Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 06 - 10 May 2024
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Tumuaki Korero - Principal's Message
Welcome back, Inglewood Primary School whānau, to the start of Term 2!
As we start the new term, I want to emphasise the importance of attendance. Research shows that regular school attendance is directly linked to academic success. Did you know that if a student misses just one day of school every two weeks, they miss a whole year of schooling by the age of 16? That's why every day counts!
Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in ensuring your child's regular attendance. It's a legal requirement for all students to attend school every day, and together, we must uphold this responsibility. If your child will be absent for any reason, such as illness or a cultural event like a tangi, please notify the school promptly. While family holidays and non-school-related activities are unacceptable reasons for absence, we are here to support you if you're facing challenges in getting your child to school.
At Inglewood Primary, we are committed to fostering a culture of excellent attendance. Our dedicated staff build strong relationships with students and whānau. Our school community works tirelessly to ensure every student is present, engaged, and progressing in their education.
Additionally, I want to remind everyone about the nationwide policy regarding cell phones. Cell phones must be handed into the school office before school starts.
Let's make Term 2 a time of growth, learning, and community at Inglewood Primary School. Together, we can ensure that every day of school matters for our students' future success.
Ngā mihi
Juliet Vickers
School Gate
Due to safety, we have decided to close the automatic black gate full-time to all vehicle traffic. Please note the staff car park is closed to everyone except staff between 8am and 3pm. This also includes children attending Growing Kids, Swimming Lessons, and Brownies. The staff carpark and driveway are both well lit at night for your safety walking to and from the school buildings.
Dogs on School Grounds
Please note we have a no Dog Policy on the School grounds at all times. No dogs under any circumstances are to be brought on to the school grounds. This includes walking through the school, before or after hours or during the weekend. School signs are in the process of going up at both entrances to School. Thank you for adhering to our school policy.
Lost Property
We have a number of lost property clothing left at school at the end of each week. This will now be displayed every Friday afternoon for the children to check before school assembly. Please remind your children to check the lost property daily if they have lost anything. The lost property is in a blue wheelie bin as you go inside the school hall each day. Last term we collected 8 black rubbish bags of clothing on the last day of term which was not collected by students and not named.
Students of the Week - Term 2 Weeks 1 & 2
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Hannah Inwood
For having a positive attitude towards her learning, helping others and consistently demonstrating her REACH values.
Ka Pai!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Leah Theobald
For being welcoming and kind towards others. You are always looking for ways to help others and have a great sense of humour.
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Elias Eveleigh
For an outstanding first week back for term 2. Making positive choices and working hard to achieve the best that he can.
Ka Pai Elias!
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Seth Morgan
For completing an awesome piece of moment in time writing and working hard with his maths and being a great helper. Mīharo Seth!
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Ella Pittwood
For consistently demonstrating her REACH values and going above and beyond when cleaning up. Ka Pai.
Panitahi Whanau - Naki Plumbing & Gas
Campbell Goodwin
For showing improvement in all areas of his learning.
Also for being a kind and thoughtful friend.
Ka pai Campbell!
Pouākai Whanau - BasePro Lining & Agricultural
Cameron Inwood
For your amazing attitude to your handwriting.You have made such awesome progress already this year. Ka rawe Cameron.
Tokomaru Whanau - RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Boston Kedgley
For an improved attitude towards his learning. Ka Pai Boston! Keep working hard to do the right thing at the right time.
Waiongana Iti Whanau - Drain Master
Kipper Chadwick
For having a positive attitude towards his learning, helping others and consistently demonstrating his REACH values. Always working hard and showing leadership qualities.
Ka Rawe Kipper!
Puke Haupapa Whanau - Jacqui Hemi Mike Pero Mortgages
Mikayla Henderson
For continuing on with a positive attitude to all learning. You take care and pride in you work and are proving to be a real role model in Puke Haupapa Smith.
Please support our Student of the Week Sponsors
School Roll
Our current school roll is 394.
Welcome to Arlo Berrett, Jessey Reynolds, Gus Reynolds, Jeremiah Reynolds, Paige Tamblin, Kenzie Holdem, Alissia Tilby, Stanley Voss, Hazel Hudson, Peach Goodwin and Mckenzie Tilby who have started at IPS.
A reminder your child's school photos will be taken next Monday 20 May. You will be able to view and purchase your child's photos online. Look out for your child's photo keycode that they will bring home a couple of weeks after Photo Day or it will be emailed to you. Use your unique photo keycode to view the photos at www.photolife.co.nz. Orders placed before the free delivery expiry date will be bulk printed and delivered to the school for your child to bring home. If you would like a sibling photo taken next Monday, please return your form or contact the school office before Monday.
Pink Shirt Day
Friday 17th May 2024
Wear as much pink as you can and bring a gold coin to support Pink Shirt Day!
The student council will be giving out prizes throughout the day
Vision & Hearing Screening
Vision and Hearing screening is completed by Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Vision and Hearing Technicians at our school. The technicians will be visiting our school at some point this year to test eligible children for vision and/or hearing. Eligible children include:
New Entrant
Routine screening is completed for children who are new to school, and/or have not completed their B4 School Check and/or require further testing post B4 School Check.
Year 7
Routine vision screening is completed for all Year 7 students and Year 8 students who have not completed the Year 7 screening and/or students that require further testing.
Please complete this form in its entirety before returning to the office.
There will be a further notice prior to the Vision and Hearing Technician visit. If you have any queries or concerns, or do not wish for your child to have this screening done, please contact the school office.
Pending Enrolments for 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027
If you or you know of anyone, wishing to enrol their child at Inglewood Primary School over 2024 or beyond, please get them to email the Office with the child's name, date of birth, parent's name and contact number, so we can put them on our pre-enrolment list. This is for both IN ZONE and OUT of Zone Enrolments.
Term 2/3 Calendar of Events (Please note these may change on a regular basis)
Tuesday 14 May
Inglewood High School Visiting Year 8 Students at IPS
Friday 17 May
Pink Shirt Day
Monday 20 May
Classroom, Sibling & Individual Photos - PhotoLife
Wednesday 22 May
Kahui Ako Rippa Rugby Tournament
Monday 27 May
Vision & Hearing - Year 1 Students
Wednesday 29 May
Year 5 & 6 Interschool at Lepperton School
Monday 3 June
Kings Birthday - School Closed
Friday 7 June
PCT - TSB Hub New Plymouth
Year 5 & 6 Interschool against St John Bosco - IPS
Wednesday 12 June
North Taranaki Year 7 & 8 Rippa Tournament
Wednesday 19 June
Inglewood High School Open Afternoon for Year 8 Students
Year 5 & 6 Interschool at Waitara East School
Monday 24 June
Out of Zone Enrolments for Term 3 Close 3pm
Friday 28 June
Matariki Day - School Closed
Wednesday 3 July
Year 5 & 6 Interschool against Mangorei School - IPS
Friday 5 July
Last day of Term 2
School reports to be sent home
Monday 22 July
First day of Term 3
Thursday 25 July
Inglewood High School Year 8 Student Enrolments at IPS
Tuesday 30 July
Inglewood High School Year 8 Student Enrolments at IPS
Before and After School Care
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20
IPS School Shirt
2024 School Term Dates
Term 2
Monday 29 April - First Day of Term 2
Monday 3 June - Kings Birthday School Closed
Friday 28 June - Matariki Day School Closed
Friday 5 July - Last Day of Term 2
Term 3
Monday 22 July - First Day of Term 3
Friday 30 August - Spring Break School Closed
Friday 27 September - Last Day of Term 3
Term 4
Monday 14 October - First Day of Term 4
Monday 28 October - Labour Day School Closed
Monday 4 November - Staff Only Day School Closed
Tuesday 17 December - Last Day of Term 4