Dunstan Newsletter
September 13th
Letter from the Principal
September, 13, 2024
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It has been a great week at Dunstan! We are getting into a groove here, staff and students alike! As a staff we are grateful for your students who are demonstrating respect, care, and concern for each other. We have seen many positive relationships form between many students.
This week we had our first accountability meeting in which we reviewed our school data and discussed writing goals for our Unified Improvement Plan which is due September 23rd.
We also had our first instructional walkthrough with our Community Superintendent in which we saw three Language Arts classrooms. During walkthroughs we are looking for learning targets that are posted where students can see them, then we look at the tasks students are working on and look for alignment to grade level standards and to the posted learning target. So there should be alignment between all three. In short, we saw students who were actively engaged in content and in discussions with each other about content. It was joyful and refreshing to see such lovely classes and students authentically engaged in learning.
Ms. Waterhouse hosted Shakespeare in the Parking Lot in which a theater group performed segments of Macbeth. This included students from Theater and Mythology classes. These events are joyful and expose students to performing arts and deep levels of text.
Next Thursday we have the Green Mountain High School Homecoming Parade at noon. This is a long-standing tradition in the Green Mountain Area in which students from Green Mountain High School kick off their Homecoming Week by having a parade that begins at Dunstan’s parking lot and then travels up Wright Street to Green Mountain High School. Jeffco Safety & Security and Lakewood Police Department will be supporting this event. Please feel free to join us for this event. If you intend to sign your child out to participate in the parade, please read the directions that are included below.
This week our Assistant Principal, Megan Devitt-Haggstrom, finished Fall MAP Testing and makeup testing. Thank you for allowing your student to participate in MAP testing as it provides quick feedback and data that teachers use to design instruction. Planning MAP takes many hours and requires a strong attention to detail, which Megan does very well!
On Friday our 8th grade WEB leaders are leading an activity with their 6th grade WEB students. Throughout this year WEB leaders meet with their students to see how they are doing and to build stronger bonds to ensure students feel comfortable and at home in middle school. If you know a WEB leader or one of the staff coordinators, Jen Baker, Carey Fisher, or Janna Golgart, please thank them for their efforts to form meaningful connections with 6th grade students.
Also, I am sad to inform you that our 7th grade Math Teacher, Ms. Randels will not be returning to Dunstan. We are currently seeking other qualified candidates for this position to serve in a permanent capacity or as a long-term substitute. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me or Mr. Kitch directly.
The staff surprised me at our staff meeting by giving me three large cards signed by the staff and gift cards to a local nail salon and 240 Union! I was shocked and caught off-guard for sure! This staff is wonderful, supporting, and lovely to work for! Being here is truly a joyful and uplifting experience for me personally and professionally!
Reminder for 6th Grade Parents: Outdoor Lab Forms are due on Monday next week. Please see the letters that have been sent home and/or the presentations that were given at the parent night, or the presentation from the parent night that is posted on the Dunstan website.
In the meantime, we are enjoying our year with your student(s). We are looking forward to seeing where we go from here!
With love and respect for the Green Mountain Area,
Jen Pennell
Important Dates for the 24-25 School Year
- 16: On/Off Track Letter for students, including first round field trip permission slips, will be handed out in Advise
- 18: Warren Tech field trip permission slip DUE
- 19: GMHS parade 12-12:30 PM
- 20: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS) and GMHS Homecoming football game 7:30-9:30 PM
- 23: On/Off Track Letter for students will be handed out in Advise
- 23: 8th Grade Warren Tech field trip
- 24: Final date to submit an appeal for students who are off track
- 25: 6th Grade Family Night discussing Mental Health and Friendships 6:00-7:00 PM @ DMS
- 27: All On Track permission slips DUE
- 30: Dine for Dunstan at Magill's Ice Cream all day
- Week of 30th: On/Off Track Field trips (all grade levels)
- 1: Choir concert @ DMS 6 pm
- 2: Band concert @ Gym 6 pm
- 3: Audition Workshop for the Musical 4-5:30 pm
- 8: Orchestra Performance @ GMHS 6 pm
- 11: 6th Grade Social
- 15: Parent-Teacher Conferences 5:00-7:00 PM
- 16: Parent-Teacher Conferences 5:00-7:00 PM
- 17: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 22-25: Outdoor Lab (Windy Peak)
- 28-31: Outdoor Lab (Windy Peak and Mt. Blue Sky)
- 30: GMHS Trick or Treat Street 6:00-8:00 PM
- 1: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 6: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 2: GMHS Future Ram Showcase 6:00-8:00 PM
- 5: Open House 5:30-6:30 PM
- 12: Band Concert @ GMHS
- 17: Orchestra Concert @ GMHS
- 19: Choir Concert @ DMS
- 3: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 6: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 8: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 12 and 13: Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-7:30 PM
- 14: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 27: Orchestra Concert @ DMS
- 5: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 6: GMHS Spring Musical matinee for DMS 8th graders
- 6: Choir Performance @ DMS
- 10: Orchestra Concert @ GMHS
- 13: Band Concert @ DMS
- 24: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 16: 5:00-6:30 PM SEL Resource Fair for incoming 6th grade students and families
- 25: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 7: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 9: 8th Grade Dance
- 16: GMHS Graduation
- 22: 8th grade last day of school
- 23: Last day of school for 6th and 7th, Early Release
What's Going On in WEB?
Human Knot Activity with 6th Grade Groups
Writing and delivering letters to First Responders for 9/11
CMAS Scores
Attention Parents/Guardians,
Your student received their CMAS scores from the 23-24 school year today. They should be going home with your student, so please ask to see them when your student gets home. Thanks so much!
Warren Tech Field Trip
Dear Awesome 8th Grade Parents!
On Monday, September 23rd, your student will be taking a tour of Warren Tech High School’s central campus.
Warren Tech is an extension of every Jefferson County high school and offers academic, career and technical training and education in 36 different programs. These programs prepare high school students with academic, career and technical skills for college, employment and potential careers. Culinary Arts, Forensic Science, STEM, Cybersecurity and Automotive Technology are just a few of the amazing programs offered!
Most students at Warren Tech are high school juniors and seniors as students must be 16 in order to attend. Programs range in length from two to four semesters. Credits earned at Warren Tech count toward graduation and qualify as academic credits and electives under the Colorado Commission on Higher Education College admission requirements. Most of Warren Tech’s programs also provide the opportunity for students to earn college credit through the Colorado Community College System.
It is recommended that interested students talk to their counselors early in their high school careers regarding attending Warren Tech. Careful course planning will ensure that students can meet high school graduation requirements and also take advantage of Warren Tech’s opportunities.
8th grade students received their permission slips this week during advise, and they are due back to their advise teacher by Wednesday, September 18th. If your student misplaced or did not receive their permission slip, you can find it here: WT Permission Slip Please just print it, fill it out, and send it back to school with your student.
We are looking for approximately 8 parents to accompany us on this trip, and the time commitment will be from 8:55am to 11:30pm. Transportation will be provided on the school bus. If you are interested in spending a couple hours with us to see this amazing school, please contact Ryan Cole at or 303-982-6123.
Thank you!
Ryan Cole
8th Grade Counselor
School Research Begins with Reliable Resources
It's more important than ever to make sure the information we use for reference is coming from reliable sources. It's also harder than ever to detect bias, accuracy & misinformation. We strongly encourage all Dunstan students to have their own Jeffco Public Library (JCPL) card so they can take the burden of evaluating resources for accuracy, reliability, credibility, and bias off their plates and focus on simply gathering information and citing their sources. If your student doesn't already have a JCPL library card, you and your student can visit any branch to fill out an application and pick up a card. Let's get students on the right path when doing research so they can successfully navigate through the information they're bombarded with each and every day. Here's a link to homework help and various online resources.
GMHS Homecoming Parade 24-25 Expectations & Schedule
If any students will be overwhelmed by the parade atmosphere, please send them to the grass area by the bike racks. Mr. Masterson will meet them there.
Stay on the sidewalk unless you are getting candy that might be thrown. Then, go back to the sidewalk!
Be kind to everyone - lots of people want candy, and it’s not fair or kind to take it all.
After the parade, CLEAN UP YOUR AREA by picking up ALL candy wrappers and trash.
Put all candy or other items you got from the parade IN YOUR LOCKER. You may have them at lunch, but you may not take them to class.
Important Attendance Information for GMHS Homecoming Parade
- If you will be signing your student out early for the Homecoming Parade, please use the Infinite Campus Absence Request feature before coming to pick up your student.
- If someone else will be signing out your student early for the Homecoming parade, please email Hilary Chow at prior to pick up with your student's name, your name, and who will be picking up your student.
Thank you so much for your help with making this a smooth and streamlined process for all.
"Safe Routes to School" Parent Survey
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Your student's school is participating in the "Safe Routes to School" program and wants to learn your thoughts and information around your children's commutes to and from school. This survey will take only approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Your feedback is important! However, your participation is completely voluntary. You may refuse to answer any questions. By participating, you indicate you consent to participate in the survey. There are no known risks associated with your participation, and it may contribute to a better understanding of issues concerning motorized and nonmotorized transportation to schools.
Please click the link HERE to access the parent survey in English.
Estimados padres y apoderados,
La escuela a donde va su estudiante, participa en el programa "Rutas Seguras a la Escuela," y por esto, desea saber su opinión y recolectar información sobre la forma en que sus hijos van y vienen de la escuela. Solo le tomará unos 5 minutos llenar esta encuesta.
¡Su opinión es importante! Sin embargo, su participación es totalmente voluntaria. Usted puede negarse a contestar cualquier pregunta. Al participar, usted está dando permiso para participar en la encuesta. No existe ningún riesgo por participar, más bien, nos podría ayudar a entender mejor los problemas relacionados con el transporte motorizado y no motorizado a las escuelas.
Haga clic AQUI para acceder a la encuesta para padres en español.
Click the picture below to access the ODL Parent Presentation
Panorama Social Emotional Learning Student Survey (Grades 6-8)
Dear Families:
Panorama Education is a company who conducts student and family surveys in schools and districts across the country. Dunstan Middle School will be giving students the Panorama Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Student Survey 2-3 times per year.
Content: The Panorama student survey gathers information on the following areas/competencies of social emotional skills:
Social Awareness
Relationship Skills
Responsible Decision-Making
You may review the survey questions by visiting this link. For more information on the SEL competencies visit this link.
The results are compiled into both individual and group summaries of social emotional skill progress. These reports are used by district leaders and school staff to guide our development of school-wide, small group, and/or individual social emotional support. You will be notified if your child is invited to join a small group or individual intervention.
- It is Voluntary. Your child does not have to take the student survey.
- It is Confidential. No students will be identified in any public reports or publications. Individual student information (name, student number, school and grade) will be uploaded into the Panorama system, as with other Panorama surveys.
- Individual student data may be shared with school staff to provide instructional and social emotional support.
Timing: The survey will be administered in the fall, winter, and optionally in the spring. It will take about 10 minutes.
Opt Out: If you do not want your child to participate in the survey, you may contact Leslie Pruitt at by Monday, September 23, 2024.
Click the photo below for more information about Clubs & Activities
StopFinder coming October 28th
Attention Bus Rider Families: Staring October 29th, our school will be using Stopfinder to share transportation schedules!
What is Stopfinder?
Stopfinder is the all-in-one parent app that allows Jeffco Public Schools to share your student’s transportation schedule, announcements and more with designated parents and guardians. Stopfinder works with Jeffco’s transportation software to provide the most accurate schedule information quickly.
With the Stopfinder app, you can view your student’s schedule from your mobile device, share student schedules with caregivers and family members and view announcements and notifications in the Stopfinder Message Center.
Stopfinder is secure and only for registered users. Designated contacts of bus rider families will receive an invitation providing access to log in to the Stopfinder app.
Bus rider families will receive an email invitation with more information on how to install the app!
Social Emotional Learning
Grief Group Opportunity through Judi's House
Hello! Judi's House, a nonprofit organization in Colorado that helps children and families grieving the loss of someone close to them, has an opportunity for students at Dunstan. Licensed clinicians from Judi's House are offering a 10-session grief group, lasting approximately 50-60 minutes, to a group of at least 6 students during the day at school. This group is designed for students mourning the death and/or loss of a parent or guardian. If you feel your student would benefit from this group, and might have interest in joining, please reach out to Leslie Pruitt, Social Emotional Learning Specialist, at
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Click the photo below to register for the QPR Training
Patriot Post
The Patriot Post is Dunstan's online newspaper created by Mr. Orthun's Media Literacy elective class.
New Editions Coming Soon!
Community Resources, Events, and Sports
View GMHS 23-24 Major Events Calendar
Learn about what's going on at the high school.
Questions, Comments, Concerns, Errors, or anything you would like to add?
Dunstan PTA News
"Happy creating, dancing, writing, and more representing the theme "Accepting Imperfection." Once your entry is ready, please complete the entry form here and turn your physical entries into the library by Friday October 4th! This is an awesome way to represent Dunstan and share your talents outside of the classroom. Our goal is to get entries from all 6 categories this year. Read more here!"
Magill's Ice Cream Fundraiser for Dunstan
Magill’s Ice Cream – Monday, Sept 30, all day – 25% comes back to Dunstan
Join the PTA Board!
We are looking for volunteers to fill important roles on the Dunstan PTA next school year:
- President
- Vice President
Learn how these PTA roles support our community at
King Soopers Community Rewards
You can support the Dunstan PTA even through the summer by linking your King Soopers card to the PTA. It's an easy way to support our school - at no cost to you!
Simply log in to Community Rewards and search for us:
Dunstan Spirit Wear (with updated logo)!
Outfit the whole family in Dunstan Patriot T-shirts or sweatshirts! Go HERE to place your order.
Email with any questions.