Elkhorn Middle School Newsletter
November 2024

Message from the Principal
Happy December! We just have 3 quick weeks to wind down the first semester. This will be a very busy time at EMS and your student’s(s’) attendance is key. Even one missed day can add to a potentially stressful time. Please prioritize school attendance for your student(s).
Reading MAP assessment will be Tuesday, December 3rd - Thursday, December 5th - in reading classes.
Math MAP assessment will be Tuesday, December 12 - Thursday, December 14 in math classes.
Students will need to have their Chromebooks charged overnight, every night so that they are ready for each day.
Also in December, we will try to balance the busy with some downtime! On December 13th there will be a student-led event called “Disconnect to Reconnect.” Our students will spend time during homeroom AWAY from electronics (disconnected) and will reconnect with peers through games and activities. Your donation of snacks and/or games for that day are greatly appreciated. I am so proud that our students recognize the need to disconnect from electronics and to reconnect with their EMS community!
Please be sure to check grades and/or missing work in PowerSchool regularly through the month of December. Teachers will be updating final grades in preparation for the new year and new semester! Your student should have an agenda that outlines daily assignments in each class. Ask them to show you their agenda!
Finally, I want to thank you for your support of your student(s) and our staff and community during the first semester. EMS is a special place because of the special people who are with us. I hope everyone has a restful and safe winter break!
PTO/Booster Club News
Booster Club Updates:
- Next meeting: Monday, January 16th at 7 pm in EMS Conference Room
- Sign up to be on the Booster Club email list so you don't miss anything: https://forms.gle/jHdb2CCEsCsYQc69A
- Keep TAGGing (https://tagg.today/) to help raise funds (our goal is $400!) - upload receipts from local businesses you visit & they will donate to our school! You can find a list of participating businesses on their website.
- Follow us on Facebook @elkhornmiddleboosterclub
- Meeting Dates: January 13th, February 17th
Holiday Hurrah:
- Let's spread some holiday cheer to the EMS staff with some cash gifts! All money donated will be divided among staff.
- Letters & envelopes went home with students on Friday, November 22nd
- Donations will be collected until December 12th
- Feel free to contribute via Venmo (@emsbc), PayPal (@emsboosterclubelkhorn@gmail.com), cash or check (submit to EMS office)
- Our goal: $4,290 so all staff receive $55!
First Place Spiritwear:
• Order Antler gear & have it shipped to your home: https://1stplace.sale/59224
• Variety of designs and products
• Booster Club receives 10% of every order
• Order before December 10th and receive your items by December 23rd! And they are running a 25% off sale right now!
Concession Stands:
- Sign up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4EABA722AAFD0-50440367-2024
- We need volunteers to help with concession stands for Boy's Basketball!
- Easy to follow instructions & fun for kids of all ages to help!
- Time commitment is generally 3:45 pm - 6 pm (if you can only do part of the time and want to volunteer, please reach out to us!)
Personalized Yard Signs:
- Show your Antler pride and celebrate your child's activities with a sign in your yard!
- ORDER HERE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4EABA722AAFD0-50440367-2024
- 3 design options available, personalize with name & jersey number
- Every purchase helps fund vital initiatives such as extracurricular activities, our sports teams, and special events that make our school a vibrant place for learning and growth.
A Note from the Nurse
As we are now in cold/flu/covid season, please continue to make sure that you and your children are practicing healthy habits like getting plenty of rest, drinking lots of water, hand washing/sanitizing and staying up to date with your immunizations.
Health Screens:
Health screens in the areas of height/weight, dental, hearing, and vision have been completed on all 7th grade students as well as students new to the district. Parents will only be notified of abnormal results by a referral letter.
If you receive a referral letter, please visit the applicable health care provider and return the bottom part of the form to the office.
Andrea Daniels, RN, BSN
Athletics Information
All Girls Basketball players are required to have physicals turned in, registration completed on Rschool and their activity fee paid by 12pm (noon) on Jan. 6th if they want to tryout on the first day.
Library Corner
Band News
7th and 8th Grade 2nd Quarter Scale/Rudiment Test
The 2nd quarter scale/rudiment final is due by Friday, December 13th. We will take time in class to test students, but there are incentives for completing it early during study hall, or before/after school. All information is on google classroom.
Band DCA Testing
All band students are currently preparing for DCA testing. These will take place during regular classes on Wednesday, December 11th and Thursday, December 12th.
3rd Annual Elkhorn All City Band Festival
The Elkhorn All City Band Festival is on Tuesday, December 10th. Selected students will do a full day of rehearsals, and a 7pm concert at Elkhorn South High School. Call time is 6:30 p.m., and concert dress is the same as home concerts.
Honor Bands
8th Grade Band - DJ Mendoza 8th Grade All State Band - 1st chair
All City Band Representatives: Micheal Brackett, Reed Hamlin, Cooper Hart, Corbin Iseman, Max Langhorst, Pierce Lundgren, Aryan Mansingh, DJ Mendoza, Nathan Noh, Eshaan Rai, Lucy Scott, Shane Spitznagel, Danika Suhr, Anika Supriya, Parker Tanner, Jackson Turner, Maddox Turner.
2/6 8th Grade Band Concert with EHS Band EHS Auditorium 7 p.m.
3/4 6th, 7th Grade, Jazz Band Concert EMS Gym 6:30 p.m.
Yearbook 2025
Buy your student their copy today at yearbookforever.com before prices increase on January 27th!
Lifetouch School Picture Final Retake Day
Save the Date
Important Registration Information from Elkhorn High School Counselors
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Elkhorn High school counselors will visit Elkhorn Middle School on Wednesday morning, February 19th to distribute 9th grade registration materials. Students will receive a copy of their registration sheet outlining courses offered to prospective ninth graders and specific course recommendations.
Recommendations are based upon advice from high school administration, counselors, grades, and test scores.
Parents will be emailed a copy of the curriculum guide and information about optional summer school classes at this time. Parents are encouraged to discuss the 9th grade course recommendations and elective courses with their students to help them select any elective options before February 26th.
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
8th Grade Registration/Parent Night, 6:00 pm EHS Auditorium
Please bring the registration sheet your student receives on February 19 to this meeting.
Parents and 8th graders are invited to Elkhorn High School on February 26 at 6:00 pm. Counselors will present a 9th grade orientation and curriculum PowerPoint in the high school auditorium. After the presentation, parents will be asked to complete course selections and sign the registration form to verify course selections. Registration forms will be collected at the end of the evening. Summer school contracts are due on Wednesday, March 5th. However, you are welcome and encouraged to turn them in on February 26th.
Interested in Elkhorn music offerings? Please join us for a “Taste of Music” prior to the 8th grade night. Instrumental and/or vocal music will be performing from 5:40 - 6:00.
Desiree Merrihew (last names A – G) dmerrihew@epsne.org
Theresa Crnkovich (last names H-O) tcrnkovich@epsne.org
Megan Scobie (last names P-Z) mscobie@epsne.org
Upcoming District Events
ESHS Cheer: Candy Cane My Yard Fundraiser
Details can be found here.
EPS Career Exploration Fair: Now Accepting Business Vendors
Business registrations are now being accepted for the annual Elkhorn Public Schools Career Exploration Fair, scheduled for March 26, 2025, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
This event will be an excellent opportunity for students to explore business industries and make meaningful career connections, while also showcasing the commitment of local organizations to community involvement.
If your business is interested in participating, please click here to register.
TeamMates of Elkhorn: Call for Mentors
As the new year approaches, if you’re looking for a place to give of your time while making a difference in the life of a student, TeamMates of Elkhorn is a great place to start! Apply today to join the team.
Senior Citizen Passes
Per EPS Board Policy 1006.07, District residents aged 65+ are eligible for a free activity pass which admits the holder to District-sponsored events and activities. Passes can be picked up at the EPS Central Office at 20650 Glenn St. during normal business hours. Individuals must provide a valid driver's license showing a current address of residence with EPS boundaries to receive a pass.
EMS Daily Bulletin
You can access the Elkhorn Middle School daily bulletin board. Just head to our website and click on the red pin to see all the fun things happening at EMS daily.
Contact Information Updates
Send changes to contact information to ems@epsne.org
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
The approved 2024-2025 academic calendar can be viewed here.
3200 North 207th Plaza, Elkhorn, NE 68022
Fax: 402-289-1639