. 12 - Hot Lunch - Taco Time
- Draw for the Best Seat in the House Raffle
Dec. 15 - Christmas rehearsals at 9 am
- Concert 1 pm & 7 pm
- Linking Generations Visit
New Elementary Report Card
To best communicate student learning, some changes have been made to report cards, including a slight redesign. This November, parents and guardians will continue to access report cards through PowerSchool—simply log in to your account and click on the “Report Card” button in the lefthand sidebar.
Available on the Parent Portal at 3:30 pm today.
Reminders from the Office
We have seen an influx of students requesting utensils and cups. Parents' please remind your child to bring their utensils for their lunches and water bottles.
Also, with the weather getting cooler, please ensure your child is dressed for the weather.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Lakeland Ridge Hot Lunch Program
This is just a friendly reminder that the website is now open for our January - March hot lunch orders!
We have some great vendors on the menu for this round, so please remember to order and pay in full prior to our deadline, which is SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th.
Also remember, this is a major fundraiser for our great school! Any proceeds raised from your hot lunch orders go towards paying for the "extras" that our kids would not otherwise be able to enjoy.
Happy ordering!!
Kathi Engel
LLR Hot Lunch Coordinator
Lakeland Ridge School’s Food Drive, November 16 to 25th, 2022
Our Foyer was flooded with donations from our students. An extra thank you to Mr. Baker's grade 4 class for helping box and sort all the food!
Good job Wolves!!!
Lakeland Ridge Winter Concert Information
Lakeland Ridge School’s Concert will be held on Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm at The Park Church located at the corner of Baseline Road and Brower Drive. All students in Grades 1 through 6 will be performing.
The concert is FREE for parents and guests. Seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis. In the past, we restricted the number of tickets students could have for the event. This year, we are not doing this. Our hope is that we should have enough seating for everyone. However, families are encouraged to attend the afternoon concert if possible, as this will take some of the pressure off seating for the evening performance.
All students in Grades 1 through 6 will be bussed to The Park Church during the day on Thursday, December 15, and return to Lakeland Ridge after performing. They will be dismissed from school at the end of the day at 3:10 pm. Permission forms will be sent out early next week.
We will be collecting cash donations for both performances. Those wishing to donate may do so by placing their donation in boxes located near the entrances to the auditorium. Please note that donations are optional. Half the money collected will go to the school to assist with bussing costs and the other half will be donated to the Strathcona Food Bank.
In addition, we will once again be raffling off front-row seats for the evening performance. We call this “Best Seats in the House”. Again, this is totally optional and the money will be divided evenly between the school and The Strathcona Food Bank. Tickets are $2 each and can be purchased by completing the attached Best Seats in the House form and returning it to the school with your payment (Cash only please). Tickets can also be purchased from the office directly during school hours. You can also request that your child pick up the form from the office. Please make sure to indicate the number of raffle tickets you would like. All ticket orders and monies must be in to the school by Friday, December 9. We will be drawing three winners on Monday, December 12. Each winner will receive 4 front row tickets for the evening performance. Winners will be contacted by phone.
Drop-off and Pick-up for the Afternoon:
On December 15, 2022 students will be bussed to the church to practice stage entrances, and exits and to become familiar with the facility. The students will learn where their drop-off and pick-up locations are when they attend the rehearsal field trip that day.
Drop-off and Pick-up for the Evening:
We are asking students to arrive by 6:45 pm to meet their teachers at their drop-off location.
Concert Attire
Each group will be representing a different style of music and is encouraged to dress up or add an accessory to their outfit. However, this is optional.
1-1 and 1-2 (Jazz) Christmas best (I have a hat for them.)
1/2 Combined and 2-2 (Hip Hop) Ball caps or toques
3-1 and 3-2 (Slow Rock) Bandana, Jacket (suit, leather, etc.)
4-1 and 4-2 (Classical) Ugly Christmas Sweater
5-2 and 5-2 (Country) Cowboy hat, bandana, etc.
6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 (80’s Style Rock) 80’s style outfit (neon, fun hair, etc.)
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at jennifer.rice@eips.ca.
Jennifer Rice
Parking at our Christmas Concert
Thank you for your cooperation.
Our Grade 5s had a special visit from Cheryl Devin, who taught them about Bearclaw Weaving. Thank you Cheryl!
LLR Athletics!
Want to know when things are happening? We have an athletics calendar on the LLR school website. https://www.lakelandridge.ca/athletics/athletics-calendar. Please visit often as our Athletics staff will update as often as they can. Please feel free to contact Mr. Fisher (our Athletics Director) if you have any questions or require more information.
Division System - Where to Find the Information You Need
Elk Island Public Schools and Lakeland Ridge use a handful of key systems to share information with students and families. Depending on the information you’re looking for, it’s important to know where to look.
PowerSchool is the primary student information system within the Division. There is an associated app, but the functionality is limited, and families don’t need to download it. From the PowerSchool Parent Portal, you can:
· Access student grades and report cards;
· Review student absences;
· Pay school and transportation fees; and
· Submit official updates to student or family information.
The PowerSchool Student Portal provides similar access to grades and absence information for students directly.
Brightspace provides more of a day-to-day look what’s happening with your child’s learning communicated directly from your child’s teacher. From Brightspace Parent & Guardian, you can see your child’s:
· classroom activity feed,
· grade items and grade feedback from instructors,
· upcoming assignments,
· portfolio evidence and
· quizzes
depending on which of the program functions are specifically used by your child’s teacher.
Brightspace for Students is where teachers share updates, calendar reminders and learning materials with students. Compatible with Google, it also allows students to submit assignments, complete quizzes, and see grades and teacher feedback. The Pulse app for students is associated with Brightspace for Students.
SchoolMessenger is the system the Division and schools use to send email and phone communication to families. The contact information in SchoolMessenger is populated from PowerSchool. Through SchoolMessenger, families can:
· receive general, emergency and attendance messages by phone, email or both; and
· manage their subscription preferences for these types of messages.
The easiest way to stay connected is to download the SchoolMessenger app. Get the latest updates direct to your mobile device and enable push notifications to never miss a message. Families can also check back on past messages—for up to 30 days—directly in the app rather than searching to find an old message buried in your inbox.
If you have trouble accessing any of these systems or have questions about them, contact Lakeland Ridge School a 780-416-9018.
Inclement Weather
With the winter season almost here, we want to remind families to dress children appropriately for the weather when getting ready for school or the bus. The weather often changes unexpectedly throughout the day, so please select suitable outerwear and ensure your child is prepared for changing conditions.
If inclement weather conditions occur, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) advises families of any bus cancellations using various communications tools—automated-telephone messages, alerts posted on www.eips.ca and school websites, Twitter, Facebook, local radio stations, and notification through both the Bus Status and the Ride 360 apps. Morning bus cancellations are posted on www.eips.ca by 6:30 a.m.
Decisions regarding bus cancellations are guided by EIPS administrative procedures that state, “school bus service may be suspended…when there is a forecast or current temperature of -40 C, including wind chill factor, in one or more regions.” Other reasons for suspending or delaying school bus services include adverse weather and poor road conditions. When school bus services are suspended, schools remain open to students. EIPS believes families have the right and responsibility to make choices for their children based on their beliefs and perceptions of safety during times of inclement weather.
For more information, contact EIPS Student Transportation at 780-417-8151.
Pay School Fees Online!
Lakeland Ridge School fees have now been applied to your child’s student account. Please log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal account to view and pay these fees. If your child does not stay for lunch at all during the school year contact the office at 780.416.9018 by October 14, 2022, to have the fee removed. If you have already made a payment, please check your account again for any changes/updates.
If a yearbook is desired, please add it to your cart when you pay your school fees.
Fees are due 30 days following assessment as per Administrative Procedure 505 – School and Administrative Fees.
If you are experiencing difficulty in meeting this commitment to pay fees, please contact our Business Manager, Cathy Eyben to arrange installments or review the Division’s fee waiver process on the EIPS website. The deadline for receipt of a Waiver Application is December 15, 2022. No applications will be accepted after this date.
Please check your child’s student account throughout the year for any changes, and/or additions (i.e., Optional Fieldtrips, Athletic Team Fees).
For more information about school fees, waivers and payment deadlines, visit www.eips.ca/schools/fees and Lakeland Ridge Fees. Alternatively, contact Cathy Eyben, Business Manager at Lakeland Ridge at 780-416-9018.
Supporting your student as they develop BASIC FACT FLUENCY!
When your child figures out a fact, you can ask them, “How did you figure that out?” because verbalizing their strategies can help children make connections and develop reasoning. You can also support your child by talking about numbers as they come up in your daily lives. If you’re cooking, shopping, building, crafting, setting the table, doing chores, and so on, you can ask questions about the mathematics you are already doing.
For example:
- I wonder how many socks we just took out of the dryer? How many pairs could that be when we fold them?
- If a grown-up eats 2 eggs and a kid eats 1 egg how many eggs do we need to make scrambled eggs for all of us?
- We’ve already read 16 picture books this week! How many more do we need to read to get to 20?
Addition, subtraction, and place value are three of the most important topics in elementary mathematics. It’s so important that your child has sufficient time to explore and make sense of these concepts on their way to fluency.
Excerpt from Building Fact Fluency – Graham Fletcher and Tracy Johnston Zager
Caregiver Resources
- Wellness Together is free mental health and substance use support for people in Canada and Canadians abroad
- https://www.wellnesstogether.ca/en-CA
- Hope For Wellness is free mental health and substance use support available 24/7 to all Indigenous people of Canada.
- https://www.hopeforwellness.ca/
Quick Links
Attendance (Please specify if absence is due to Illness or Parent Excused)
Email: general.llr@eips.ca
Website: https://www.lakelandridge.ca/
Location: 101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-416-9018
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lakeland-Ridge-School-1490402014609661
Twitter: @LakelandRidge