Cook Cub News
January 14, 2025

Principal's Corner
I hope your February is off to a great start! There are a LOT of events coming up for Cook Elementary School so please be sure to read this this month's newsletter so that you don't accidentally miss important information.
Below you will find a letter from our Superintendent, Dr. Alward, about the potential of having a 2 hour Delay in the case of inclement weather. This would take place on those days that the roads are dicey early in the morning but are expected to be clear later in the morning. We just want you to be prepared in case this type of event takes place.
An annual event that takes place in the month of February is the Y5/Kdg Information Night. This meeting is for our brand new, incoming Y5/Kdg families. If you currently have a Y5 student you do not need to attend again. There will be an event in August that will be for the children. The event on Monday, February 24th is geared toward the adults and is a time to hear all about Cook Elementary School, meet our amazing staff and tour the school. If you, or someone you know, will have a new student entering Young Fives or Kindergarten (turning 5 on/before December 1st) next school year please plan to join us at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 24th. We can't wait to meet our new families.
We will be hosting the Cook/Mason Family Firebirds game over the Mid-Winter Break (Saturday, February 15th). The flyer has been sent home previously and is included again below. In order to attend, get the reduced pricing and be seated in the Cook/Mason section you must RSVP and pay by this coming Wednesday, February 5th. Please make checks payable to Grand Blanc Community Schools and send your RSVP to the Cook (or Mason) office no later than this coming Wednesday. This is always a fun event!
I've included information on the Annual Celebration of Learning below as well. This even will take place on Wednesday, March 12th but we want you to have plenty of time to save the date. Our goal each year is to have 100% of our students participate in this celebration which is really ALL about the learning they have accomplished so far this year. We really hope you can attend!
Thank you for always supporting your child and our Cook staff. Your efforts go A LONG WAY to achieving the success that we want. We could not do all of this without you and we appreciate all that you do! As always, if you have any questions, concerns or just want to share information please give us a call at 810-591-7910 or you can email me personally at tdale@gbcs.org
Tia Dale
Cook Elementary School Principal
2 Hour Delay Possible!
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events!
February 11th
- Early Childhood Expo - see flyer below
February 12th
- Count Day - let's shoot for a perfect attendance day!
February 13th
- 12:17 p.m. Dismissal
February 14th
- No School - Mid-Winter Break
February 15th
- Cook/Mason Firebirds Night - RSVP by Wednesday, February 5th (see flyer below)
February 17th
- No School - Mid-Winter Break
February 24th
- 6:00 p.m. Y5/Kdg Information Night - for incoming NEW Y5/Kdg students - see flyer below
March 7th
- 12:17 p.m. Dismissal - Teacher PD in the afternoon
March 11th
- 4:30-7:30 p.m. Parent Teacher Conferences
March 12th
- 12:17 p.m. Dismissal
- 5:00-7:00 p.m. - Celebration of Learning! see flyer in this newsletter
March 13th
- 12:17 p.m. Dismissal
- 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Parent Teacher Conferences
March 14th
- 12:17 p.m. Dismissal
March 20th
- Y5/Kdg Music Informances - see flyer in this newseltter
March 28th
- 12:17 p.m. Dismissal - Spring Break Begins
March 31st - April 4th
- Spring Break
Save the Date!
Early Childhood Expo - Coming Soon!
Cook/Mason Flint Firebirds Night!
Upcoming Music Concerts!
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Save the Date to Celebrate your Child's Learning!
Outdoor Recess!
Students should dress appropriately for the weather. Students will go out for recess as long as the temperature (actual or wind chill) is greater than 10 degrees. Having coats, boots, gloves and hats is very important.
Please help us limit our lost and found by labeling all of your child's belongings with a name or initials.
Grand Blanc Birthday & Snack Policy
Educational Benefit Form!
Family Portal
Meal Magic Family Portal provides a convenient, one-stop place to check your child's meal purchases, make deposits, order food and apply for benefits. Visit your family portal today by going to: https://grandblanc.familyportal.cloud/
Student Absences!
We have a feature in ParentVue that you can use to report your student's absence from school. The picture below shows the steps or you can continue to call the Cook Attendance Hotline at 810-591-7915. Please remember absences need to be reported to the office daily.