District in Pictures

May 3, 2024
Franklin Unified Hosts Kickball Event
Students in Franklin Unified enjoyed an afternoon of kickball on Friday, April 26. The event started with food and treats for the students and their family members. City Hope Church provided hot dogs, chips, and drinks while a generous Franklin Unified family member paid for all Unified students to cool off with a shaved ice treat from Razzles! Prior to the big game, the students walked through the building to a 'clap out' where all the Franklin students and faculty cheered and encouraged the Unified group. All Unified students participated in the kickball game while family members and fans cheered them on! Franklin Unified is a group of diverse students that promote kindness and inclusivity on the campus.
Three Hirschi Students Advance to State in UIL Academics
Hirschi's UIL Academics team had a commendable performance at UIL Regionals with two seniors and one junior advancing to the state finals. Congratulations to the Hirschi 2023-2024 UIL Academic Team for an outstanding year. Shown in the pictures are : Ready Writing Coach - Elizabeth McBroom with State Finalist Elizabeth King. Mathematics Coach - Brandon Malone with State Finalist Ann James. Current Issues and Events Coach - Donnell Thomas with State Finalist Myles Thomas. Hirschi's UIL Academic Team for the year 2023-24: From left to right (back row): Valentin Villanueva, Jarjis Sheikh, Clarissa Peterson, Myles Thomas, and Giorgio Toffoli; (front row): Allen James, Libby Martinez, Ann James, Ngoc Le, Elizabeth King, Cordell Hargrow, Anna San Miguel; (kneeling): Isabella Snowden. The team was accompanied by academic coaches - Mrs. Beard, Mr. Malone, Mrs. McBroom, Mr. Sayers, and Mr. Thomas.
WFHS Student's Artwork Advances to State
Wichita Falls High School student, Eliana Suppes, had artwork that was chosen to advance to State VASE art competition in San Marcos at the end of April. Her piece, entitled "CONTAINMENT BREACH!" earned a gold medal at State making her artwork part of the top 1% in Texas. This is such a huge accomplishment for Eliana. She is the final recipient of this award from Wichita Falls High School.
Cunningham LIFE Students Enjoy Sensory Day
Mrs. Meek, Mrs. McCoy, and Mrs. Strain's LIFE classes from Cunningham Elementary attended a Sensory Day at Region 9. The kids were able to enjoy a variety of different sensory stations and had a blast!
Rider Competes at UIL Academics Regional Meet
Last weekend, UIL Academics competed at the Regional Meet as Texas Tech University. All of the students did a great job representing Rider in team and individual events. We congratulate the following students for their hard work:
- Computer Science - Jun Park, Evan Liang, Ayaan Farooq, and Vincent Doan; Rider team 4th Place
- Current Issues and Events - Thanh Tran, Jordan Ngo, Abid Ali, and Jacob Waters; Rider team 2nd Place
- News Writing and Feature Writing - Allie Calvert
- Literary Criticism - Maegan Roberson, Ben Kemp, Damaya Phillips, and Kate Swiger; Rider team 3rd Place
- Mathematics - Jun Park, Chaitan Reddy, Kelvin Qiu, and Mahdi Kabir; Rider team 6th Place
- Number Sense - Chaitan Reddy, Mahdi Kabir, Jun Park, and Sai Chada; Rider team 4th Place
- Oral Interpretation Poetry - Cheran Hooper 3rd Place
- Science - Zara Farooq
- Social Studies - Jordan Ngo 3rd Place
Cheran Hooper and Jordan Ngo will advance to state where Cheran will compete in Poetry and Jordan in Social Studies.
Congratulations again to all of the contestants representing Rider High School, and good luck to Jordan and Cheran!
Zundy Students Celebrate End of STAAR Tests with Movie Day
Zundy provided a fun incentive for those who worked hard and showed effort on their STAAR tests with a movie and snack time! Third, fourth and fifth graders were able to wear pajamas, have snacks, and enjoy a movie with friends if they met the expectations on each STAAR test for their grade. According to Zundy staff, all of the students had a blast!
Local Student Plays Soccer in Paris
Southern Hills Elementary student, Ian Banda, had the once in a lifetime opportunity to travel to Paris, France to play soccer with a select group of players for a week. "He amazed everyone on the field just as he amazes all of his teachers in the classroom," said Southern Hills secretary, Laura Saldana. "We are so thrilled that he was given this great experience! It shows other students with enough dedication and hard work you can accomplish anything you want. He inspires everyone he meets." According to Southern Hills staff members, Ian is an amazing student, athlete and friend. He excels in the classroom and on the soccer field. He is on the honor roll, a class leader, and a student others look up to.
Hirschi PFL Class Completes EVERFI
This week, the Hirschi Personal Financial Literacy class celebrated the completion of the EVERFI Financial Literacy for High School Students, sponsored by Texoma Community Credit Union. The course equips students with essential knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions, manage money effectively, avoid debt traps, and plan for future financial goals, fostering greater financial independence and responsibility in adulthood.
Rider Celebrates School Lunch Heroes
Rider High school celebrated their amazing child nutrition employees today for School Lunch Hero Day! Thank you for all you do for the students in WFISD!
WFHS Celebrates International Students
The WFHS business class celebrated its international students before they return to their home countries. Having exchange students in class provides unique perspectives and insights into international business practices, enhancing classroom discussions and critical thinking.
Emir Pusurov, a FLEX program student from OSH, Kyrgyzstan, whose name means leader, has been making dynamic impacts within the WFHS's business class. After the first few days of class, Emir said he was thinking about changing his schedule due to the age gap. He stayed and not only provided WFISD students with promoted cultural exchange and understanding among students but opened unique learning opportunities for all students. Emir gets to take his sharpened leadership skills to impact his country positively.
Shamil Akhmadiev, CIEE (Council on International Education Exchange) student from the Russian Federation, shared with students the contrast between American education and school systems worldwide. Shamil describes his home school system as attending six days a week, with 14-15 courses of study per week. The daily schedule changes from day to day. For example, students attend classes on Monday and do not attend those courses until the next Monday. Each day has a different subject schedule. Learning business operations from other countries prepares students for an increasingly globalized world, by fostering a more diverse and inclusive learning environment.
Army Band Visits Hirschi
On Thursday afternoon, the students at Hirschi High School received a real treat. All students gathered in the gym to hear the 77th Army Band from Fort Sill as they performed a crowd-pleasing concert!
Zundy Celebrates Tutors with Crumbl Cookies
Zundy would "CRUMBL" without our tutors! A big thank you to Ms. Eubanks, Ms. McAden, and Ms. Sandusky for all of your hard work at Zundy this year!
Sheppard Students Enjoy Trip to Madrigal Youth Center
Sheppard 3rd-6th grade teachers treated their students to a STAAR celebration with a trip to the Madrigal Youth Center on Sheppard Air Force Base. Students had a blast and some even said it was the best day ever! "Sheppard teachers go above and beyond to honor kids," said Sheppard Elementary principal, Cindy Waddell. "They are building forever memories."
Fain Hosts "Send Off" for Former Student
Once a Fain Rocket, always a Fain Rocket! Braylon Kinzie, now an Old High Coyote, qualified for the 2024 State Track Meet in both the 800 M Run and the 300 M Hurdles. This is obviously no easy feat, and his alma matter, Fain Elementary, couldn't be more proud of him and this huge accomplishment! Braylon attended Fain Elementary School pre-k through 5th grade, 2012-2019. Wednesday morning, many students and teachers lined the road that runs in front of the school, to "send off" Braylon to Austin, cheering him on and wishing him good luck as he and his family drove by parade style. Many were waving Fain #1 foam fingers, and holding homemade signs. When asked what she would like to say to Braylon in regard to this major achievement, Coach Dorsey, Braylon's PE teacher while at Fain, responded with, "The Fain Fun Run and all those fitness laps paid off!" Braylon, Fain Elementary is so incredibly proud of you!!!
McNiel Pop-Up Breakfast
Thank you to Grand Canyon University for providing a delicious pop-up breakfast at McNiel this week!
Rider Hosts Annual Electronica Performance
Rider High School students performed a show-stopping Electronica show for multiple schools this week! This show is a long standing tradition for Rider High School. Over 30,000 students having seen the show since it began 15 years ago. Their performances will continue through the weekend with a show Friday night at 7 and Saturday afternoon at 3. Both performances will be in the Rider auditorium.
Southern Hills Art Class Teams Up With Local Artists
Southern Hills Elementary students in Mrs. Barton's class have started a new "monster" art project. The students were required to draw monsters and then Mrs. Barton had local artists "adopt" their artwork to reimagine it into a new piece of art. By doing this, Mrs. Barton hopes to show her students how they can grow their craftsmanship and art skills! All of the art pieces were displayed in a pop-up gallery at the After Hours Art Walk this week.
Burgess Elementary Celebrates National Principal Day
Burgess staff celebrated National Principal Day in a fun way. Where in the School is Mr. Browne? He is everywhere... This is a common saying among the staff at Burgess. The Burgess staff loved celebrating Mr. Browne all week!
Enrollment for the 24-25 School Year Now Open
Student enrollment for the 24-25 school year is now open. Parents of returning students should have received an email with their child's unique snapcode. The snapcode will be needed in order to enroll returning students. To get started with enrollment, visit www.wfisd.net/enroll and click on the designated link for new or returning students.
District in Pictures is a weekly publication developed by the WFISD Community Relations department. If you have events, recognitions or classroom activities taking place on your campus that you would like us to feature, please let us know by completing the form at the following link: www.wfisd.net/dip. We would love to include you in our weekly district news.