Eaglet Gazette
Enfield Head Start, Integrated Pre-K, PK STEAM Academy
November 23, 2022
We spend a lot of time talking about feelings in preschool. Feeling thankful or grateful cannot be seen in the same way as many other feelings such as happy, sad, excited, or scared. Asking questions like the ones listed below can help your preschooler begin to understand thankfulness and gratitude.
- Can you think of a person you are happy to be around or who takes good care of you?
- Is there anything in your house that makes you smile or feel good?
- Is there a place you go that makes you feel excited or calm?
In the spirit of gratitude, I want to reiterate how grateful I am to be part of the SELC community. I hope you all get to make memories with with friends and family over the next few days.
Menu Week of 11/28/2022
URGENT REMINDER! THE DEADLINE FOR THE FLU VACCINE IS QUICKLY APPROACHING...Due to Winter BREAK, documentation of vaccination MUST be in by 12-23-22!
Community Resource Guide for Young Families-FALL /WINTER VERSION 22-23
Important Product Safety Recall Information as of 11-18-2022 * Updates typically come out on Thursdays/Fridays
Getting to Know Stowe! (I will keep this posted for a few weeks so you have it at your fingertips!)
Joining a new school community can sometimes feel like learning a new language as you acclimate to the procedures, environment, people, and lingo. See below to begin learning about all things Stowe:
- SELC=Stowe Early Learning Center
- SELC=our mascot (the eaglet featured above)
- FEO=Family Educator Organization
- ECDC=Enfield Child Development Center
- EPS=Enfield Public Schools
- FRC=Family Resource Center
- IPS=Integrated Pre-K
- HS=Head Start
- KITE=Key Initiatives to Early Education
- PKS=PK STEAM Academy
- Eaglets=all children taking part in any program at SELC
- Main Office=860-253-4741
- Head Start Family Support=860-253-4717
- Nurse=860-763-8858
- FRC=860-253-6580
- KITE=860-253-6502
Our building is quite unique in that we house 4 PK programs, a Family Resource Center, and KITE.
Stowe Early Learning Center
Email: jvalley@enfieldschools.org
Website: www.enfieldschools.org
Location: 117 Post Office Road, Enfield, CT, USA
Phone: 860-253-4741
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/424681288154509/
Twitter: @EnfieldEPS