Welcome to the BHS Express
A newsletter keeping you informed about Batavia High School
Hello Bulldog Families.
This weekend, our Drama Department will be performing A Reunion to Die For in our amazing space at BHS. Our teachers and students have worked very hard for this moment, and we can’t wait to celebrate with them by supporting them at this performance!
As we’ve settled into our new building, it’s been rewarding to watch how our students and staff utilize our new facility. We’ve been able to collaborate with more intention in our breakout rooms and use some of our flexible learning spaces to enhance classroom activities. Every day, we witness our amazing students doing some great work!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
In service to our Bulldogs.
Andrea Conner, High School Principal
Hi, Bulldog Families.
Please make sure you are not entering the staff/senior parking lot in the morning to drop off your students. We have parent vehicles sitting in staff and student parking spots until it’s close to 7:25 a.m. This is creating limited parking for staff as they arrive. This also creates issues with seniors not having access to their parking spot. Please enter from Old 32 and drop off your students along Bulldog Place near the crosswalk. Mr. White directs this crosswalk every day to ensure students safely arrive.
Have a great weekend.
Matt Buis, High School Assistant Principal
DECA Students Painted Pumpkins with Positive Messages for BHS Staff
DECA Students Participate in Fall Leadership Conference
BHS Theater Students Attend Workshop at NKU
Mrs. Wolfer's Anatomy Class Worked on their Wound Lab Projects
Mr. Ferguson's US Military History Class Visited Wright Patterson Air Force Base
Sneak Peak of A Reunion to Die For: Seats Still Available for Saturday Matinee
Special Announcement:
Looking for adventure? Want to see animals in the wild that others will only see in a zoo? Click here to request more information about the Costa Rica 2024 trip!
Please Take Note of the Following:
- November 8, 2024: A Reunion to Die For Production at BHS; 7:00 p.m.
November 9, 2024: A Reunion to Die For Production at BHS; 7:00 p.m.
November 9, 2024: Batavia Athletic Boosters Bulldog Social; 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.
November 11, 2024: Veterans Day
November 19, 2024: Live Oaks Presentation to 10th grade students
November 27-29, 2024: Thanksgiving Break
December 2, 2024: BHS Choir Concert; 7:00 p.m.
December 4, 2024: BHS Band Concert: 7:00 p.m.
December 10-13, 2024: EOC Testing Week (Retakes)
December 16-17, 2024: EOC Testing (Retakes and Government)
December 18, 2024: Flex A Schedule
December 19, 2024: Flex B Schedule
December 19, 2024: Last Day of the Second Quarter/First Semester
December 20, 2024-January 5, 2025: Winter Break
January 6, 2025: First Day Back from Winter Break/ First Day of Quarter 3
February 13, 2025: Parent Teacher Conferences: 3:30-6:30
Check out the Batavia High School Guidance Counselor website.
Your Guidance Counselors are:
Felicia Grooms
9th - 12th Grade Counselor A-L
(513) 732-2341 ext: 7037
Beth Poling
9th - 12th Grade Counselor M-Z
(513) 732-2341 ext: 7036
Great Oaks Presenting to BHS 10th Grade Students
Great Oaks will be visiting BHS on Wednesday, November 19th to present to all sophomore students. Students will be given information about Great Oaks programs at all of the campuses and learn about the timeline and procedure to apply to Great Oaks. GreatOaks.Com
We would like for ALL Juniors and Seniors to be connected with Linked Up Connect as soon as possible. Parents, please sign the Linked Up Connect permission form located in Final Forms. As soon as we have the signature we can begin the process of giving you access to many opportunities such as experienceships, job shadowing, and potential internships and apprenticeship opportunities. Please see Mrs. Laudenberger or Mrs. Kelley if you have any questions.
Attention Seniors!
The BHS Guidance Department will be hosting a series of “What’s Next Wednesday” after school by the project room. Mrs. Poling and Mrs. Grooms will be available to work with seniors on their college, scholarship, or job applications. Join us if you need some help, have questions, or just need some time to get things done! We will be available every Wednesday in October and November from 2:20-3pm.
Apply to UC for FREE!
Now is the perfect time for students to submit their undergraduate admission application for University of Cincinnati! We are waiving the undergraduate admission application fee for students who apply between November 1 – November 14. That's right – students can apply for free!
Students applying to the UC Uptown campus via the Common App must select "Free Application Days November 1-14" in the fee waiver section. Students applying to one of our regional campuses, UC Blue Ash or UC Clermont, through our website simply need to submit their application during the fee waiver period of November 1–14.
Cincinnati State Engage Student Event
High School Juniors and Seniors are welcome at Cincinnati State to explore their interests and talents and discover new career opportunities at Cincinnati State Engage. Through a guided career assessment, interactive sessions, and discussions with faculty and current students, students will learn more about the incredible opportunities at Cincinnati State.
Friday, November 15 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Cincinnati State, Clifton campus.
Register at this link: Cincinnati State Engage Registration
Upcoming College Rep Visits to BHS
Indiana University Indianapolis Thu November 14, 2024 8:15 AM
Morehead State University Fri November 15, 2024 12:00 PM
University of Northwestern Ohio Tue November 19, 2024 9:00 AM
These rep visits are set up for Juniors and Seniors to get more information about colleges they may be interested in attending. Students can sign up in Naviance, or email their counselor if they would like to attend.
These rep visits are set up for Juniors and Seniors to get more information about colleges they may be interested in attending. Students can sign up in Naviance, or email their counselor if they would like to attend.
Mrs. Grooms and Mrs. Poling
Mark Pierson, Athletic Director
Tim Young, Assistant Athletic Director
Link to Athletic Website:
https://bataviaathletics.com/IMPORTANT LINKS
513-732-2341, ext. 7051
Matt Buis, Assistant Principal
513-732-2341, ext. 7052
Melissa Anstaett, Administrative Assistant
513-732-2341, ext. 7055
Edie Strine, Administrative Assistant
513-732-2341, ext. 7054
If your student is absent, call
513-732-2341 and leave a message on the attendance line