Estabrook Buzz
January 14, 2019
This Week
- Tuesday, January 15 - 6:30 pm Math Night (Grades K/1). (Snow Date: Jan. 22)
- Thursday, January 17 METCO Family Friends Day
- Thursday, January 17 - 6:00-8:00 pm Passport Night (See below for details).
Don't Forget: No School Monday, 1/21 - Martin Luther King Day
Coming Up
- Thursday, January 24 - 9:00 am Winter Concert (Gr. 5 Chorus, Gr. 4/5 Strings, Gr. 5 Band)
- Friday, January 25 - 6:30 pm PTO Movie Night
- Tuesday, January 29 - 6:30 Gr. 2/3 Math Night (Snow Date: Feb. 5)
A Loss In Our Community
As Superintendent Julie Hackett wrote last week, the Lexington Public Schools community was deeply saddened by the loss of music teacher Janet Haas after a brief battle with brain cancer. Janet taught strings for 37 years – 31 in Lexington. Over the years, she worked in all 9 schools, including Estabrook.
Fourth and fifth grade teachers talked about the loss with their students during class meetings last week. Social Worker Krystal Velazquez and School Counselor Matthew Willis were (and will continue to be) available for students who may need additional support. Parents who feel their child may be particularly affected by this loss should contact their child’s teacher, Krystal or Matthew.
If you would like to send a card to the family, we will be collecting them in the office and will make sure they are delivered. Arrangements have not yet been finalized.
I have always thought of the instrumental music teaching staff as quiet heroes in the district as they travel to multiple schools, lead countless concerts, and nurture a love of music in our young musicians. Since my time at Hastings years ago, Janet exemplified that quality - quietly inspiring hundreds of budding strings players. She will be missed.
Rick Rogers
Interim Principal
Principal's Corner
Estabrook To Participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress
Estabrook School has been selected at random to participate in the federal National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) or the "Nation's Report Card."
On February 6, 2019, approximately 60 of our fourth grade students, who were selected at random by NAEP, will participate. Parents of the students selected have already been notified. Students will take one test in either mathematics, reading or science. No results are provided for individual students or schools. NAEP uses matrix sampling to assess all states' performance in a variety of areas. Students who participate are representing fourth grade students across Massachusetts and the nation.
NAEP has its roots in the 1970’s – long before the Massachusetts education reform law of 1993 led to MCAS testing and the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 mandated annual testing in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8. NAEP Math and Reading (tested every two years) has the longest history with data going back to the 1970's. Science and writing are now assessed every four years. Other subjects are assessed periodically, including the Arts, Civics, Economics, Geography, Technology and Engineering Literacy, and US History.
I do not usually advocate for more testing, but I am strong proponent of NAEP, which is sometimes referred to as the “gold standard of student assessments” and is used to compare states to one another. Massachusetts has earned a well-deserved reputation for the rigor of our MCAS test because our proficiency rate has one of the highest correlations to NAEP proficiency. States who have set the bar lower do not fare so well. NAEP results help inform educational policy decisions at the national level. And they hold our nation accountable as we work to close achievement gaps across the country.
If your child was selected for NAEP testing, please feel free to contact Assistant Principal Christina Gavin or me with any questions. I encourage you to have your child participate. Your child’s participation will help inform decisions about how to improve education in Massachusetts and across the country.
To learn more about NAEP:
What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP (video)
What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP (Brochure)
Rick Rogers
Interim Principal
Passport Night This Week: Thursday, January 17 - 6:00-8:00 pm
- Cultural Activity Center in Gym - Open 6:00-8:00
- Potluck Supper in Cafeteria - Open 6:00-6:45
- International Tables Throughout the School - Open 6:45-8:00
Are you Hosting a Table?
Table setup is from 5:30-6:00. Bring your supplies to Estabrook school, check-in at the front tables in the lobby and get your project space assignment Join us for a community dinner at 6pm in the cafeteria before taking an international tour through the project spaces from 6:45-8pm.
Bring a Potluck Dish
Choose a dish that you love to make for your family and friends that you feel represents your culture. For this community event, please make a dish that can feed 18-22 people. If needed for your dish, please bring serving utensils. If it is a reusable dish, please remember to pick it up by the end of the night.
Children Must Be Accompanied by an Adult
This is a family event, so all children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. If your family is hosting a table and your child plans on circulating, please make arrangements for your child to be accompanied by another adult.
Passport Night celebrates the varied cultures and traditions that make up our vibrant Estabrook community and provide an opportunity for our families to learn more about our cultures. We hope to see you there!
Geography Bee Final Round
Geography Bee Champion: Sri (Sunny) Daxikar
Geography Runners Up
Kudos to Our Kitchen Staff!
We'd like to recognize and thank Carol Doherty (Head), Laurie Brown and Michelle Fitzgerald, who work tirelessly and skillfully to provide delicious meals to our students (and staff!) day in and day out. Following a recent ACT assembly, the PTO noted: "They were incredibly helpful on Friday, prepping food for our performers. They are always so positive and great to work with!" We appreciate them!