Padbury CPS Newsletter
Issue #1 - ???? 2022

Newsletter #6 - 10th May 2024
Always be your best and do your best
Bushfire Plan
A copy of our Bushfire Plan can be found here on our website - https://www.padcath.wa.edu.au/formsandprocedures
Please check the PCPS community calendar for upcoming and future dates as the calendar is regularly updated https://www.padcath.wa.edu.au/community-calendar
Mother's Day
Dear Parents
For centuries, the Catholic Church has set aside the entire month of May to honour Mary, Mother of God. In class the children will be praying the Hail Mary or a decade of the Rosary.
Thankyou to Dan Sorgiovanni and his team for organising a delicious P&F Mother's Day breakfast for all our mums to enjoy this morning. It was so lovely to see our mums and children sharing this special time together. We had a fantastic turn out!
A HUGE thankyou to the Ienco family who donated all the food for the egg and bacon burgers, fruit and juice for this morning’s Mothers Day breakfast! A very generous offer indeed for a very large number of appreciative mums! Thank you so much.
The winner of the P&F raffle was the Wardell family (Yr 2). Enjoy your gift Melissa!
Thank you to Year One children for their beautiful performance assembly reminding us how special our mothers are in our lives.
To all our PCPS mothers, I wish you a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday and hope you get spoilt by your family.
Family Mass
All PCPS families are specially invited to celebrate a special PCPS Family Mass at Our Lady of the Mission on Sunday, June 9 at 10.00am. At this Mass the families from Padbury CPS will be participating in all parts of the Mass along with the parish community. This is a special mass so we really would like all families to attend. We only have two of these masses per year so I ask all families to make a big effort to come along.
We are keen for parents as well as children to participate in the Mass. Some of the areas children and families can help in include - altar serving; reading; lighting candles; singing; guitar playing and greeters. Big thanks to Liz De Haas and Severine Gibson for co ordinating this special mass.
Sacramental Programme
The Sacramental Programme with our parish is well underway. Please keep the Year Three, Four and Six children in your prayers as they enter into this very special spiritual journey of receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation during the year.
Please keep the Year Six children in your prayers as they are in the final stages of preparation to receive the sacrament of Confirmation on 25 and 26 May at Our Lady of the Mission Church.
Padbury CPS
Padbury CPS is a school of choice in the area and as such we want to tell everyone about our amazing school community. We run school tours twice a term and encourage prospective families to come a take a look at what we have to offer.
If you know of anyone looking to start school or someone who wishes to change school, please encourage them to visit our school website and book into one of these school tours.
Padbury Catholic Primary students are blessed with a variety of optional extra-curricular activities that are both supported and encouraged by the school, the staff and the school community.
There is a program that will challenge, develop and nurture each child as there are so many opportunities. These activities are also a chance to deepen school friendships and to represent the school in a range of community-based activities.
Some of our extra cirricular activities include:
- Swimming, Running and Netball Clubs
- Tennis lessons
- Choirs
- Coding Club
- Numero Club
- Lego Masters Club
- Writing Club
- Knitting Club
- Gardening Club
- Musical Production
- Extension Programme
- Mathematics Extension
- Robotics
- Music Tutor Instrumental programme
- Parent sessions eg Resilience, Cybersafety, Keeping Safe
Please note clubs running may vary from year to year
Kindergarten 2026 is now FULL
Kindy 2027 and 2028 enrolments now open.
Don’t forget to enrol siblings as some families have unfortunately missed out as they had their application in late!
Pre Kindy (3-Year-Old)
Our Pre-Kindy (3-Year-Old) is going super strong once again this year with sessions running on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays.
Please contact the office and speak with Mrs Ellen to enrol your little one into our exciting PK programme. Click on the following link for further information.
If you have friends or neighbours who have children who are 3 years old , please talk to them about our exciting Pre-Kindy programme and encourage them to enrol.
Happy Mother's Day
This weekend let us spoil our mums who are with us and cherish beautiful memories of mothers who are no longer by our side.
Have a lovely Mothers Day weekend.
Kind regards
Margaret Williamson
Pastoral Care
Best Wishes
Best wishes to Mrs Carter who commences her maternity leave next week. We look forward to hearing some exciting news in a few weeks time! Please welcome Mrs Gerber who will be taking on the Maths Support role until the end of the year.
One of our past PCPS Principals (1996-1999), Mrs Roma Criddle, recently passed away peacefully, surrounded by her loving family. We extend our deepest sympathy to her family and friends. May she rest in peace.
Please keep in your prayers the Robinson family, on the recent tragedy that struck brothers Callum and Jake in Mexico. Both Callum and Jake attended PCPS and are fondly remembered as beautiful boys by staff who taught them.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Robinson family and friends and all who are grieving their loss.
Smart Watches
Inappropriate use of a Smart Watch (or similar) in school hours will result in the device being confiscated and given to the school office. Parents will be contacted and will need to collect the device from the Office.
Religious Education
Sacramental Dates
Djooroobidiny (Go Along Happily)
We are all very excited that our biennial exhibit of whole school learning about the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people called Djooroobidiny (Go Along Happily), returns on the 27 June 2024 from 1:30pm.
Teachers and students have been very busy in class in preparation for the event. Save the date and watch this space for more information coming soon!
Mr Peter O'Mara & Ms Mac Callisto
Assistant Principals
Djooroobidiny Artwork
As part of our Indigenous event Djooroobidiny, we are hoping to make artwork using recycled coffee pods.
We would like you to collect your used pods to send to school - only the coloured pods, not the paper ones. Please remove the seal and clean out the coffee before sending them to school.
Please send to Mrs Bubnich in Year 3 White.
Term 1 saw the children investigate philosophy and how to approach the “Big Questions” in life. There are times where questions have no answers and here in lies the questions of how we approach these thoughts. Our students were challenged with applying De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats when deliberating over an issue or prompt. This led them into our Ethics Olympiad Scenarios where they were all challenged with “thought provoking” readings. One challenging question was - “Is it ever ok to lie?” A very interesting though provoking discussion.
These discussions will lead a few of our students to participate in an “Ethics Olympiad” where they will discuss topics and justify their thoughts. The children will be competing nationally and with a panel of judges in June. Stay tuned for more information.
We are now moving into “Solving Global Issues” using ICT. Our students are challenged with defining a future problem and designing a solution. It is always interesting to listen to student’s thoughts and facilitate them as they come up with their creative solutions.
Mrs Rosalba Bottega
Extension Teacher
Sustainability - Gardens
Our Garden beds alongside the Science room continue to flourish with the care of the Year 6 Environmental committee. We now have three succulent beds strategically placed to ensure their continued growth. We also have a few herbs and a variety of lettuce plant. We look forward to adding to our beds shortly.
Mrs Rosalba Bottega
Garden Co ordinator
Mrs Roslyn Twine
Music Teacher
Australian Open Karate Championships
Congratulations to Rubika Yr6 and Leo Yr3 who competed in the Australian Open Karate Championships in Sydney recently. They had a great weekend and achieved the following results:
- Rubika won gold in the girls under 12-45kg kumite division
- Leo won silver in the boys 8 & 9 years kumite division
School Social Worker
Teaching Emotional Regulation - Managing Anger.....
Here are a few evidence-based strategies to help kids navigate anger:
📣 Teach and Model Emotional Vocabulary: Words are power! When we give kids the right words for their feelings, we're basically equipping them with the skills to express themselves clearly.
🧠 Include Physical Sensations: Help kids connect emotions to how their bodies feel. Butterflies in the stomach? A clenched jaw? It's all part of the emotional package.
👁️ Incorporate Emotional Identification: Just like detectives, we can teach our kids to look for clues on what they're feeling and why. Was it that snatched toy or a skipped snack that triggered the meltdown?
🔢 Ask Kids to Scale Their Feelings: How big is that anger on a scale of 1-10? Is it a mosquito bite annoyance or a full-on thunderstorm rage?
Mrs Ali Fisher
Social Worker
Mass Times
All Masses are held in the Church
Saturday - 8:30am; 6:30pm
Sunday - 8:00am; 9:30am; 11:00am; 5:45pm
Monday to Friday - 7:00am; 9:00am
24:7 Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6 to 12
1st and 3rd Friday @ Parish Hall, 7pm
Call Luke 0401822932 for more information.
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Parish Website : www.olm.myparish.net.au
OSHClub News
Catholic School Parents WA AGM Notice
The Catholic School Parents WA Inc (CSPWA) Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday the 8th June, as part of our 70th Anniversary conference. We are currently in the process of setting the agenda and so we are calling for agenda items or motions to be included. Please forward any items to admin@csp.wa.edu.au by Friday 24th May.
We also invite members from schools who are financially affiliated with CSPWA to consider nominating to Council at the AGM. In addition to contributing to the work of council at state and local level, Council members have the opportunity to represent CSPWA on national, state and Catholic education sector committees and working parties according to their experience. If this is something you might be interested in or if you would like to find out more, please contact Siobhan Allen, Executive Director CSPWA on 0409 025 683.
Please find below the link to the 2024/25 Council nomination form and AGM flyer.
Padbury Catholic is a double-stream Primary School in Padbury Western Australia.