MVHS Bands - #3
Important Dates and Upcoming Events/Due Dates
All dates you see below are on the calendar located on our website.
Each event below has a label on which group is participating.
(MB = Marching Band) (SB = Symphonic Band) (CB = Concert Band) (JB1 = Jazz Band 1) (JB2 = Jazz Band 2) (PE = Percussion Ensemble) (PB = Pep Band) (IP = Indoor Percussion) (WG = Winter Guard) (P/G = Parent/Guardians)
(MB) Friends and Family Preview - Wednesday, October 23
- See calendar details for the schedule
- Friends and Family Preview at 7:45pm with final Senior Recognition, Acknowledgements, Warmup, and Performance
- Gates open at 7:30pm
(MB) District 3 Mel Shelton Marching Band Competition - Saturday, October 26
- Final competition of the season
- ALL DAY event
- See competition itinerary section below
(CB/MB) Fall Band Concert - Tuesday, October 29
- 5:45pm - Leadership Call Time
- 6:00pm - VMS Call Time
- 6:30pm - Concert Band and Marching Band Call Time
- 6:30pm - VMS Performance Starts
- 7:10pm - Concert Band Performance
- 7:40pm - Marching Band Performance
(MB) Middle School Tour - Wednesday, October 30
- During the school day
- All winds, percussion, and guard will be excused from school. Students are expected to keep up with their classes.
- It is an A Day.
(MB) Marching Band End of Season Potluck - Wednesday, October 30
- 6:30pm-8:00pm
- MVHS Cafeteria
(PB) Basketball Pep Band - Girls vs Nampa - Friday, November 15
- Basketball Pep Band is a volunteer group. Students must sign up and pay a $20 fee to join Pep Band. The $20 fee pays for a pep band shirt and goes towards paying for new pep band tunes.
- Click HERE to sign up for Pep Band
- Call time: 5:30pm
- Basketball Game Starts: 7:30pm
- Anticipated End Time: 9:15pm
(JB1/JB2) D3 Jazz Festival - Thursday, December 5
- Performance Times TBD -- during the school day
(JB1/JB2/PE) Jazz and Percussion Night - Thursday, December 5
- Call Time: 6:30pm
- Performance Starts: 7:00pm
(CB/SB/PE/JB1/JB2) Winter Holiday Concert - Wednesday, December 11
- Call Time: 6:30pm
- Performance Starts: 7:00pm
Butter Braids
- Funds go towards individual sellers and their fees for the California Tour. Go down to the "Spring 2025 Music Department Tour to California" section for.
Boise State Concessions
- Our band boosters have been working a lot to get money to help fund ALL of our band students. Please consider volunteering for a concession date!
- If you have any questions or are interested in being part of this, please contact our boosters at mtnviewbandboosters@gmail.com
Donate Directly to MVHS Bands - any amount helps!!
- By check made out to MVHS Bands dropped off to Mr. Barro or the front office bookkeeper.
- MySchoolFees -> Show Public Items -> Donation -> MVHS BAND TEAM DONATION
Have a great fundraising opportunity? Contact Mr. Barro at barro.joshua@westada.org!
Competition Season Itineraries
Addresses for hotel or venues can be found in the itineraries.
A friendly reminder that all competition and clinic days are all day events. Students are expected to be at these competitions. We are not like a basketball or football team with a bench... all 83 members are important to the production of our competitive show.
Spectator Information for Competitions
Some competitions have clear bag policies (typically at Universities). Please plan accordingly so you are not surprised if you get turned away at the gate to put your bag in your car.
10/26 - D3 Competition at Boise State University
- D3 Website - includes ticketing information
Spring 2025 Music Department Tour to California
Trip payment due dates:
Deposit: $50 - Overdue
Payment #1: $250 - Due Thursday, October 31
Payment #2: $250 - Due Thursday, December 19
Payment #3: $250 - Due Thursday, February 6
Payment #4: $150* - Due Thursday, March 6
*Payment #4 can fluctuate either higher or lower depending on how many students attend vs how many buses we need.
If you are interested in participating, there is still time to join the fundraiser. Click on the following link.
Profit - 40% of each sale goes towards your trip -- this will be applied to the October payment.
Delivery Day - TBA (before Thanksgiving break) -- items will not be shipped. Sellers will need to pick up their items on Delivery Day to deliver the items to each recipient.