Lincoln Elementary School
May 24, 2024 - Family Newsletter
No School Monday - It's Memorial Day!
Principal's Message
Hello Lincoln Community,
We hope this finds you well and ready to enjoy this three-day Holiday weekend! In the classroom our teachers, students, and staff are focused on finishing the year strong. Also during these last few weeks of the year, we have plenty of events and activities for our students and families to enjoy.
Lincoln Family Fun Night: We hope you all can join us next Wednesday evening for our Lincoln Family Fun Night! At this event, which runs from 5:30 to 7:00, we'll have games, a DJ, Firefighters from the Woodburn Fire Department, Food, a Photo Booth, and more. Please come, be a part of the fun, and bring your family.
Memorial Day is Monday: On Monday we celebrate men and women who served in our armed forces and gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country and the freedom of our Nation. As Monday is a National Holiday, there is no school.
Highlights of the Week: Every week is full of important learning opportunities and highlights. Here is some of what happened this week here at Lincoln.
- On Tuesday our 1st graders took a field trip to the zoo.
- Also on Tuesday our Lincoln Choir performed at the District Music Festival
- Our 5th graders today visited French Prairie MS in preparation for middle school next year
- At Community Meeting we celebrated birthdays, gave out SWIM awards, and talked about Memorial Day
- The majority of our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders made progress toward finishing their state testing
Thank You! As always, please feel free to send your questions or feedback to us at or Go Dolphins!
Teresa Alfaro - Principal
Peter McDougal - Assistant Principal
Important Dates
Mark your calendars!
Monday, 5/27 - Memorial Day Holiday - No School
Wednesday, 5/29 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Chemeketa CC; Kindergarten Field Trip to the Zoo
Wednesday, 5/29 - Lincoln Family Fun Night
Thursday, 5/30 - 3rd-5th Grade AM Community Meeting (every Thursday)
Friday, 5/31 - Kinder-2nd Grade AM Community Meeting (every Friday)
Monday, 6/3 - Site Council Meeting @ 5:30
Wednesday, 6/5 - Incoming Kindergarten Evening
Thursday, 6/6 - 3rd-5th Grade AM Community Meeting (every Thursday)
Thursday, 6/6 - Coffee with the principal at 6:00 PM
Friday, 6/7 - Kinder-2nd Grade AM Community Meeting (every Friday)
Tuesday, 6/11 - 5th Grade Promotion
Wednesday, 6/12 - Kindergarten Celebration
Thursday, 6/13 - Last School Day for Students
Lincoln Choir at the District Music Festival
Please Give Your Feedback on Our School's Performance
Dear families,
We need your feedback about the school’s performance. Your perspective is very important to us, so we can improve our service to you. Please follow the link or scan the QR code so you can complete the form. We also sent the form via Remind.
Teresa Alfaro
SEED Survey
Students in grades 3-8 and 11 have the opportunity to take the Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey this year. This survey will help the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) gather information about the educational experiences of students in Oregon. This information will help ODE to develop appropriate resources and supports for districts in Oregon, and better target those resources where they are most needed. SEED Survey data may also help districts develop a fuller picture of their local contexts and make strategic modifications to curriculum, instruction, and related academic supports that they offer students.
For more information about the survey or to opt-out of the survey, please click on the link below.
Kindergarten Registration
Arrival and Dismissal - Every Day
Please do your part to help us have a safe Arrival and Dismissal process each day. If you are dropping off or picking up your student(s), please prioritize Safety First, follow our designated traffic patterns, and avoid blocking traffic. For parent drop-off in the morning, please follow our staff traffic guides and pull forward to the farthest sandwich board so we can make the drop-off as efficient as possible for all. For the parent pick-up, likewise: Please follow our traffic pattern so we can maintain a safe and efficient pick-up procedure.
If you ever have a suggestion to share regarding safety or efficiency, we encourage you to contact our office and/or a Lincoln administrator. Thank you for helping our students, staff, and community stay safe as we begin and end each day!
WSD's Family University - Right Here at Lincoln
What's for Breakfast and Lunch?
Parent/Family Volunteers
Would you like to join the Lincoln Elementary community for field trips and other special occasions? We LOVE our parent and family volunteers! Whether you'd like to help out for special events like accompanying your child on field trips or volunteering on picture day, or whether you'd like to volunteer on a more regular, ongoing basis, we'd love to have you! Here's what you need to know.
There are three steps you'll need to take to become a volunteer:
- Read this Volunteer Handbook
- Watch this safety presentation
- Complete this Volunteer Packet, your application, the online volunteer training, and an online criminal history verification information form
You will need either a driver's license or other state-issued ID for safety reasons.
You can complete your training online, and turn in your completed volunteer packet to the Lincoln office at any time during regular office hours (school days, 7:20-3:30). NOTE: it can take a few weeks for your background check to be completed, so if you'd like to accompany your child on upcoming field trips you'll want to get this turned in RIGHT AWAY. If you have questions about volunteering, please contact Amaris Chavez at, or call the main office at (503) 981-2825.
Every Day Matters
Link to Previous Newsletters
Your Lincoln Admin Team - Feel free to contact us at 503-981-2825 or by email.
Teresa Alfaro - Principal:
Peter McDougal - Assistant Principal: