Mustang Weekly
Building Students, Building Leaders Vol. 3 Issue 11
Vision: We foster respect, relationships, and equity to ensure success for all.
October 13, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear MHES families and staff,
We are excited for the week ahead and all the opportunities it brings for our school community! Tomorrow, we invite caregivers to join us for Open House, where you’ll have a chance to visit classrooms and experience your child’s learning environment firsthand. Classrooms will be open from 9-10:30 am and again from 1:30-3 pm. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing the engaging learning happening at Meadow Hall!
Later in the week, we invite families to join us for PTA Movie Night this Thursday at 6 pm. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs as we gather to enjoy a movie on the big screen. There will also be opportunities to purchase snacks throughout the evening. We’re thrilled to have Kids After Hours partnering with us, offering fun and games for students during the event. Please remember that all students must attend with an adult over the age of 18. We can’t wait to see everyone there!
Please continue reading for additional updates for the week of October 14th.
Desmond Mackall
Meadow Hall ES
14- MHES Open House (9:00-10:30 am and/or 1:30-3:00 pm)
17- MHES Outdoor Movie Night (6pm)
18- Professional Day (No School for Students)
25- MHES Fall Class Parties (2:15-3:15 pm)
Online Digital Citizenship Week Announcement!
Next week, from October 14 to 18, is Digital Citizenship Week. In Media, Mrs. Blakley will promote a healthy, balanced, and positive approach to media and technology use. Families interested in learning more can attend a free webinar on October 16. Please see below for more information about this event.
Are you concerned about keeping your kids and teens safe online? We hear you!
Join @commonsenseorg for a free 30-minute live webinar to empower your kids and teens to make smart choices online.
Online Safety: Parenting Tips for Kids and Teens
Wednesday, October 16, 4 p.m. PT | 7 p.m. ET. Sign up and learn more at
A Word from Mrs. Jackson: Community School Liaison!
Greetings Meadow Hall Families!
I have truly enjoyed meeting so many of you at bus stops, drop off and dismissal, evening and after school events over the last several weeks. In October and November I will make it a priority to walk around the Woods Edge and Forest Communities. If you see me, please feel free to introduce yourself! I always have access to the Language Line if it is needed for us to converse. Don’t be shy!
Here are a few Community School Updates:
Family Survey
On October 10, 2024, I sent out a Community School Family Survey via Remind. Our Community School should meet the needs represented in the community, so your input is essential! I ask that all families complete the survey by November 23, 2024. The class with the most surveys completed will be rewarded! If you have children in more than one class, please be sure to list all classroom teachers. The winners will be announced in early December.
English Conversation Classes
We had 38 caregivers register for English Conversation Classes; and 32 children registered for tutoring. The classes, which are run by Community Reach of Montgomery County, began on Monday, October 7 and will run until Wednesday, November 6.
Josie’s Closet
Josie’s Closet was established to positively impact children experiencing clothing insecurity. They will provide our students with two NEW outfits, a pair of jeans, shoes, and socks. Please contact me if your child is in need of a referral. The typical turnaround time for the orders to be fulfilled is 10 business days.
Bus Stop Tour
I have made it to five of our six bus stops so far this fall. I have enjoyed meeting with parents and talking a bit about the Community School Strategy. I will begin the second round of the CSL bus stop tour on October 25, 2024. Please see the schedule below to know when you can expect me to stop by and say “hey!”.
Grandin Avenue and Woodburn Road 10/18/24 and 12/13/24
Reading Avenue and Joseph Street 10/25/24
Grandin Avenue and Reading Avenue 11/1/24
Scott Avenue and Edmonston Drive 11/8/24
Edmonston Drive and Gilbert Road 11/15/24
Denham Road and Gilbert Road 12/6/24
Fresh Produce Distribution
Our first fresh produce distribution was held on Friday, October 4. We were able to serve 50 families! A special thanks to our community partner, Small Things Matter, for the generous donation! I’d like to acknowledge the following parents and staff for their assistance during the first event:
Carla Argote, parent
Nicole Hennessey, parent
Ms. Gibbs, classroom teacher
Ms. Campbell, classroom teacher
Ms. Bartee, Reading Specialist
We hope to have our second distribution on October 17, 2024, however, due to pending grants, it might be delayed until November. I will send out an announcement via WhatApp and Remind to alert the community the day before the distribution.
I will be sure to send out more updates next month! Should you have any questions before then, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Jessica Jackson, MSW, LCSW-C
Community School Liaison for Meadow Hall ES
Department of Student Engagement and Behavioral Health
Office of Well-Being and Student Services
Cell/Whatsapp: 227-216-1193
IG: @meadowhalles_CSL
Twitter/X: @MHES_CSL
Jessica Jackson, MSW, LCSW-C
Community School Liaison for Meadow Hall ES
Department of Student Engagement and Behavioral Health
Office of Well-Being and Student Services
Cell/Whatsapp: 227-216-1193
IG: @meadowhalles_CSL
Twitter/X: @MHES_CSL
City of Rockville Holiday Give Back!
As the holiday season approaches, we invite the Meadow Hall Elementary School community to join in supporting the City of Rockville’s annual Holiday Drive. This cherished tradition brings together businesses, individuals, civic groups, schools, foundations, and faith communities to make the holidays special for families in need. Last year, the Holiday Drive served 700 Rockville households during Thanksgiving and supported 1,200 children and teens in December, and your generosity plays a crucial role in continuing this mission.
This year, the City of Rockville will provide families with canned goods, fresh produce, baked goods, and gift cards for Thanksgiving, as well as toys, books, and gift cards for children and teens in December. Here’s how you can contribute:
Make a Monetary Donation: Tax-deductible contributions will be used to purchase gift cards for Thanksgiving and books and gift cards for December. You can donate online at www.rockvillemd.gov/holidaydrive or mail a check payable to the City of Rockville (with “Rockville Holiday Drive Fund” in the memo line) to:
City of Rockville, Community Services Division
111 Maryland Avenue, 1st Floor
Rockville, MD 20850Donate Gift Cards: Help families by donating a $25 Target gift card for teens or a $15 Giant Food gift card for Thanksgiving. Gift cards can be dropped off at the address listed above.
Volunteer Your Time: Sign up to sort and bag produce, canned goods, books, or toys, or help deliver them to families. Visit Rockville’s Volunteer Website to learn more and register.
Donate Goods: You can also drop off canned goods, books, or toys at any City of Rockville building to support the drive.
Every donation, no matter the size, helps brighten the holidays for families in our community. Donations over $500 will be recognized by the Rockville Mayor and Council in Rockville Reports. For more information, visit the Holiday Drive Website or call 240-314-8300.
Thank you for making this season special for all in Rockville!
Upcoming Events!
MHES Open House!
We are excited to invite families to join us for our Open House on Monday, October 14, 2024, 9:00-10:30 am and 1:30-3:00 pm! This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and guardians to engage in learning alongside our students and get a sneak peek into a typical day at Meadow Hall Elementary School. You’ll be able to see firsthand what your child is learning and participate in classroom activities.
To ensure a safe and productive experience for everyone, we kindly ask that children under the age of 5 not attend. Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to welcoming you!
Monday, Oct 14, 2024, 01:30 PM
951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Movie Night, October 17th, 6 PM
Join us on October 17th for Meadow Hall's outdoor Movie Night! Students will vote on one of two movies --Inside Out 2 or Despicable Me 4 to determine what we will watch. KAH will provide free bounce houses and the PTA will be selling snacks. You can pre-order pizzas by returning forms that were sent home with students to the Main Office by 10/14. Please consider volunteering time or donating items to help make the event a success by checking out the sign-up here. Thank you!
Blue Envelope, starts October 14
Blue Envelopes have started to go home with students this week. The Blue Envelope fundraiser is a chance to help support the PTA by donating money to help fund our community events and activities. We appreciate your support!
Want to get involved in the PTA?
MHES PTA is looking for members to participate on the PTA in various ways. We encourage all families to look at the link below and consider supporting the PTA and getting involved on a committee for the new school year. See the link below:
PTA Committee Volunteer Positions-FY24
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education is a program that gives money to schools for their family’s participation just by purchasing products and scanning the receipt in the Box Tops App. Box Tops earnings are used to fund items for the school and events. If you haven't done so already, Download the Box Tops App on your smartphone using Referral Code WZTM9R7Z. We promise it is a super easy task to get used to. Register and select Meadow Hall as your supporting school. SCAN your receipt with the Box Tops app within 14 days of purchase and EARN cash with every Box Tops product you buy.
Why join the PTA? Among the many, many good reasons, it basically boils down to being a great way to benefit your child, the school, and yourself by being involved in the PTA functions and connecting with other parents and staff. And for those of you who have been members in past years, don’t forget to renew your membership. Memberships are $10 for family and community members (only one membership is needed per family). We are thrilled to get to know everyone and see you all at our meetings and activities!
Join Us for Community Engagement Sessions!
Superintendent Thomas Taylor is continuing to meet with as many stakeholders as possible to learn about the Montgomery County community. Save the date for one of his two remaining community engagement sessions:
- Monday, Oct. 21, Paint Branch High School, 14121 Old Columbia Pike, Burtonsville, 7-8 p.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 14, Walt Whitman High School, 7100 Whittier Blvd., Bethesda, 7–8 p.m.
Interpretation services will be available in Spanish and American Sign Language.
The sessions allow parents, students, staff and community members to connect with the superintendent and to share input on two key questions regarding the district's operations and academics.
- Regarding operations, what is working well in the district and what needs attention?
- Regarding academics, what should be done differently to improve student academic results?
Attendees will have the opportunity to voice feedback verbally during the session. Those who prefer to submit feedback digitally can do so on this Google form.
Einstein to Host Marching Band Showcase on Oct. 19
Fourteen bands will participate in this year’s Marching Band Showcase, set for noon–3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19 at Albert Einstein High School. The high school bands performing are: Montgomery Blair, James Hubert Blake, Clarksburg, Damascus, John F. Kennedy, Col. Zadok Magruder, Northwood, Paint Branch, Quince Orchard, Rockville, Seneca Valley, Springbrook, Watkins Mill and Einstein. There will also be a performance from a middle school massed band.
This event is free and open to the public. Einstein is located at 11135 Newport Mill Road in Kensington. Any changes due to inclement weather will be posted on the Fine Arts X feed @MCPSArts.
Free Parenting Support for MCPS Parents and Caregivers
MCPS is continuing its partnership with the Parent Encouragement Program (PEP), a local nonprofit that provides resources and support to parents and caregivers. The PEP Family Resiliency Program is a free, online eight-week program which helps parents and caregivers learn tools to strengthen family connections, support children’s mental health and encourage success in school. Earn a $50 gift card for taking at least five sessions and completing the evaluation. Sessions start the week of Oct. 14 and are offered in English, Spanish and Amharic. Register.
Hispanic Heritage: A Champion for Students and Families in Community Schools
Daysi Castro is an instructional specialist in the Community Schools, where her dedication and passion have transformed the lives of students and families. Castro’s story is deeply intertwined with her Hispanic heritage. She was born in El Salvador and moved to the United States at just 2 years old. Her parents instilled in her a strong work ethic and commitment to education. Read her story.
Register Now for Oct. 26 Game Changer Conference
The Game Changer Conference will be held from 8 a.m.–noon on Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Montgomery College, Germantown Campus, Globe Hall, 20200 Observation Drive, in Germantown.
This free mentoring conference is geared toward Black or African American and Latino or Hispanic male students in 4th through 12th grades. The conference theme is “The World is Shifting Forward! Focus Forward and Compete.
Parent workshops will also be held every half hour beginning at 8 a.m., with the last session at 11:30 a.m.
Students are encouraged to write and submit a 300-word essay based on the conference theme, “Being a Competitor is a Game Changer: How will you compete to win and own your future?” Essays are due by email on Monday, Oct. 21.
For more information, contact Dr. Everett Davis, director, Student, Family and Schools Services, or Dr. Karen D. Crews, director, Student Well-Being and Achievement.
Students and parents can register here.
Student Opportunities Available
The following leadership and extracurricular opportunities are available to students:
Health Education Advocacy: Do you want to make a difference with students’ health and well-being in MCPS? Join a Zoom meeting from 6:30–7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 16 to learn more about a new countywide student-led School Health Council. More information
For questions, email Dr. Cara Grant, supervisor of prekindergarten–Grade 12 Health and P.E.Choose Respect Student Advisory Council: Applications are now open for students who are interested in dating violence prevention and wish to serve on this council. The deadline for applications is Monday, Oct. 14. Apply here. For questions, email Ashley Noy.
Speak Up, Save a Life: The State’s Attorney’s Office’s “Speak Up, Save a Life” student video PSA contest is open to middle and high school students. The videos must focus on the dangers of using drugs, opioids and fentanyl. Students can earn 10 Student Service Learning (SSL) hours by participating; the top prize is $1,000. Entries are due by midnight on Friday, Nov. 8. Submit an entry. For questions, send an email.
The KID Museum has two opportunities available for families:
Middle School Maker Night: Friday, Oct. 18, 5-8 p.m., Register here.
When school is out on Monday, Nov. 4, the museum will be open for 2nd to 8th graders from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Register here. Scholarships are available.Apply to Be Councilmember for a Day
Montgomery County Councilmember Will Jawando encourages all middle and high school students to participate in the 9th Annual Councilmember for a Day Challenge by sharing their vision for a better community through digital storytelling. Video essay submissions are due Thursday, Nov. 7. The winner will be honored at council with a proclamation and serve as an honorary councilmember for a day. Submit here.
Nominations Open for 2025 Citizens Honors Awards
The Congressional Medal of Honor Society is seeking nominations for its 2025 Citizens Honors Awards—two are youth awards.
- The Young Hero Award recognizes Americans aged 8-17 for their courage in a dire situation.
- The Youth Service Award honors Americans aged 8-17 for placing others before themselves through volunteer service.
The deadline to apply is Sunday, Dec. 1, with the awards ceremony set for Tuesday, March 25, 2025, in Washington, D.C.
Kagan Senatorial Scholarships Open to Students in Gaithersburg, Rockville
High school students can now apply for legislative scholarships for spring 2025 from Maryland State Senator Cheryl Kagan. Scholarships will be awarded on need and merit. Students must live in District 17 (Gaithersburg or Rockville). Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24. Apply here. Questions should be directed here.
VISIT the MCPS homepage.
CALL 240-740-3000. Staff take calls from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, in English and Spanish (240-740-2845)
READ news and information sent via email and text message and on the MCPS News page.
FOLLOW the MCPS social media pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in English and Spanish.
https://www.instagram.com/mcpsenespanol/SIGN UP for emails and text alerts and make sure your ParentVue information is up to date.
WATCH the MCPS cable channels Comcast 34 (1071 HD), Verizon 36 or RCN 89
Open Registrations
More From MCPS
ParentVUE and other Important Online Resources
Sign Up For ParentVUE to Stay in Touch With Your School
Families new to MCPS are encouraged to sign up for a ParentVUE account at the beginning of the school year. ParentVUE is the online parent portal that serves as the primary communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding grades, attendance, scheduling, access to myMCPS Classroom, and more.
ParentVUE provides a way to view school-related information and data for students. Register for athletics, and special programs, communicate with teachers, and verify your student information annually.
ParentVUE also allows access to Canvas/MyMCPSClassroom, a digital learning platform. Parents and guardians can view instructional information and resources, and get alerts about assignments and grades.Sign up for Alert MCPS
Alert MCPS provides emergency information about school closures or emergencies via text or email messages to devices you register. Sign up here.Know These Important System Resources A. GoFan: This online digital ticketing platform offers fast and easy access to tickets for high school events, and allows fans to enter games quickly and safely. For ticketed sports, tickets are no longer sold at the gate and must be purchased online. B. SchoolCash Online: https://www.schoolcashonline.com MCPS has transitioned to this online payment system as its preferred method of payment for all school-related fees. Schools and offices will now use SchoolCash Online for fundraising, field trips, course fees and extracurricular activities. This new payment system is not related to school cafeteria accounts.
MySchoolBucks:Use MySchoolBucks to add school meal money to your child’s account. This will eliminate the need for your child to bring money to school every day. This year, meals (lunch and breakfast) will not be universally free. If your student wants to buy lunch in school, they will need a MySchoolBucks account. Families who believe they qualify for free and reduced-price meals can apply here.
Meadow Hall Principal
Email: Desmond_Mackall2@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/meadowhalles/
Location: 951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-5260
Twitter: @MHES_Principal
Meadow Hall Assistant Principal
Email: Ilana_N_Simhon@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/meadowhalles/
Location: 951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-5260
Twitter: @MeadowHallAP