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Tiger Times
Harvey Dunn Elementary Newsletter
Mission Statement: Ensuring academic, social, and emotional growth for all.
Upcoming Events
November 4: Book Bingo - 6:30pm doors open, BINGO games 6:45-7:45pm
November 9: Picture Retakes
November 11: No School - Veteran's Day Observance
November 14: Band/Orchestra Concert 8:30am & 7:00pm
November 15: PTA Meeting 5:30pm at Morningside Community Center meeting room
November 23-25: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Principal's Corner
Greetings Harvey Dunn Families,
The first quarter of the school year came to a close on Thursday, October 27th. As we move into second quarter, it's a great time to reflect on the growth students have made socially and academically as well as set goals for the new quarter.
Access your child's report card through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. We will not be sending home hard copies of report cards. First quarter grades will be available after 5:00pm on Tuesday, November 1st.
To view your student’s grades:
- Login to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
- Select your student (top right). If you have more than one student, there is a drop-down to select each student.
- Select Documents (see highlight below).
- Select K-5 Standard Report Card 22-23 Harvey Dunn Elementary (see highlight below).
- The report card will display and you will have the option to print it.
If you have questions or difficulty accessing your student’s grades or need a printed copy, please call the office.
Kindest regards,
Mrs. Chamberlain, Principal
November 8th - Voting Site
Voting for the upcoming election will again be help in the meeting rooms at the Community Center. The voting site is separate from the rest of Harvey Dunn and is monitored by Park and Rec staff and Poll Workers. Please note, this may create additional traffic that morning before school. Utilizing the North Drive may be a great option, as that tends to have less drop-offs.
The Community Center will be open that afternoon for open gym. Space will be more limited due to all meeting rooms being used for voting. If your child attends CC, please let them know about voting on this day and ask them to be respectful of the visitors.
Report Student Absences *new feature*
An exciting new time-saving option to report students absences is now available within your Parent Portal. You can either call your child’s school or use the Absence Request option within your Parent Portal account to inform schools of a student’s absence. To submit an absence, simply log in to your Parent Portal account, select 'More’ and then 'Absence Requests’ from the Message Center. From here you will be able to submit either a full day or partial day absence for any of the student’s in your household.
Parking Lot Reminders
Please take a moment and review the before and after school reminders below. By following these expectations we can provide smooth and safe arrivals and drop-offs for students. Thank you!
- Park vehicles in the parking lot and walk students to and from the school using the crosswalks. If you are choosing to drop off students, use the circle drive or north drive.
- Only vehicles with handicap parking permits can park in the handicap spots.
- When pulling up in the circle drive or north drive before or after school remain in your vehicle and move forward as the line moves. This helps keep traffic moving.
- Students exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. In the circle drive, once you are in the student drop-off zone, students exit the vehicle. When more students are exiting the vehicles, we are able to move traffic through more efficiently.
- The north drive might be a faster alternative for morning drop-off when the circle drive is busy. Remain in your vehicle and move forward as the line moves. This helps keep traffic moving.
5th Grade Musical - Annie Jr
Breakfast & Lunch
Breakfast begins at 7:30am. Each grade level has a separate lunch time (see schedule).
Lunch money can be deposited into your child’s account by using the MySchoolBuck on-line system. MySchoolBuck App is available on the Apple Store and Google Play.
Harvey Dunn PTA
We hope that everyone was able to enjoy our fundraiser day at The Barrel House! Thanks for supporting the Harvey Dunn PTA!
We would love to have more parent participation at our monthly meetings. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Morningside Community Center at Harvey Dunn. We keep our meetings right at or around one hour. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15. We take a break for December and resume in January on the 17th. Please consider joining us!
Watch for more information on a West Mall 7 Movie Matinee to be scheduled for a Saturday morning in January! We are working with West Mall to get a date secured for this fun family event!
Book Bingo is our next event that is coming right up! We hope you and your family are able to join us for this fun event! It was a big hit last spring!
Info: Friday, November 4
Doors open at 6:30 PM--Bingo begins at 6:45-7:45 PM
Popcorn and Water will be available for $1
Bring a book, or two (or more) to add to the book table.
Win a book with each BINGO!
Upcoming events:
Tues, November 15: PTA Meeting at 5:30 PM in Morningside Community Center
Mon, December 5: Skate City Winter Wonderland Skate Party 6-8 PM
Tues, January 17: PTA Meeting at 5:30 PM in Morningside Community Center
TBA: West Mall 7 Movie Matinee
Check out the Harvey Dunn Elementary PTA Facebook page! Click "Follow" to see the happenings throughout the school year and stay up-to-date.
Teacher Inservice
Reading is all about making meaning! Harvey Dunn teachers Shift The Balance as they engaged in learning strategies for listening and reading comprehension at their October Inservice. Reading comprehension does not begin with decoding print. It begins with listening and talking.
Morningside Community Center
The Sioux Falls Park and Recreation operate the Morningside Community Center. The community center is not intended as a substitute for child care services. The children attending the program must be able to self-manage and be 7 years old or older to participate without older supervision. Read the Policies and Guidelines for additional information. Phone Number: 605-978-6930
*Please note that the Community Center does not follow the Sioux Falls School District calendar. Note the Community Center hours on the upcoming no school days:
- November 11 - Open Rec 1:00-5:00pm
- November 23 - Open Rec 1:00-5:00pm
- November 24 - Closed for Thanksgiving
- November 25 - Open Rec 1:00-5:00pm
Planning ahead for some holiday fun? Join us for Family Night Out on Friday, December 2nd from 6:00-8:00pm. Inflatables, crafts, carnival games, a DJ and more. Free for families. All kids must have a parent present to attend.
Contact Us
Principal: Mrs. Chamberlain
Email: Jennifer.Chamberlain@k12.sd.us
Dean of Students: Mrs. Muchow
Email: Stephanie.Muchow@k12.sd.us
2400 South Bahnson Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 571203