Learn, Grow, Teach
Newsletter - Spring 2024 - Teacher Education at Coe College
This newsletter begins with heartfelt celebration of our 24 Coe Teacher Education graduates. You'll soon find them teaching and learning in classrooms across Iowa and working throughout the U.S. This 2024 spring newsletter recognizes semester achievements of Teacher Education students, school/community partners, and Coe faculty.
Coe College Honors Convocation
Four seniors received the 2024 Teacher Education Awards during Convocation on May 4.
Schloeman Award (two) - This prize was established in 1976 by Dorothy Schloeman Towner, Coe Class of 1921, in memory of her sister, Linnie E. Schloeman. Towner was a teacher in special education and very active in the Presbyterian Church, the American Youth Foundation, and the U.S. Special Olympics. Awards are given to students who show the most promise of becoming outstanding and dedicated teachers.
- Samantha Coleman - (Elementary Education major) "Samantha demonstrates maturity and wisdom, beyond her years, that allow her to create optimal learning environments for her students. Veteran teachers and the Education Faculty recognize her professionalism and courageous risk-taking as a learner and as a teacher."
- Skyler Stookey (Elementary Education and K-12 Kinesiology major) "We honor Skyler Stookey as our secondary awardee for her flexibility, resilience, and forward thinking. Veteran teachers and the Education Faculty recognize Skyler's innovative stance, providing students rich learning experiences, even when faced with unique circumstances."
Human Relations Award - Awarded to a teacher education student who demonstrates sensitivity to the needs of diverse learners and promotes respect for all individuals in schools and society.
- Emma Graczyk (Elementary Education major) “You will probably see her eyes light up as she shares how much she LOVES meeting her students’ diverse learning needs. She would likely tell you how she builds trusting relationships with her students. She might surprise you when she tells you she loves using assessment to pinpoint student needs. And, you would most definitely hear her dedication in honoring every student’s unique learning process until they get to “the moment” when it all comes together.”
Educational Leadership Award - Presented to a graduating senior who demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities in a preservice teacher. The department recognizes the recipient as an individual with an exceptional commitment to excellence in all facets of classroom practice.
- Reagan Boyken (English major, Secondary Education minor) “Reagan, we see your depth of commitment for your students' learning and their well being. You quite literally cheer them forward. We also see you rising in a leadership style that is analytical, reflective, and builds this profession, even while initiating tough, yet important, conversations.”
(Above) Coe graduates teach across Iowa. Posted outside the Teacher Education office, a map accounts for current K-12 placements. Additionally, in the last three years, graduates have accepted teaching jobs in Illinois, Colorado, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, Virginia, New Jersey, Maine--and a Fulbright in Spain.
Coe Teacher Education: Snapshot data
- Department Achievements
- Celebrating our K-12 School Partners
- Prepping for Student Teaching
Reading Practices
Exploring Learning
Parent and Families
Above, high school teachers share teaching expertise. Recognition to Michelle Frye - African American Literature, Kennedy High School; Traci Mooney-Shaffer - Spanish, Washington High School; Nora Taylor - Physics, Jefferson High School; Chris Rowles - History, Jefferson High School; Jon Mitchell - Social Studies, Marion High School; JoAnn Gage - English, Mt. Vernon High School.
Leading in college professional development
Coe Teacher Education faculty organized and led a three-part professional development series this spring, inviting all Coe College faculty to discussions about teaching, learning, and educational change. The work, supported by Coe Faculty Development Committee, drew faculty attendance from across disciplines. Sessions were held at Coe's Center for Health and Society.
- Saved by the Bell: Secondary Teachers Share Approaches to Working with Students (April 2)
- Silence is Really Not Golden: Get Students Talking (April 9)
- Celebrate! The Value of Reflection for Student Learners--and Your Teaching (April 23)
Iowa's Teacher of the Year
Krystal Colbert (front, third from left) is Iowa's 2023 Teacher of the Year and this spring visited with several Coe students and faculty for a session titled, "The Importance of Choosing G.R.A.C.E". The interactive workshop emphasized the values of growth mindset, relationships, 'all means all', celebrate, and evolve. "Focusing on these five priorities helps me find success and joy in the classroom on a daily basis," Colbert explained. "They are also things I wish someone would have told me as a new teacher!" She is a second grade teacher in the Southeast Polk Community School District.
Friends and Colleagues in Teacher Education - Some quick pictures from Stuart Hall.
May there be no missing piece, please
Surprise class connections
Thankful for the help
Alumni and friends, we want to keep in contact.
Your work matters and your mentorship makes a difference. We appreciate that you let us know what you're doing and how you're doing. Give us an update: https://forms.gle/F1xVSyCnCxpgk1BSA