St Peter's Primary School
Friday 31st May 2024
Almighty and loving God, you who created ALL people in your image,
Lead us to seek your compassion as we listen to the stories of our past.
You gave your only Son, Jesus, who died and rose again so that sins will be forgiven.
We place before you the pain and anguish of dispossession of land, language, lore, culture and family kinship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have experienced.
We live in faith that all people will rise from the depths of despair and hopelessness.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families have endured the pain and loss of loved ones, through the separation of children from their families.
We are sorry and ask God’s forgiveness.
Touch the hearts of the broken, homeless and inflicted and heal their spirits.
In your mercy and compassion walk with us
as we continue our journey of healing to create a future that is just and equitable.
Lord, you are our hope.
Message from the Principal
WA STUDENT ASSISTANCE PAYMENT - As you are aware, Western Australian families with
school-age children are now able to apply for cost-of-living relief payments of $150 for primary and kindergarten students available to help with the extra costs associated with school. Just a reminder that your claim needs to be made before Friday, 28 June 2024.
Please click here WA Student Assistance Payment (education.wa.edu.au) for access to translated information for the Student Assistance Payment.
Your student/s WA Student Number can be found on SEQTA Engage – under the SCSA document (prior to the Easter school holidays, 2024 Kindy and new families received notification to set up their accounts.)
STAFFING UPDATE - At the end of this term, we will be farewelling Mrs Tahlia Gismondi and
Miss Orla Moran.
Next term, we are excited to welcome Mrs Cassandra Visser back to St Peter’s as the classroom teacher for Kindy White. I am also pleased to advise that Miss Maddie Vukinovac will be commencing in Pre Primary Blue next semester, replacing Orla Moran as she commences her maternity leave.
We wish both Tahlia and Orla all the best as the embark on this exciting new journey!
MID-YEAR REPORTS 2024 - All reports will be sent home by close of business on Wednesday 26 June via SEQTA Engage.
Students involved in the A.Q.U.I.N.A.S., Mini Lit, or Macq Lit program will also have an additional report sent as a separate document via SEQTA Engage.
If you are unable to access your child’s report via SEQTA, please email Tammy Hunter at itstpeters@cewa.edu.au
PUPIL FREE DAY - Today, our students enjoyed a Pupil Free Day, where our staff were engaged in a Religious Education PD facilitated by the Catholic Institute of Western Australia.
I hope you enjoy the long weekend with your family! I look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday 4 June.
Courtney Caputi
Building Biz - Week 7
Our Early Childhood Build is still on track to be completed at the end of this term. Over the past two weeks the internal painting has continued, the flooring has started to be installed and the kitchen cabinetry is nearing completion.
The landscaping has also commenced with the paving started around the exterior of the building.
Assistant Principal RE News
LIFELINK - Next Wednesday, some Year Six students will be accompanying Mr Nettleton and
Mrs Caputi at the launch of LifeLink 2024.
My “LifeLink Day for Catholic Schools Initiative” aims to:
• Promote understanding of the Church’s response to people in need within the community.
• Instil in Catholic students attending Archdiocesan Schools a sense of responsibility for caring for those less fortunate.
• Provide education and information of the work of the Church’s social service agencies, which help many thousands of Western Australians in need each year.
• Encourage a “practical demonstration of Faith” by asking students, teachers and schools to organise a special fundraising event for LifeLink Day, with the proceeds aiding people in real need within the community.
This year marks the celebration of the 25 Anniversary since the first ever LifeLink Day for Catholic Schools was held in 1999 and a joint initiative between the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth (LifeLink) and Catholic Education WA (CEWA).
LifeLink will be promoted in classes over the next few weeks.
RECONCILIATION - We had two beautiful Reconciliation Masses this week. A huge congratulations to all students who receive the Sacrament of Penance.
Thank you to our amazing Year 3 teachers who prepared the students so well, and for the time, effort and dedication behind the scenes.
The school is extremely fortunate to have a wonderful relationship with the Parish, and I would like to acknowledge Mrs Marina Tassone for her ongoing commitment to the Sacramental Program. I would also like to extend my thanks to all families who attended the Mass for their reverence.
Person of the Week - Week 6 - 24/5/2024
BRIDIE HUGHES - ONE MAROON - Congratulations Bridie on being named our Junior Person of the Week. This special award is in recognition of your wonderful qualities and contribution to our school community.
Bridie, you are a rainbow of TRUE in the Year 1M classroom and around the school. You are always eager to lend a helping hand, helping your peers and teachers without being asked.
Bridie, you show TRUST through your love of learning and the way you listen to all your teachers. You are a friend to everyone and consistently show RESPECT to all those around you. Your love of learning demonstrates EXCELLENCE as you apply yourself to all your learning tasks and give 110% to everything you do. You are
always polite, demonstrating UNITY, making everyone feel included and valued.
Bridie, you are an absolute star and a very valued member of our classroom
Your smile and laughter brighten up our classroom and help to make it a happy place to be.
We are all so proud of you. Congratulations Bridie!
SOPHIA AMEDURI - SIX MAROON - Sophia, the way you bounce into the classroom with your beaming smile and positivity truly brightens our day in Six Maroon. I admire the way you embrace each day’s challenges with a growth mindset and ‘can do’ attitude. Nothing is ever too much or too hard.
Seeing the work, dedication and focus you have put into your studies this year have not gone unnoticed. Watching you flourish into the best version of you as you embark on your final year here at St Peter’s Primary School has been great to see.
Your resilience is one of your greatest strengths. Watching you overcome obstacles and turn challenges into opportunities for growth are commendable, and are something I am proud of, and you should be too!
Congratulations in being St Peter’s Senior Person of the Week!
Merit Certificates - Week 6 - 24/5/2024
PPB Jordan Pham / Rachel Bock / Kayan Dangal
PPM Olivia Cho / Mataya Rubin
PPW Winnie Hoskins / Olive Wang / Ronit Israni
1B Noah Duff / Angelica Goedsir / Willow Taylor
1M Mia Zhang / Gabriel Foo / Arheah Amesur
1W Kaavya Dangal / Taji Dhillon
2B Arthur Mills / Josie Tran / Emina Dart-Kelly
2M Hunter Williamson / Archie Thomson / Aiden Fonseca-Trenorden
2W Alena Li / Damian Salvia / Evie Roberts / Valerie Miller
3B Buya Lkhagva / Kiyannah Elias-Perez
3M Lily Tran / Olivia Jordan /Vincent Hocking
3W Pearrl Amesur / Lyla Tran / Harry Butler / Isabella Grove
4B Nathaniel Fitzgerald / Gethsemane Mansaray / Dante Huynh / Darcy Nielson
4M Raffaele Lionetti / Thomas Freeman / Darcy Nielson
4W Zara Godfrey / Aaliyah Selden / Ryland Hong
5B Erin Nguru / Paige Whitehead / Stefan Rosovsky
5M Oliver Lapelms / Eva Ellis / Zane Ieraci
5W Wacera Mathenge / Oliver Thomson / Carla Nagajek
6B Adele Toh / Justin Ho
6M Declan Lock / Coby Fogliani
6W Mason Aleksoski / Isla Swords / Rhiannon O'Shea / Shawn Effia
Congratulations to both Matthew Webb (4W) and Adele Toh (6B) from the A.Q.U.I.N.A.S program for achieving a Certificate of High Distinction in the first Bebras Challenge for 2024.
The Bebras Challenge allows students to use their computational thinking to solve numerous problems on a digital platform. A wonderful result for them both!
Dance and Drama News
We are looking for skilled sewers to help create costumes for our Dance Troupe at the upcoming Performing Arts festival. If you can sew or know of someone who can help us, can you please email me on Katrina.abreu@cewa.edu.au. Thank you for your support! ✨
Thank you for all your help with providing the Performing Arts department pre-loved costumes. The students are having a ball dressing up and role playing with a variety of different costumes. We are now seeking more accessories and props (think plastic phones, baskets, crowns etc). If you have any that are lying around that you were going to throw out, please drop off in a bag to the Dance/Drama room. Thank you!
Miss Abreu
Dance and Drama Teacher
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Is your child turning 5-7 years old this year and wants to try netball?
Registrations are now open and close 5th June 2024.
8 week program - 45 minute sessions - 5:15pm start
Fridays starting 7th June 2024 - 9th August 2024.
(Break for July School Holidays 5th & 12th July)
Total Cost $135.06 Including cost of NSG redeemable pack.
Cost of NSG pack and PlayHQ fees are non refundable
Link to register
Young Engineers
Community News
- AUSTRALIAN SPORTS CAMPS - will be running a 3 day school holiday sports camp! For more information, please visit admin@australiansportscamps.com.au
- WANSLEA - offering workshops for parenting support during Terms 2, 3 and 4. For more information about areas we work in or to refer to the program, please see our website - www.wanslea.org.au/programs/children-and-parenting-support
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
Instagram @ Instagram
Facebook @ Facebook
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900