PHS Parent Newsletter
Summer 2024
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Purcell High School Contact Info
Location: 2020 North Green Avenue, Purcell, OK, USA
Phone: 405-442-0099
Twitter: @purcellhsdrgns
Message from the Principal
Summer Breaks are an Important Part of the Learning Process
Summer breaks are important for several reasons and contribute significantly to the well-being and development of students, teachers, and families. Teenagers need an opportunity to recharge and most importantly spend time with family and friends away from the stress and demands of school. Here are just a few examples of the importance of Summer Break
1. **Rest and Recharge**: After months of academic work, students and teachers need a break to rest and rejuvenate. This helps prevent burnout and promotes mental health.
2. **Family Time**: Summer breaks provide an opportunity for families to spend quality time together, travel, and reconnect away from the stress of work and school.
3. **Exploration and Learning**: The break allows students to explore interests outside of the classroom. They can engage in hobbies, attend camps, or take on summer jobs, which contribute to personal growth and skill development.
4. **Physical Health**: Summer break encourages outdoor activities and physical exercise, which is important in a society that spends too much time inside.
5. **Non-Traditional Learning**: Students can pursue educational activities that aren’t typically part of the standard curriculum, such as internships, specialized courses, or creative projects.
6. **Teacher Development**: Teachers can use this time for professional development, further education, and curriculum planning, which can enhance their teaching effectiveness during the academic year.
Summer Breaks are crucial for the success of the upcoming academic year. I hope all of our families are enjoying this important and valuable break.
Happy Summer!
Please feel free to text or call me if can help
Cell: 918-873-0354
Important Summer Dates
- Summer School wrapped up last week. Thank you to our staff members who made it such a success for students seeking an opportunity to extend learning into the summer:
- Summer School Coordinator: Kenzie Cunnius
- Summer School High School Staff: Bryan Young, Jenny Allen-Price, Jasmine Quinonez, Susan Bennett
- High School Athletic Dead Week is June 29th -- June 7th. No organized practice, workouts, games, etc. Our athletic facilities will be completely closed.
- Enrollment Confirmation: July 22-25 at the HS Commons/Reimer Center (see info in newsletter)
- Freshmen Orientation: July 29; 6PM; HS Commons/Reimer Center
8:00 AM -- 3:00 PM
24-25 SCHOOL CALENDAR -- 1st Day of School: AUGUST 15TH
New Staff Member: Welcome Matt Lohn
We only have one new staff member to introduce this summer. I'm grateful to have retained the vast majority of our excellent staff. This is always important to maintain continuity and stability. Although this has become even more important in the day and age of teacher shortage.
Matt Lohn joins us from Moore High School and will be teaching Algebra 1. Matt is A well-respected and accomplished classroom teacher including the past recipient of District Teacher of the Year Award. I'm excited to add Matt to our outstanding Math Department at PHS. Matt also serves as our Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach. We welcome Matt and his family to the Dragon Family.
IMPORTANT: 24-25 Handbook Changes @ PHS
Each year our leadership team reviews school handbook policy and proposes any changes, revisions, or improvements to school policy. Any proposals are then submitted to the Superintendent for review and subject to approval by the School Board. These following minor changes are tentative and have not yet been approved by the school board.
Activity Absences
Our handbook language regarding activity absences stated that students are limited to 10 days of activity absences (see policy here:)
School activity is defined as extracurricular activities, whether sponsored by the school or outside agency, which removes the student from class for more than half of a class period. The total number of student activity absences allowed from any one class period, without permission from the Internal Review Committee and approved by the board shall be 10. Once a student has 8 activity absences from any one class period, the student must be reported to the principal’s office for consideration for further absences.
This proposal clarifies language in the handbook to align with official school board policy. School Board policy states that students are limited to 10 activity absences per semester. Our current language is unclear as to whether it's 10 days per semester or 10 days per year. This clarifies that question and does NOT change in policy.
Semester Test Exemptions.
Again there is no change in policy here only clarification on how we identify and notify students exempt from their semester test due to grades and attendance. Beginning next year, PHS Administration will run attendance/grade exemption reports from Infinite Campus no later than 2 day prior to the first day of Semester Tests. Teachers and students will be informed of their exemption status for each class. In the past teachers submitted exemption list to administration. This change simply reduces the clerical workload of teachers.
Enrollment Confirmation
Enrollment Confirmation
I know the enrollment process can seem complicated and time consuming. However our District staff including Carolyn Anyong and our school registrars (Kassi Buchanan @ PHS) have worked hard to simplify and streamline the process.
Important Things to Know:
- All parents must complete an online registration for the new school year (STEP 1). This can be completed online immediately (highly recommended). See guidance and links below. This will speed your process and make your visit to Enrollment Confirmation (STEP 2) in July quick and easy. Basically you will confirm and pick up class schedules. Please be sure to fully complete the registration. REGISTER ONLINE NOW!
- Students completed course selections in March. Ms. Feroli hand reviews every student's selections and performs credit checks. Once that process is complete we will run students schedules in mid July. Students will receive a schedule at enrollment confirmation. Students will then have an opportunity to request schedule changes.
Online registration is now open for the 24-25 school year. This is Step 1 of the enrollment process. If your student is returning to Purcell Schools next year or you are enrolling a new student, let us know by filling out an enrollment registration. Step 2 of the enrollment process is enrollment confirmation which will take place in July at the High School.
- New Families will confirm enrollment on July 22nd from 8:00am-4pm or July 23rd from 1:00-7:00 PM
- Returning Families will confirm enrollment on July 23rd from 1:00-7:00 PM, July 24th from 8:00am-4:00 PM, or July 25th from 1:00-7:00 PM. Reach out to your child's school if you have questions or need assistance with accessing your portal account.
Find out more about our enrollment process at: Parent Portal Access:
We spend a lot of time on school safety and security for good reason. It is a foundation of school success. Students and staff cannot thrive if they do not have a stable and safe environment to teach and learn. Parents deserve to have transparency, communication, and peace of mind knowing their students are protected and safe.
Here are some key points about school safety.
- All parents are invited to attend Safety & Wellness Meeting on 8/21 @ 4PM in the high school library. This will also double as my Parent Advisory Council Meeting. All parents are welcome to attend and participate.
- All doors at the high school remain locked and secured throughout the day. The only exception is our front door (south commons entrance) which automatically unlocks at 7:30 and locks back at 8:15 each day. This door also unlocks at 11:45 (lunch) and re-locks at 12:30. Administration is stationed near these doors at these times. The front main door is the only door of access available to students. They must enter and exit the building (during school hours) through these doors. The exceptions would be the band room door and the gym double doors specific to athletes, JH students, and band students. These door are monitored by staff.
- Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. All parents must check in to the main office and obtain a visitor pass if they plan to enter the main part of the school (classrooms). There are no exceptions to this policy.
PHS Safety & Wellness Meeting
Each semester the high school host a safety & wellness meeting that is open to parents and students. We provide important safety updates and reminders of school safety policy. This is also an opportunity for parents and guardians to ask questions and provide input.
Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024, 04:00 PM
PHS Library
PHS Parent Advisory Council Meeting
This meeting is open to any PHS parent. I will share updates on student handbook and new school policies. Parents have an opportunity to ask questions and provide input.
Wednesday, Aug 21, 2024, 04:30 PM
PHS Library
NEW Artificial Intelligence (AI) Programs Offered @ Oklahoma Colleges
The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education recently approved artificial intelligence (AI) degree programs at Rose State College, Southwestern Oklahoma State University and the University of Oklahoma. The programs are the first undergraduate AI degrees offered in the state.
"Growing demand for AI programs is fueled by the widespread adoption of machine learning technology across various industries, including health care, finance, manufacturing and aerospace. In Oklahoma, more than 19,000 jobs currently require AI skills, with median annual earnings of nearly $106,000. The number of AI-related positions in our state is expected to increase 21% over the next 10 years."
---Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
This is an exciting development for the future of our students. Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly growing aspect of almost every industry and many new jobs require expertise in AI and it's workplace applications.
Last year we worked with our staff @ PHS to introduce basic AI tools that can make their jobs more efficient and productive. The less time teachers spend performing basic tasks that can be performed by computers, the more time they can spend designing and implementing meaningful learning experiences for their students. AI is revolutionizing the workplace and our students need basic training in the application of AI tools. Students and staff also need to be aware of the potential negative impacts of AI.
This year we will be piloting the implementation of basic AI tools for our students as well as the necessary training in the usage and potential impact of these tools. Amy Stone, Secondary Media Specialist, will be leading this process throughout the school year. I will provide more information with my back to school newsletter. I also urge parents to read the link I've copied below about the new AI degree programs offered at several Oklahoma Colleges.
PHS Aviation Program Begins Year 2
We are excited to begin our second year of our Aviation Program. This program is part of an effort led by the Oklahoma Aerospace & Aeronautics to meet the growing demand of aeronautics and aerospace jobs in Oklahoma. It is the state's fastest growing industry. Our aviation program is a four year program beginning freshmen year and culminating with a student obtaining a commercial drone license. Students will have the opportunity to test for their license at the end of their junior year. This is a hands-on, application driven program that includes training students in drone operations. Through grants and generous donations from the Purcell Public School Foundation, we were able to purchase commercial grade drones for students to train and prepare.
The aerospace & aeronautics industry needs highly skilled workers to fill the high-paying jobs throughout Oklahoma. This pathway offers students and opportunity to obtain these in demand skills that will lead to a high-paying job in the future.
House Bill 3958 is intended to provide parents with additional oversight of all digital communication between their child and staff members. In general, the law states that when a staff member communicates with individual students, a parent/guardian must be included in the communication. It’s best to include parents/guardians in all communication with students.
This legislation takes effect July 1, 2024.
Here are some key points for parents to consider:
- District policy already prohibited staff members from communicating with students via text messages, social media messaging, instant messaging, or other forms of electronic communication.
- Our policy has allowed communication with students through the use of a class or team REMIND. This communication should be limited to school functions only and should not be sent to individual students or players.
- We are reviewing the use of team and class REMINDS in the context of this new law and will await guidance from District Administration including the School Board.
- We fully support this legislation and always should include a parent/guardian in all communication between students and staff.
- We will provide more information regarding this new legislation in our back to school newsletter at the end of July.
- The new law is linked above.
PHS Senior Haley Kretchmar recently attended the OK Farm Bureau Capitol Camp
Capitol Camp is an immersive two-day legislative experience for incoming high school juniors and seniors to learn about Oklahoma’s legislative process and how bills become law through a mock legislature held on the floor of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
What a great leadership experience. Great job Haley!
PHS Seniors Hudson Andrews and Emma Lynn recently attended the FFA Washington Leadership Conference.
. The Washington Leadership Conference provides FFA members a premier leadership experience while exposing them to the rich history of Washington, D.C.
We are excited for these opportunities and the continued growth of our student leaders. Student leadership is critical to the culture of a school. Great job Hudson & Emma.
PHS Seniors Paisley Knowles, Hannah Whitaker, Ellie Feroli, Devan Martin, and Kate Ginn attended RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) last week at Camp Goddard in Sulphur. This leadership camp encourages youth leadership and provides intensive training in leadership techniques.
I'm very pleased many of our student leaders are taking advantage of great leadership opportunities such as RYLA.
This supports our effort to continue to incorporate leadership training into our high school curriculum. In addition to our regular leadership program taught by Amy Stone, beginning this year every freshman will take a semester long leadership class. This course will focus on life skills, financial literacy, transition to high school, and health and mental wellness issues facing teenagers today.
PHS Senior Erick Suarez Places 3rd in Congressional Art Contest!
Please read the press release below from Congressmen Cole's office. Erick is pictured below with U.S. Representative Tom Cole, his family, and PHS Art Teacher Jon Corea. His award winning work, "Old One", is also attached to this post.
Erick Suarez of Purcell, Oklahoma is the third-place winner. He attends Purcell High School, where he studies art under his teacher, Jon Corea. For the Congressional Art Competition, Suarez submitted artwork titled “Old One,” which was drawn with stick pastels. This painting depicts a Native American and an owl.
“My artwork is inspired by my uncle, Oscar Howe. I did the piece in honor and respect of him and my culture. I was just having fun in art class and thought it would be cool to draw something I don't really express,” said Suarez.
"Erick is an exceptionally talented artist," said Corea, Purcell High School Art Teacher. "He has a quiet personal demeanor, and a calming effect on everyone he encounters. His art has the same effect. His art holds the viewer in a grasp of calming awe. His visual aspects to his art are as powerful as the symbolism that he places in his compositions. His art has the unique quality to grasp the viewer. It is an honor to have Erick as a student. He works hard and always seeks to better himself through all areas of his academics."
PHS Seniors Attend Youth Leadership Oklahoma!
PHS Seniors Paisley Knowles & Ellie Feroli recently completed Youth Leadership Oklahoma and are members of the Class of 2024. Here is what each had to say about their amazing experience:
"Throughout the week of June 2nd-June 7th, we traveled from Edmond, to Oklahoma City, Norman, Lawton, Sulphur, Tulsa, Stillwater, Enid, and then back to Oklahoma City. Traveling by charter bus, the grand total of miles traveled was around 702 miles. Throughout the week, we were able to form many close friendships and connections with our fellow classmates, hear from several outstanding guest speakers, and visit many well respected universities."
--Paisley Knowles
"I was so lucky to be a part of Youth Leadership Oklahoma’s class 24. We spent the week of June 2nd touring the state and I learned so much about the people and places in Oklahoma! It was an amazing experience. My favorite stop was the Philbrook Museum in Tulsa, but there was not a single place that I didn’t love. We toured colleges, met with state leaders, visited Fort Sill, went to cultural centers, Riversport Adventures, the state capitol and much more. I will definitely encourage people to apply next year."
--Ellie Feroli
Purcell High School Cheer recently participated in J & C cheer camp
Purcell High School Cheer recently participated in J & C cheer camp. The team was able to work on a new cheer, dance and stunts, while also working on team bonding. They earned the spirit stick every evening, and brought it home from camp. They also brought home the Champions Cup. Great job Coach Grant Gish & Cheer Squad!
5 members of the team were selected as J&C All-Star’s including seniors Mili Antonio, Kate Ginn & Paisley Knowles, junior Ellie Reed, and freshman Whitney Bruehl. They have earned the opportunity to participate in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Seniors Jaci Deaton and Kate Ginn were selected for Army All American Bowl participation, allowing them to cheer at the high school All-American game. They were also asked to return next year as staff members.
Kate Ginn was awarded Top Gun Senior for her Motions & Whitney Bruehl was a Freshman finalist.
Senior Paisley Knowles was selected for the Leadership Award for her leadership skills.
Overall a fun-filled week with a positive impact and outlook for a good season!
Sgt. Van Oort Selected D.A.R.E Officer of the Year!
The Purcell Police Department is proud to announce that Sgt. Van Oort has been recognized by the Oklahoma D.A.R.E. Officers Association as the D.A.R.E. Officer of the Year. Sgt. Van Oort, who serves the Purcell School District, received this prestigious award for his outstanding achievement, dedication, and service to the D.A.R.E. program and the children of our great community of Purcell. Purcell Public Schools
This award was presented today by James Richerson, President of the D.A.R.E. Officers Association, at the annual Oklahoma D.A.R.E. conference in Durant, Oklahoma.
Please join us in congratulating Sgt. Van Oort on this well-deserved honor and thanking him for his exceptional commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of our youth.
Congratulations to PHS Senior, Hudson Andrews, on being selected to serve on the Oklahoma Agricultural Youth Council this year! Quite an honor Hudson!
ODAFF selected 15 high school seniors from across Oklahoma to serve on the 2024-25 Oklahoma Agriculture Youth Council.
PHS Senior Parker Page attended Boys State at Rogers State College this past week. Boys State is an 80 year tradition providing future leaders an intense week of non-partisan government, leadership, and patriotism. Boys State is sponsored by the American Legion. Parker will serve as Senior Class Treasurer this upcoming school year.
PHS Seniors Kate Ginn & Ellie Feroli attend Girls State
PHS Seniors Kate Ginn & Ellie Feroli attended Girls State last week on the campus of UCO. Girls State is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary & held since 1940. It provides students valuable training in leadership & citizenship. It also provides students an opportunity to make connections and network with future leaders across the state! Ellie will serve at Senior Class President & Kate will serve as Senior Class Historian this upcoming year.
PHS Dragon Pride Host "Newbie Camp"
Summer break is a needed time for students and staff to refresh and prioritize family time. However learning gaps are greatest for students following the summer months. Students who stay engaged during summer tend to experience smaller gaps. I applaud our coaches and sponsors who often give their own time to keep our students engaged throughout the summer. Example: The PHS Dragon Pride Marching Band hosted newbie camp last week with incoming freshmen, new members, and leadership team. Great job David Hilger and Jacob Willing!
Thank you to all of our coaches and sponsors for their hard work and sacrifice helping train student athletes, host little-kid camps, attend team camps, and more. These summer programs do far more than provide individual skill and team development. They keep kids engaged, active, and physically fit during the summer break. Students involved in school summer activities experience less learning gaps over the summer break.
A special thanks to Cole Harwell, Purcell Sports & Performance Director for his hard work with our athletes throughout the summer.
Sharing a few pics from our various sports camps over the summer.
United Way of Norman’s Stuff the Bus School Supply Program.
Applications are open now for United Way of Norman’s Stuff the Bus
School Supply Program.
This program distributes free school supplies to low-to-moderate-income families in Norman, Noble, Blanchard, Dibble, Little Axe, Lexington, Newcastle, Purcell, Robin Hill, and Wayne. Families with students in Pre-K through 12th grade are eligible to apply.
The deadline to apply is July 26. Click on link below to apply:
Students can access Varsity Tutors platform on their school-issued Chromebooks through their Clever account. Students & Parents can also access Clever account @ by selecting the Student Learning Page from the menu.
You can learn more about the tools available to your student here.
Upcoming Seniors (PHS Class of 2025) will have opportunity to take Senior Pics over the summer with our new school picture company: Oklahoma School Pictures. This is NOT mandatory and regular school pics will occur on Oct. 15. click on link below to access flyer. Flyer was also provided to all juniors.
Please take the opportunity to read about the initiative below and contact me directly through email or phone to sign your student up for this potential opportunity. This is open to all current sophs and juniors who are planning on attending college and are in good academic standing.
Jason Sanders
405-4432-0099 (ext. 505)
This initiative will allow Oklahoma’s high school students to earn college credit during the school day at no cost. Funding for the initiative comes from Steven and Maureen Klinsky and the Carnegie Corporation - this opportunity comes at no cost to the student or the district!
For this initiative, high school juniors and seniors take courses online within the school day or on distance learning days. After students complete course content and pass a practice exam, they take the official College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test. Modern States provides all online courses and vouchers for students to take CLEP tests for free. There is no cost to districts or to the students who participate.
How would this initiative work in your district?
This spring, the OU Thrive Center will identify high school students interested in taking Modern States classes in fall of 2024/spring, 2025. Typically, eligible students are those who are on track academically (e.g., minimum 2.75 GPA). For the fall term, we set aside a class period within the school day (or distance learning day) for 11th and 12th grade students to take Modern States’ classes. From the pool of interested students, OU Thrive will randomly assign a portion of students to take classes via Modern States. The other students will be assigned to whatever class/study hall they were planning to do. We will compare the outcomes in these two student groups to test how well Modern States is serving your students.
What are the benefits for your district?
High school students will have an opportunity to earn college credit at no cost. If you find that the initiative works well within the district, OU Thrive will work with you to expand and deliver courses to your students. Our main interest is to study the effects of Modern States under a credible research design.
How will OU Thrive evaluate the initiative?
They will use a randomized controlled trial design that will generate causal estimates on the effects of Modern States on participating students. They will examine attendance, GPA, college credits earned, high school credits earned, course completions, and the overall cost-benefits relative to other college access options that students in your district use.
Reading Enrichment Programs --- see contact info below
Reading Enrichment Programs --- see contact info below
Summer 2024
see flyers below in English & Espanol
Ann Carls
Program Director
phone: (800) 964-1600 ext. 4191
fax: (888) 296-5456
The OSSM Summer Academy for High School Students
The OSSM Summer Academy for High School Students
2024 Sessions: July 14-19 and July 21-26
The OSSM Summer Academy is a one-week residential academic enrichment camp for high school students who are interested in science and math. Campers attend exciting classes taught by the OSSM nationally renowned faculty. They also take part in fun afternoon field trips and evening activities. All classes are held on OSSM's beautiful Oklahoma City campus. Students live and eat in the OSSM Residence Hall. Outings are scheduled to nearby cultural attractions as well. Tuition for the week-long camp is $975, including room, board and activities; however, scholarships are available and awarded to students with financial need. Applicants must complete a registration form as well as 1) the application for financial assistance and 2) a nomination form submitted by a teacher, counselor, or other community member who knows the student well.
More Information & Registration For more information, including the financial assistance application, visit To register for the Academy, click Space is limited, so please register soon! The deadline is July 1, 2024, unless space becomes available due to cancellations. Register here or scan the QR code. For any questions, please visit contact Dr. Brent Richards at
Parent and Student Portal Access
Please complete this form linked here if you are need of a Parent Portal Account:
If you have any problems accessing Parent Portal please contact the school directly: (405) 442-0099