October Weekly Update #6
October 13th, 2024

ALH Families! Here's What's Happening This Week:
VCHS Chicken Finger Hot Lunch-Thursday
Hot Lunch Thursday this week! Chicken Fingers supplied by the culinary team at VCHS for those that ordered.
Parent Teacher Interviews - Book your spot now!
Wednesday, October 23 and Thursday October 24
Thank You!
We 'ran' past our goal of $2500 for the Terry Fox Walk this year with a total of $3500!! Thank you to all our amazing supporters out there!
Important Reminders✍🏻
Fees for the 2024-2025 school year have been assessed. Please log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account to view and pay these fees. Fees are due within 30 days of being assessed. Fee payments can be made online via the PowerSchool Parent Portal using Visa or MasterCard, or in person at your child’s school. If you require assistance accessing your Parent Portal account, contact the school. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Little Caesars Fundraiser
Pizza Pick Up will be the week of October 21, more info to come!
Bear Tracks Ice Melt Fundraiser
Information and Order Sheets to come home with your child. Orders are due October 30 and Pick Up will be November 5 at the school from 3-5pm
Hot Dog Orders
A reminder that hot dog orders MUST be placed before 11 pm on the Sunday prior to the hot dog Wednesday. The order button on the Parent Portal will taken down every Sunday at 11pm and will be back up on Wednesday at 3pm so we can get our numbers in.
Emergency Drills
Over the next month, we will be rehearsing our emergency drills. These drills include fire, lock-down, hold and secure, shelter-in-place, and on alert. Practicing emergency drills is an integral part of school safety and being properly prepared for emergencies. Students will usually be notified in advance that these are in fact drills and not a real situation. The procedures that will be practiced and discussed are in preparation if a future event occurs at or around the school where these measures would need to be implemented to help keep everyone safe. If you have any questions about the drills, please feel free to contact Mr. Murray Howell, principal.
Did you know about School Messenger?
SchoolMessenger allows you to personalize communications from your school or district. After logging in, you will be able to:
- See your related SchoolMessenger Contacts across schools and districts.
- View the last 30 days of SchoolMessenger messages.
- Change your SchoolMessenger communication preferences.
- Opt-into Push notifications (mobile only).
- Check out the link below 👇 to get started
📆 Coming up!
Important Dates
Monday, October 14 – NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Day)
Wednesday, October 16 – Hot Dog Wednesday (if purchased)
Thursday, October 17 – Chicken Finger Hot Lunch (if purchased)
Monday, October 21 – Book Fair Starts and runs until Thursday, October 24
Tuesday, October 22 - November Hot Lunch Orders Due
Wednesday, October 23 – Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 23 – Hot Dog Wednesday (if purchased)
Thursday, October 24 – Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 30 – Hot Dog Wednesday (if purchased)
Wednesday, October 30 - Bear Tracks Fundraiser Orders Due
Wednesday, October 30 - School Council @ 6pm
Thursday, October 31 – Halloween
Tuesday, November 5 - Bear Tracks Ice Melt Pick Up 3-5pm
Wednesday, November 6 - Early Dismissal
Friday, November 8 - Fancy/Formal Day and Remembrance Day Ceremony
November 11-15 - Fall Break NO SCHOOL