Ed Clapp Elementary
The mission of Ed Clapp Elementary School
- Building doors open at 7:50 and class starts at 8:05. Students who arrive after 8:05 are marked tardy and should report to the office for a tardy slip. Learning starts right away in the classrooms, so it is important for your child to be on time.
- Absences: If your child is going to be absent please contact the office staff at 701-446-2900 or email at edattendance@fargoschools.org. If we do not hear from you our office staff will be calling to check the whereabouts of your child. Your child's safety is always our number one concern. Being on time and having good attendance is crucial for learning. When a child is habitually absent/tardy, there is a negative impact on learning. If you are ever having trouble with getting your child to school or your child is feeling sick too often, please call our school counselors Katrina Brekke (grades K, 2 & 4) at 701-446-2939 or Kennedy Geller (grades 1, 3 & 5) at 701-446-2938 who would be happy to work with you and offer support and suggestions.
- If you need to pick up your child during the day, please call the office at 446-2900 when you get to the school or come to the front door and wait in the entry way. The office will call your child out of his/her classroom. Due to district policy, we are unable to call your child out of the classroom before you have arrived at the school.
- The school day ends at 2:27 and students must be picked up promptly at 2:27.
NDSU Extension - Cass County News Flash
The October NDSU Extension-Cass County News Flash can be found here.
Dispute Resolution Policy
Dispute Resolution Policy
Federal and state regulations require districts to adopt procedures for receiving and resolving disputes. A complaint may include an investigation by district staff that will result in a determination of findings of facts, conclusions, and reasons for the final decision.
Any individual who believes the Fargo School District has violated the regulations or law governing the federal Title program should submit a detailed, written statement of facts supporting the allegation to:
Manager of Specific Title program–See Below
Fargo Public Schools
700 7th Street South
Fargo, ND 58103
Fargo Public Schools Title Managers
Title I Part A (Economically Disadvantaged Students)
Tristan Love: lovet@fargo.k12.nd.us
Title II Part A (Teacher Training/Recruitment)
Robert Grosz: groszr@fargo.k12.nd.us
Missy Eidsness: eidsnem@fargo.k12.nd.us
Title III (English Language Acquisition)
Liann Hanson: hansonl3@fargo.k12.nd.us
Title IX (Discrimination/Sexual Harassment)
Patricia Cummings: cumminp1@fargo.k12.nd.us
Section 504 (Students with Disabilities)
Patricia Cummings: cumminp1@fargo.k12.nd.us
Any complaint must include:
• The date;
• The name of the district, unit, or individual the complaint is against;
• The name, address, and telephone number of the person making the complaint;
• A detailed description of the complaint, including specific facts; and
• The signature of the person making the complaint.
When a complaint is filed, the appropriate Fargo Public Schools Title Manager will investigate and issue a written response within sixty (60) calendar days from the date the complaint is received.
The complainant may submit a reconsideration request in writing to the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, the North Dakota Division of Juvenile Services, and the U.S. Department of Education.
State Superintendent The Secretary of Education
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction U.S. Department of Education
600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept 201 555 New Jersey Avenue NW
Bismarck, ND 58505-0440 Washington, D.C. 20208
North Dakota Division of Juvenile Services
100 Railroad Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501
School/Parent Compact
Ed Clapp Elementary Staff and the parents/guardians of the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded ty Title I agree that this compact outlines how they will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and families will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards. This school-parent compact is in effect during the 2024-25 school year.
School Responsibilities
Ed Clapp Elementary Staff will:
1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:
Teach to the North Dakota State Standard
Use a research-based instruction strategies and curriculum
Create a positive student culture
Model the Explorer Expectations and hold students accountable for meeting them
Use data to meet students’ needs through whole group and small group instruction
2. Hold parent-teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. Specifically, these conferences will be held:
In conjunction with the annual District calendar in which elementary conferences are held twice a year in October and March
3. Provide families with reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows:
Standards-based progress report two times per year: November and May January
4. Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with families as follows:
Phone call messages, individual meetings during their contract day.
Classroom updates/newsletters
5. Provide families opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, as follows:
Teachers will share volunteer opportunities within the classroom throughout the year
Parents/guardians interested in volunteering on a regular basis can contact the office for volunteer opportunities or with the PTA Contact President Ed Clapp <president@edclapppta.org>
Parents/guardians interested in observing can contact the school office and observations will be scheduled based on district policy
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
We, as parents/guardians, will support learning in the following ways:
Encourage at-home reading and support a love for learning
Ensure that my child comes to school on time and ready to learn and maintains strong attendance
Encourage healthy sleep habits and responsible amounts of screen time
Keep lines of communication open and respond to school requests
Written Notification of School Accountability Report
Ed Clapp Elementary School
Written Notification of School Accountability Report
Dear Parent/Guardian,
North Dakota has launched a dashboard called “Insights,” designed to help communities across the state access important information about K-12 districts and schools. Insights features easy-to-read reports on multiple measures of school success, including:
Student Achievement
Choice Ready Results
Performance Comparisons
English Learner Progress
Graduation Rates
School and State Accountability Results
School Improvement Information
Post-Secondary Education
School Environment
Transparency to the Public
North Dakota is committed to informing communities about how well our schools are doing. North Dakota’s future success depends on tapping into the potential of all students, so they graduate choice ready with the knowledge, skills, and disposition to be successful.
State education departments are required to annually create an accountability report for every public school in the state per the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The school accountability reports outline how schools perform on the accountability elements North Dakota selected within its ESSA plan.
How is our School Doing?
To find more information about our School Accountability Report, visit the dashboard at Insights.nd.gov, select “Explore Public K-12,” then select “Data for Specific District or School,” and either type the district or school in the search box or search alphabetically from the list provided. The school accountability report is posted under the Dashboard heading.
Please note that the data made available to the public masks or hides data for groups with ten or fewer students to protect confidential information about individual students. Therefore, if data is unavailable to less than ten students, it will say “no data available.”
Family Engagement
We have strong plans for working to improve the educational programs at our school. We want you and your child(ren) to continue actively participating in our educational system. Please help support our high expectations for student achievement by participating in the school educational initiatives, offering input and support in our endeavors to raise student achievement, or volunteering at the school. Meeting our school’s goals will take a united effort, and I look forward to working with our families to ensure success for each student.
Continuous Improvement
All schools engage in continuous improvement for general support; therefore, our school has completed a continuous improvement plan through Cognia.
As part of the overall school improvement plan, a strategy map is generated for each school. Our strategy map, outlining our key school improvement initiatives, is also available on Insights.
Ed Clapp Elementary is a participating Title I school, with a student membership count of 447 students.
If you have any questions regarding the information in the memorandum, please contact Jennifer Schuldheisz, Principal, 701-446-2904, schuldj@fargo.k12.nd.us
Jennifer Schuldheisz
Building Principal
Documentation of Annual Review
Fargo Public School District
Documentation of Annual Review--Ed Clapp Elementary
Our school wide annual review took place on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. All staff were invited and the meeting was held on Teams to accommodate part-time and traveling staff. This meeting was led by Principal Jennifer Schuldheisz, Assistant Principal Nikki Nelson, and Instructional Coach: Erin Kaluza
Agenda Items:
Review and evaluation of required Title Components:
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Schoolwide Reform Strategies
Annual evaluation of plan/modifications
Review school wide goals
Discussion of what to continue and what to change based on comprehensive needs assessment
Meeting Minutes
After reviewing each of the above items, it has been determined the following changes will take place during the 2024/25 school year regarding the school wide plan and its initiatives
Overall Impressions/Conclusions from Needs Assessment
Ed Clapp Elementary
We will continue our initiatives in the following areas:
1. SEL
Emphasize a strong Tier 1: Morning Circles, Restorative Practices, Second Step curriculum, Take a Break stations
Continue to complete SRSS Screener three times per year and analyze and respond to the results
Continue to deepen implementation of revised schoolwide behavior plan and common language
Continue to strengthen social skill instruction for students at Tier 2 and Tier 3 plans with counselors and other specialists
Continue to support a regulation room for students to use for brief periods of time if they are needing a space outside of the classroom to regulate (DEPOT room)
Continue reframing Tier 2 and Tier 3 MTSS-B Plans
increased push-in support–less time out of classroom
maximizing students’ intrinsic motivation
increased emphasis on building skills
2. Math
Continue explicit teaching of math foundational skills and fact fluency while deepening our implementation of all Bridges components including Bridges whole group lesson, Number Corner, and Work Places
Continue to embed AVMR teaching strategies into core instruction to strengthen Tier 1 and conceptual understanding
Continue Bridges Intervention for Special Education teachers and Title
3. Literacy
Continue the use of SIPPS with reading specialists for Tier 3 and special education when appropriate
Continue focusing on the foundational reading skills with emphasis on Tier 1 instruction which includes deepening our implementation of UFLI for Tier 1 instruction (grades K-2). We will continue to analyze our Tier 1 data for grades 3-5 to determine the use of Sonday or other word study/spelling resources.
Continue Morpheme Magic implementation and align the resource and teaching routines with our Tier 1 phonics program.
Continue to integrate the Nancy Fetzer foundational writing program ideas as a supplement as requested by grade levels.
Overall to continue:
Deepen implementation of BARR to create structures and systems for PLCs, MTSS, and community resources
Weekly common planning time to support a guaranteed and viable curriculum
Support Tier 1 instruction and guaranteed viable curriculum with a heavy emphasis on instructional coaching
Enrichment-continue using alternative assessment and observation methods to expand the identification of students receiving GT and enrichment services
Provide 21st Century skills and critical thinking activities by supporting STEAM and collaborative projects
Extending learning opportunities for at-risk demographic groups, expansion of GT and enrichment services, Summer School programs: transitions, EL, Special Education, after school programming: 21st Century Grant: Additional programming for Boys and Girls Club
Parent Engagement- continued school wide emails, grade level/teacher communication plans (Seesaw)
Morning PLCs based on grade level need (literacy, math, SEL)
Expanding culturally relevant teaching practices
Increased analysis of data through a lens of equity and inclusion (demographic groups)
We will make the following revisions/modifications to the plan:
1. SEL
Modify SEL goal for more consistent data collection by using information from SRSS screener
More emphasis on implementation of Catalyst foundational skills and de-escalation strategies
2. Math
Expand Fractions training for upper grades to align with Tier 1 instruction
Adjust our math goals to improve overall monitoring of achievement:
K-1: By May 2025, 75% of our students will be proficient on their grade level AVMR focus assessments.
Kinder BNWS and Structuring
1st Grade Addition and Subtraction, Structuring
2-5: By May 2025, 75% of our students will be proficient on their grade level AIMS Web+ screening.
3. Literacy
Emphasize with students the belief in themselves as readers and the joy of reading–reduce the use of technology and increase reading of texts
Implement a knowledge building comprehensive literacy curriculum in collaboration with the district
Overall Next Steps:
Our special education teachers will be narrowing their focus on grade level bands and working to close the gap between student IEP goals and grade level ELOs.
In grades K-2, our math and reading specialists will be providing more frequent, shorter doses of intervention which supports the distributed and interleaved practice research and allows students more opportunities to engage in Tier 1 instruction within the classroom.
Increased focus on Tier 1 instruction and monitoring District ELOs through common assessments and informal formative assessments
Shift meeting focus to measure impact on student academic and social-emotional growth (PLCs, Common Planning, Small Block, Big Block, Community Connect)
Increase communication with families regarding what students are learning and how they can help at home
Monitor and report student ELO progress to families with earlier communication if a child is struggling and on ELO proficiency growth.
We will determine our effectiveness by:
Analyzing our growth goals for reading, math and SEL including demographic groups
Reviewing Fall, Winter, and Spring AIMS Web+ Data; including demographic groups
Analyzing our progress on district ELOs
Reviewing the results of student intervention plans and behavioral data; including demographic groups
Parents Right to Know
Our school receives federal funds for Title I programs that are part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Under ESSA, parents have the right to request information on the professional qualifications of the teachers and paraprofessionals at our school. If you are interested in learning this information, please contact the school administration office at (701) 446-2900. Upon this request, you will receive professional qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals at the school. The information will include state level qualifications, licensing criteria for grade levels and subject areas, teaching under an emergency or other provisional status, and teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher. In addition, if at any time during the school year a teacher who is not highly qualified teaches your child for four or more consecutive weeks, you will receive timely notice from the school.
Ed Clapp Elementary
Nikki Nelson, Assistant Principal
Email: schuldj@fargo.k12.nd.us
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/EdClapp
Location: 3131 28th St S, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-2900