Dolphin Dispatch
September 2024
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Regular school attendance is crucial for your child's academic success and overall development. Here are some key reasons why attending school consistently matters:
Academic Achievement
Students who attend school regularly are more likely to:
· Keep up with daily lessons and assignments
· Develop a stronger understanding of concepts
· Perform better on tests and assessments
· Graduate on time
Even missing just 2 days per month can negatively impact a student's academic performance.
Skill Development
Beyond academics, consistent school attendance helps students develop important life skills like:
· Time management
· Social interaction
· Problem-solving
· Communication
· Teamwork
These skills are vital for success both in school and future careers.
Social and Emotional Well-being
Regular attendance allows students to:
· Build stronger relationships with peers and teachers
· Feel more connected to their school community
· Develop a sense of routine and structure
· Reduce feelings of isolation or anxiety about school
Long-Term Benefits
Establishing good attendance habits early on can lead to:
· Higher likelihood of graduating high school
· Better job prospects and earning potential
· Increased civic engagement as adults
How Parents Can Help
· Make school attendance a priority and communicate its importance
· Establish consistent routines for mornings and evenings
· Schedule appointments and trips outside of school hours when possible
· Talk to your child about any attendance issues and work together on solutions
· Stay in communication with teachers and school staff
Remember, every school day counts! By prioritizing regular attendance, you're setting your child up for success both now and in the future.
Upcoming Dates and Events
- September 5 - Title I Partent Meeting @ 3:45 in the library
- September 5 - Open House - 4:30 - 5:30
- September 9 - Progress Reports go home
- September 9 - "Making Caring Common" Project - Food Drive (see flyer below)
- September 16 - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
- September 24 - 27 - Dauphin Island ES Book Fair
- September 26 - Grandparents Day Luncheon
- September 30 - Virtual Learning Day - Work Packets for students will be sent home
- Octobter 11 - End of 1st Quarter
- October 14 - Teacher Work Day - No school for students
- October 15 - 2nd Quarter Begins