Wilson Hill Weekly Newsletter
August 16. 2024

Wilson Hill Weekly Newsletter
Message from the Principal
Dear Families and White Tigers,
Welcome to our first Friday!
It has been a wonderful week. We have enjoyed getting to know you and our White Tigers. This has been one of my favorite weeks in my career. Wilson Hill is a special place. Thank you for sharing your children with us.
Here are a few gentle reminders:
We are nut free! This includes tree nuts and peanuts.
Drive safely and slowly during pick up and drop off!
Complete your Emergency Data Review in the Parent Portal! *This process needs to be completed for each child.
Planning ahead:
There is no school Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day)
Curriculum Night for grades 1-5 is Wednesday, August 28th. (Grades 1,2 @ 6:00pm & 6:40pm || Grades 3,4,5 @ 6:40pm & 7:20pm)
As always, please let us know if you have any questions!
- Principal Kaylee Santille
Email: ksantille@wscloud.org
Phone: (614) 450-4800
Mobile Dentist
The Mobile Dentist will be returning to Wilson Hill September 13th and 16th! This is a great opportunity for students to have a cleaning, x-rays and fluoride treatments at school! Forms are being distributed now. Please return these to the teacher as soon as possible or sign up online at www.myschooldentist.com.
Wilson Hill Cross Country
The Wilson Hill Cross Country Team is open to all Wilson Hill students K-5 grade! We run together at recess on Monday/Wednesday/Friday and compete in meets with other Worthington Elementary Schools. Practice begins August 28, 2024 and runs through October. There is no fee to join. Team shirts are available to purchase, but not required to participate.
Register for the 2024 Cross Country Team here
Purchase your team shirt here, the deadline to order is August 23, 2024.
Please email wilsonhillelementaryxc@gmail.com with questions!
Wilson Hill/Worthington Park/Slate Hill Cub Scout Pack 632
The foundation of Scouting is built on providing hands-on, interactive activities that lead a child down the path of character and leadership development. Our dedicated parent volunteers work with Scouts to help them get most of the program. We work on a host of skills, adventures and fun activities to help the scouts earn their loops and advance through the ranks! We have at least two scheduled campouts and the famous pinewood derby!
We offer the Scouting Program for BOYS and GIRLS in grades K-5 and we pride ourselves in being a family-friendly Pack. Are you or your child interested in learning more? Come to our Sign Up Night on August 22, 2024 at 7 PM in the Wilson Hill cafeteria (enter through Door 12) or go to www.pack632.com
Emergency Data Review (Contact Info, Permissions)
The Emergency Data Review is a set of forms that parents/guardians complete at the start of each school year to make sure we have updated information for your family.
To complete the forms, log into the Worthington School Portal and click the Emergency Data Review tile.
Join the Wilson Hill PTO!
Welcome! The mission of the Wilson Hill PTO is to strengthen, enhance & encourage the educational and social environment of Wilson Hill Elementary. Our goal is to complement the school curriculum with additional opportunities for families, teachers and students to learn, socialize, communicate & grow.
School Lunch and Free/Reduced Applications
The USDA had school food services return to pre-pandemic operations last year.
Worthington Schools has eligibility-based pricing of meals (Free/Reduced/Paid).
All Worthington School families are required to complete the online Free/Reduced Lunch Eligibility Form. All students use their Lunch ID for meals. The student's number can be found in the Parent Portal. Select the Student ID tab and look for your Lunch PIN.
Families can add money to their lunch account through My Payments Plus. You can also use MPP to track your student's account and see much money remains on it. My Payments Plus is also used to pay other fees, like high school parking permits and AP testing fees.
Useful Links for Back to School
Calling all Grandparents!
Calling All Grandparents! Circle of Grandparents (COG) is a character education program that operates in the Worthington School District, having been established in the year 2000. With the support of Worthington Schools and the nonprofit Partners for Community and Character, senior volunteers use community-chosen qualities to teach students the importance of good character. We’re looking for volunteers! Our goal is to have a grandparent in each Worthington School elementary classroom. As a “Grandparent”, you can draw from your own life experiences and individual talents to teach concepts of character to your “adopted” class. No classroom or teaching experience is required, COG will provide support and materials to you through monthly, optional meetings. You do not have to be an actual grandparent to participate, however, if you are a grandparent to a child in the Worthington Schools, you may request your grandchild’s class. Any “Grandparent” has the option to choose the school and grade level they wish to assist. This is a wonderful opportunity that benefits all who are involved. Interested in learning more? Please contact Jim McElligott at jamestmcelligott53@gmail.com.