School Newsletter Term 4, Week 2
Friday 25th October 2024
Kia ora West End Whānau,
A big thank you to all the amazing whānau and staff who gave up their time to help with the recent working bee. Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off! The garden between Room 14 and Room 15 looks absolutely stunning, and the orchard has also gone through a thorough tidy up. We’re incredibly lucky to have such a supportive and hands-on community, and we appreciate every bit of effort that was put into this project.
A huge thank you as well for your support in ensuring our teachers could attend the Ministry-Directed Professional Learning and Development (PLD). The feedback from our teaching staff has been really positive, with many commenting on the valuable learning opportunities they’ve gained. This will undoubtedly benefit our tamariki as teachers bring new strategies and ideas into the classroom. It’s great to have the backing of our community when it comes to professional development, and we’re grateful for your understanding.
With the warmer weather upon us, it’s also been fantastic to see so many students and staff wearing their sun hats! Being SunSmart is a priority for us, and it’s heartening to see everyone taking this seriously. Please continue encouraging your children to wear their hats and apply sunscreen, especially during outdoor activities.
Term 4 is shaping up to be a busy and exciting time for everyone at our kura. With so much going on, we encourage you to keep an eye on our school app and newsletters to stay up-to-date with upcoming events, important dates, and notices. From sports competitions to end-of-year celebrations, there’s plenty to look forward to, and we don’t want anyone to miss out on these wonderful opportunities.
Thank you again for your continued support of our school. Together, we’re making West End School an even better place for our children to learn, grow, and thrive.
Ngā mihi nui,
Upcoming Events
- LABOUR DAY (NO SCHOOL) - Monday 28th October
- STAFF ONLY DAY (NO SCHOOL) Tuesday 29th October
- Swimming (13, 14, 15, 17) - Wednesday 30th October
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 30th October
- Swimming (16, 8, 1) - Thursday 31st October
- PTA Halloween Disco (3pm - 4.30pm) -Thursday 31st October
- GUMBOOT Friday - Friday 1st November
- Swimming (2, 3, 4, 5) - Monday 4th November
- Swimming (6, 7, 10, 11) - Tuesday 5th November
- PNINS visit for Y6 students to watch dress rehearsal - Tuesday 5th November
- Swimming (13, 14, 15, 17) - Wednesday 6th November
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 6th November
- Swimming (16, 8, 1) - Thursday 7th November
- VIBE Assembly (Puāwaitanga) - Friday 8th November
- Swimming (2, 3, 4, 5) - Monday 11th November
- Swimming (6, 7, 10, 11) - Tuesday 12th November
- Swimming (13, 14, 15, 17) - Wednesday 13th November
- SENIOR CAMP - - Wednesday 13th November
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 13th November
- Swimming (16, 8, 1) - Thursday 14th November
- SENIOR CAMP - Thursday 14th November
- SENIOR CAMP - Friday 15th November
School is closed Monday and Tuesday of Week 3
Labour Day is on Monday 28th of October which is a public holiday so school will be closed on that day. Many schools around New Zealand are also participating in Staff Only Days to work on new Government initiatives that are to be rolled out, so school will also be closed Tuesday 29th October. We look forward to seeing tamariki back at school on Wednesday 30th October.
School Photos
PhotoLife photo proofs were sent out last week and the codes for ordering will be sent home in due course once we receive them here at school.
Sunhats are compulsory in Term 4
A reminder that in Term 4, wide brimmed sun hats are compulsory. Please have these at school for the first day back of next term so your child can enjoy playing outside in the sun. If you could also have some sunscreen in their bag, and apply it before they get to school, it would be greatly appreciated.
Room 8
Art and Numbers
In R8, we used lots of Whakamana and Mana Aotūroa to create our art.
We coloured our numbers, cut them out and glued them onto our thinking clouds.
We then made the background using blue paint and a sponge to ‘dab’ our page to make the background look like the sky.
We then thought of our favourite number and wrote that too.
Room 15
In room 15 we have been learning about patterns.
We have been using linking cubes to create the longest pattern, it was so big that we had to borrow more cubes from other classes.
We showed kotahitanga by sharing cubes with other groups.
These patterns on black paper we created ourselves and they are displayed in our classroom.
Room 6
Room 6 have been working with Mr Minchin on building food trucks. We designed business logos and created yummy menus to let people know what food we would sell in our trucks and how much they would cost. We decided what we would need in our trucks, such as ovens, fridges work counters and practiced our skills on calculating area and perimeter to see how big they were and how they would fit in to our vehicle. We then constructed our trucks and followed our blueprint to bring our business to life.
Te Wao Nui o Tāne
Room 3
In Room 3, we have been working on some perception art. We are trying to create a 3D effect where it looks like we are standing in a hallway that is closing in. First, we had to create a box in the middle of our page. We then added in a variety of lines to give us the hallucination effect. We only coloured in using two colours to add to this look. We are happy with how our art turned out. Let us know what you think!
Senior Camp Information
Forest Lakes Camp
Just a reminder our Year 5 and 6’s will be heading off for camp at Forest Lakes, on the 13th to 15th of November 2024. Camp can now be paid for via KINDO. We have heavily reduced the price of camp through fundraising throughout the year. For any reason if you are struggling to pay for camp please see the classroom teacher to discuss, we would love to give every child the opportunity to attend.
Students are now aware of their cabin groups, these are different to the groups they will be doing activities with during the day. Children were overwhelmed with excitement finding out their cabin groups and we hope to continue building on this excitement in the coming weeks. Each week all Te Wao Nui O Tāne are meeting in preparation for camp.
On the 31st of October we are hosting an information evening for camp parents only in regards to expectations for them at camp. No other whānau need to attend this meeting. Mrs Black will make contact with these whanau members directly on time and location.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding camp please contact your child's classroom teacher as soon as possible.
Sports at West End
School Athletics
We are excited to announce our school Athletics Day on the 20th of November. This will be held out on the field. Puawaitanga and Te Wao Nui O Tane will begin their day not long after 9am, with Tipuranga joining them on the far end of the field at 11am. Tipuranga participates in a range of fundamental movements that compile the skills needed to compete in Athletics.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Interschool Athletics has been rescheduled as the Manawatu Athletics Track is set to undergo updates in early December. As a result, the event will now be held on the 18th of November. To select our top athletes for the Inter School competition, the senior school will host a qualifying event on the 12th of November, where capable students will be chosen and notified of their selection for the following Monday.
Summer Sports
It is great to hear of early competition starting in our summer league sports. We have continually got draws and updated team lists coming out via the school app. We try our best to release teams' draws as soon as we receive them.
Coaching and managing a team continues to be a struggle, we ask that if a sports team doesn't have a coach stipulated on their team list, that a whanau member steps in at sports games to help sub on and off students. A reminder we do have the endorsement that if you coach a sports team your child's fees are wiped for that season of play.
Please add the correct tabs to your school app, as draws from week 3 will not be released on school area teams, it will be released under each sporting tab. If you are unsure on how to do this please ask a staff member.
Updated team lists as of 17th October, please note Year 5-6 Hockey will be pulled from competition if we don't receive more players.
Swimming at West End
Swimming has started for Term 4 with Hilton Brown. This is a great opportunity for your child to have FREE swimming lessons with trained instructors once a week! We are very fortunate to be able to offer this - so it would be great to have all of our tamariki swimming next term! On your child's swimming day, please send them to school with togs, a towel, goggles and a hair tie if they have long hair.
PTA EVENTS - Disco in Week 3
JUICIES every Friday
Calendar Art
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 29 Jan - Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 Sept
Term 4: Monday 14 Oct - Friday 13 Dec
Term Dates 2025
Term 1: Wednesday 29 January – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Friday 12 December
Community Notices
If your child is absent from school.
It is really important under the current circumstances you notify the school if your child is absent.
Please remember to advise the office by 8.30am if your child is not attending school.
You can telephone 358-2465 and leave a message or txt 021 118 0156.
In both cases please give a reason for absence.
Thank you.
Kindo Online Shop
It is very important that families register with Kindo, as this is now the only way to register your child for school sports, and ordering PTA lunches.
Below are the links to register.
If you require help please call the Kindo helpdesk on
0508 454 636
New users need this link
Existing users need this link
Location: West End School, 196 College Street, Palmerston North
Phone: 06 358 2465