Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School November 14th, 2024
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
to provide a high-quality education,
and to guide children in living the Catholic faith
Lord our God, we come to you, the source of all being. You have said to us, "I am your God. You shall have no other gods besides me. Honor none but me, your God." We thank you for this wonderful message. Help us to recognize you more and more, so that our hearts are full of the goodness and blessing we already have on earth, so that we hear you, the mighty One, say, "Stop, O people. Make peace. No one of you is more important than any other. Remember that I am God of all, in south and north, in west and east, on the oceans and everywhere. I am the one God, and through Jesus Christ I am now your Father."
A Note from Mrs. Longden
As we approach the holiday season, I want to take a moment to thank you, the parents of Holy Trinity Catholic School students, for choosing to send your children to our school. I see so many success stories and positive behaviors among our students. Whether overcoming challenges, showing kindness by helping a classmate with homework, comforting a friend in need, or simply thanking a teacher as they leave the classroom, our community stands out in remarkable ways. I am continually amazed by our students' care for one another, their respect for the environment, and the courtesy they show other visitors. These qualities are consistently reinforced by my staff and by you, the primary educators of our students. Thank you to all the staff and parents for your efforts in shaping our youth as they grow.
Parenting and teaching can sometimes feel like the most challenging jobs in the world. However, your contributions are making a difference, and I applaud you. Next time you feel overwhelmed, tired, or defeated, please remember that only dedicated teachers and parents find these roles demanding.
Once again, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your unwavering support. The outstanding faculty and staff at Holy Trinity Catholic School, along with your continuous support, are the pillars of our success. Your involvement in your children's education is invaluable, and we are truly grateful for it.
Mrs. Longden
Family Folders
Please return your folders to the school office.
Aubrey's Live Album Release Party
Saturday, November 16th
See the attached for more information!
All are welcome to attend: students, parents, staff
Home and School Information
Happy Thursday!
The tentative date for Wreath and Poinsettia order pickup is set for Tuesday, November 26th. Please watch here and the HTS Family Facebook page for more information.
If you volunteered to be on the Chili Luncheon committee, watch for communications this weekend from Home & School regarding our first meeting. Thank you!
Holy Trinity School will be a stop in the Chamber of Commerce Cookie Hunt again this year. It is Sunday, December 8th from 1:00-4:00. We will be sending out a SignUp Genius link next week asking for volunteers. It will be shared here and on the HTS Family Facebook page. Thank you!
Holy Trinity will have a float in the Kewaskum Christmas Parade on December 8th! Our theme this year is the Nativity. Please see the HTS Family Facebook page for more information on how you can be involved! The float committee is looking for some costumes or materials for costumes, and… real live goats!! If you can help, please connect with them via the Facebook post OR by emailing Lisa Mueller at the homeandschool@htschool.net.
Our next Home & School meeting is set for Tuesday, January 14th at 6:00pm.
Have a blessed weekend.
If you need to get in contact with the Home and School Association, please email them at homeandschool@htschool.net
If you would like the advisory commission to discuss anything, please email at advisorycommittee@htschool.net
SCRIP Ordering Dates
The following dates are when SCRIP will be ordered through the school office:
November 18th
December 2nd, 9th, and 16th
If you need Scrip/Raise Right gift cards before Thanksgiving, please place your order by 8:00am on Monday, November 18. We will not be ordering Scrip on November 25.
Scrip gift cards are great for shopping on Black Friday, both online and in stores. We have Amazon and all the major department stores, plus lots of specialty stores. The school office keeps some gift cards in stock, so please call us if you need something on short notice.
If you have not purchased Scrip before, please contact the school office at 262 626-2603 with any questions, and we will help you get started.
Scrip helps reduce tuition costs and support Holy Trinity School!
*We will have some cards on hand in the office for sale as well. Please call the office ahead of time to make sure we have what you would like to order. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity School through the purchase of SCRIP!
Upcoming Dates
Friday, November 15th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Wednesday, November 20th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Friday, November 22nd - Baptism Mass (Oct./Nov. Baptisms) (Grades 5K-8)
Tuesday, November 26th - End of Trimester 1
Tuesday, November 26th - Prayer Service
November 27th-29th - No School
Monday, December 2nd - Advent Prayer Service
Wednesday, December 4th - Mass (Grades 3K, 4K, 5-8)
Friday, December 6th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Monday, December 9th - All School Mass - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Tuesday, December 10th - 5th-8th Grade Field Trip to Junior Achievement BizTown and Finance Park
Wednesday, December 11th - Mass (Grades 4K, 1-4)
Thursday, December 12th - 1st-4th Grade Field Trip to Schauer Arts
Friday, December 13th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Monday, December 16th - Christmas Concert (Afternoon and Evening Performance)
Wednesday, December 18th - Mass (Grades 3K, 4K, 5-8)
Friday, December 20th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Calendar of Cash
Thursday, November 7 - George Dwyer
Friday, November 8 - Rick Schlosser
Monday, November 11 - Shelley Melzer
Tuesday, November 12 - John and Carolyn Leister
Wednesday, November 13 - Robert Kirst
Parish Events Flyer
Please see attached with information on events in the parish and school.
Kettle Moraine Symphony Concert
We are so excited to once again be offering a splendid Christmas concert to the community!
Join us on December 21st at 3pm in the Silver Lining Arts Center for all your favorite holiday music and cookies with Santa! Buy tickets here: https://kettle-moraine-symphony.betterworld.org/events/kms-christmas-concert
Children are FREE!
Boys and Girls Club
The Winter Sports League is Basketball for 1st & 2nd grades. We hold sports leagues during the school year, and the teams are formed by the schools the players are enrolled in. We strive to meet the following standards: sportsmanship, playing as a team, and learning the fundamentals of the game.
See the attached for more information.
Winter Wonderland Dance Clinic
The West Bend East Varsity Dance Team will be hosting their annual Dance Clinic on December 15th, 2024. This year’s theme - Winter Wonderland!
The clinic is open to K5-8th graders and will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, with check-in starting at 8:45 AM. At 12:45 PM, there will be a special showcase performance for family and friends to enjoy. Additionally, participants will have the exciting opportunity to perform at the December 17th basketball game!
The registration fee is $30, and lunch will be provided. To guarantee a t-shirt, registrations must be submitted by December 1st.
You can register either through this Google Form, or by completing a paper registration form and mailing it in (address found on the form). Please mail in payment with your completed registration to: West Bend East High School - Attn. East Dance Team. 1305 E Decorah Rd. West Bend, WI. 53095. Please indicate if you completed the registration via Google Form with your payment. You can also find the registration on the East Dance Team's Facebook and Instagram.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603