Clearspring Howl
Some thoughts for the starting school year

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November 24th, 2024
This week's Husky Howl provides information for the upcoming week to help you feel organized and prepared to support your students. Have a great week!
Tonight's Howl will be sent through remind as well as posted in Parent Square. Parent Square is MCPS's new school communication system. After Thanksgiving all of our communication will come through Parent Square. You do not need to sign up for anything or download any apps, just keep an eye on your email and phone for information from Clearspring. REMIND will still be used by teachers for two way communication with families.
Staffing Update
We know a lot of student and families have reached out about Ms. Jung, our counselor. Ms. Jung did not start the year with us and it's with a heavy heart that we must share that she has left Clearspring to pursue other opportunities outside the county. We wish her the best with her new endeavors and are here if you have any questions involving the support of your students.
We are so thankful for Mr. Bock who has moved into our full time counselor position and will be with us everyday. We have also welcomed an amazing long term sub, Rachael Harding, who will be with us in our part time counselor position, until the end of the year. Mrs. Harding will be at Clearspring on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to reach out.
Important Dates
This Week’s Lunch Menu
Husky Hustle Fun Run Fundraiser - Final Count
Thank you to all the friends and family that supported our Huskies during the first booster Husky hustle. Our community earned just over $13,000 to support enrichment activities for our students such as cultural assemblies, in and out of school field trips, artists in residence and other exciting school day programs. It will also go to support the community events that the PTA sponsors such as family dances, culture and traditions night and the spring fair. Thank you again for supporting Clearspring, we couldn't do it without you.
Teacher Spotlight
Shout out a Husky Staff Member
Thank you to those who shouted out Husky Staff Members last week! You made their days!
We'd love to hear from you, our Clearspring community, about staff members who have made your day, supported your students, or left a positive impact in your family's life. Please feel free to shout out a staff member at the link below. We'd love to share the love with them and hear from you!
There will be large bags to each classroom to collect gently used or new coats as well as diapers for Clarksburg Closet and In the office we will also be collecting old Clearspring Husky Spirit Wear to pass it on and breath new life into it via a new student. These collections will begin after Thanksgiving Break.
🌟PTA 🍎
PTA Upcoming Events and Fundraiser
1st-15th - Dave and Busters Power Card Drive
3rd - PTA Meeting on Zoom
2nd-6th - Winter Clothing Drive
10th - Spirit Night at J&Ps Damascus - ALL DAY
16th - Holiday Pottery Painting w/ Mr. Clay 6-8pm
18th - Staff Appreciation Cookie Bar
Volunteer at Clearspring / Chaperoning on Field Trips
We need your help to provide our children with the best possible experience at Clearspring. Whether you want to volunteer regularly or just one time we have a spot for you. If you are interested in helping out please fill out this form https://forms.gle/vc9d6uN5AJ7gtxGZ7
and our volunteer coordinator will be in contact with you. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Natalia at nayquipa98@gmail.com
You can reach out to your PTA Board anytime with comments, questions, suggestions Clearspring.PTA@gmail.com
Visit the website: https://ClearspringPTA.com/
Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clearspring.PTA
Follow us Instagram: @clearspringpta