Harvey Green News
September 2024
Harvey Green Elementary School
Ms. Trisha Johnson, Principal tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Penny Martinez, Secretary pmartinez@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Veronica Luna, Office Assistant vluna@fusdk12.net
Website: https://fremontunified.org/green/
Location: 42875 Gatewood Street, Fremont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-656-6438
Harvey Green 2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Principal's Message
Harvey Green Families,
We have had a wonderful start to the 2024-25 school year. The students have been working hard on completing assessments and practicing our school PBIS rules (show respect, make good decisions, and solve problems). This year, one of our school goals is to increase our daily attendance. This means coming to school daily and on time! Please do not schedule any extended vacations during school days, as these absences are unexcused. There are options for independent study if the absence is between five and ten school days. Feel free to reach out to me or Ms. Veronica if you would like to discuss this option.
Thank you to the families who attended Back to School Night. It was a great evening where lots of important information was shared. If you were unable to attend, please review the information that the teachers have sent you. Conferences will be held during the second week of October. Please be on the look out for an email to sign up for a conference time.
This month we will have a BMX assembly, sponsored by the Harvey Green PTA. Students are so excited for this event. If you have not joined PTA yet, please consider joining today (see the bottom of this newsletter for the QR code). The PTA provides many opportunities for your child and our school. Meeting attendance is appreciated, however, it is not required.
If there is anything your family needs assistance with, please reach out to me at tjohnson@fusdk12.net.
Ms. Johnson
Important Dates
13~ Picture Day - Order Pictures
13~ PTA- Step into Sports- Basketball (1st-5th Grade)- More information
16-20~ Start with Hello Week- Spirit Week Flyer
17~ Panda Express Fundraiser (Osgood Road)- Flyer
18~ BMX Assembly- PTA Sponsored
20~ PTA- Paint Night
1~ PTA Meeting
7-10~ Parent/ Teacher Conferences
8-10~ Minimum Day
11~ No School
26~ PTA- Fall Festival
28- Nov. 1~ Red Ribbon Week
1~ Fun Run
Picture Day- Friday, Sept. 13th
School Site Council- Volunteers Needed
We are looking for one parent of an English Learner and two alternate parents to be part of School Site Council. We will meet 6 times throughout the school year on Tuesdays at 5pm. If you would like more information or may be interested please email Ms. Johnson (tjohnson@fusdk12.net).
Counselor Corner
Hello Harvey Green families,
Later this month, we will be celebrating our annual Start with Hello Week from 9/16-9/20 with a Spirit Week and fun lunch activities/challenges that students can participate in throughout the week! Start With Hello brings attention to the growing epidemic of social isolation and empowers young people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their school and community. Encourage your students to participate in some Hello Week fun!
I've had the chance to start lessons with every class and it's been so much fun meeting our students, introducing myself, and sharing how I can support them at school. This month, in our lessons we will be learning about feelings, coping tools, and exploring identity. Feeling words don't just come naturally to kids and having feelings vocabulary helps children be able to name what they might be feeling which in turn, helps adults have a better idea of how to help. Naming feelings can bring less stress when children feel that adults can better understand them and when big feelings present themselves, we want our students to know that they have options to manage their emotions by using coping tools. Lastly, with our upper grades, we will be looking at what identity means, what shapes our identity, and how to be proud of who we are.
If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to send me an email at dng@fusdk12.net or call (510) 656-6438 ext. 41325.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Ng
Attendance & Routines Parent Workshop
Monday, September 9, 2024
Registration is required
Free Breakfast and Lunch Daily
ALL Green students will have access to free meals here at school. Students will be asked every morning if they are going to get a school lunch so we can order the correct amount
of food. Please communicate with your child if you would like them to get a school meal and if they are choosing the meat or vegetarian option.
Breakfast will be served daily in the MUR for any interested students at 8:00am. Parents/guardians are not allowed in the MUR. Students will be supervised while they eat and will be either released to recess when finished or if they are TK/K they will be walked to class.
For menus and more information please use this link.
Medication at School
If your child needs medication at school please use this link to get all necessary form. Health Forms
These forms will need to be completed and signed by the doctor. Do not send your child to school with medication in their backpack, this is unsafe for them and all other students.
Student Absences
If your child is ill or will not be attending school, please contact the school’s absence line (before 9am) at (510) 656-6538, then press 7.
Please leave the student’s name, class number and reason for absence. For reasons of student safety, we need to know where students are, so we can determine in a timely fashion who is not at school without their parents’ knowledge. If these absences are not cleared by a parent/guardian, they will be considered unexcused. Excessive absences and/or tardies, excused or unexcused, may result in a truancy warning.
Per Board Policy any parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the District shall notify the District prior to or within five (5) days of any change in circumstance and/or a move which would affect their student’s residency (AR 5111.1).
Please complete and email the Change of Address Form with 2 proofs of new address residency to your current school.
PTA Corner
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year! Harvey Green PTA is excited to meet all the new and returning families and together we can support our community. Please click here to join or renew the membership and make your annual donations. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact harveygreenpta@gmail.com for details.
PTA – Reflections Contest
Reflections Art Contest – We welcome you to showcase your talent in the National PTA Reflections Art Contest. The theme is “Accepting Imperfection” and the deadline for submission is 10/15. We will send the application form soon. For more information, please contact harveygreenpta@gmail.com.
PTA upcoming events
Every Tuesday – Band (3:00-3:40 pm All, 3:00-4:20pm Advanced)
9/12 -11/7 – Fremont Robotics Academy (5:30-7pm MUR) Every Thursday
9/13 – Step into Sports (3:30-5pm) Basketball
9/18 – BMX Assembly
9/20 – Family Paint Night (6-8pm, MUR) More details will be updated here.
Harvey Green Spirit Wear
You can buy a Harvey Green T-shirt for $15 or a cozy hoodie for $30 at the school office.