Morton Ranch Elementary eNews

Dear Families,
Please join us for "Back in the Saddle" on Thursday, September 12th from 5:00-6:30 at Morton Ranch Elementary. Classroom teachers will lead a presentation about grade level curriculum and information.
Friendly reminder! GYM doors will open at 4:30 for the PTA meeting.
- We are having our first General Membership Meeting of the school year in the cafeteria on Thursday, September 12th at 4:30pm.
- This takes place prior to Back in the Saddle so please plan to come early and attend!
Are you coming to Open House but don't plan to attend the PTA meeting?
- All other visitors may enter at 4:55 when doors open for all families.
- Families will proceed to classrooms at 5:00 p.m.
Please view flyer below for picture day on September 17th.
All orders must be placed online. Do not send money with your child to school.
Orders may be placed online by clicking the link below.
Link will expire 4 days after picture day.
As we continue our exciting school year, we want to remind everyone of our dress code guidelines to ensure a respectful and focused learning environment. Please make sure that students wear clothing that is appropriate for school activities, with no distracting graphics or slogans. No "crop tops" or very short dresses or shorts. For safety reasons, footwear should be closed-toe and secure.
Let’s work together to help our children dress comfortably and appropriately, allowing them to concentrate on their studies and enjoy their time at school.
*Junior High/High School require ID at all times.
Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Monday, September 9th
- 1st-5th Lunch Visitors Begin
Tuesday, September 10th 6:30 pm-7:30 pm
Parents with students currently enrolled in Kindergarten: Join us to learn more about the Gifted and Talented program! Must Download Microsoft Teams for Windows to Join Links Below
Kinder Parent Online Awareness Session via Teams Link
Kinder Parent Online Awareness Session via Teams Link (Spanish)
Monday, September 9th Meeting Via ZOOM
- Corral/Stampede (for parents/guardians of current 4th and 5th graders)
September 9th-13th
CATCH Week - Students will learn about healthy eating and physical activities
Thursday, September 12th is Back in the Saddle (Open House at MRE)
- All visitors enter through gym doors
- Parent Teacher Association Member Meeting @ 4:30 (corrected, previously posted as 5:00)
- 5:00-6:30- Open House (enter through gym doors)
Friday, September 13th (Volunteer Work Day)
September 16th
Anti-Bullying Program by Harris County Constables
Hosted by PTA
September 17th
Fall Pictures (Individual)
*(link will expire 4 days after picture day)
September 18th
Big Kahuna Fundraiser Assemblies
September 19th
- 3rd Grade STEM Day at the SHAW CENTER
- Fundraiser at Altitude Trampoline Park (Organized by PTA) (10 am-9 pm) **30% of proceeds will be donated to MRE PTA.
Friday, September 20th
KATY ISD Campus Professional Learning Day
September 30th-October 4th
Fall Book Fair in Library
Parent Checklists Due Soon! No LATE Entries Accepted!
Due September 4th *Deadline has passed*
Due September 19th
Grades 1-4
Due October 25th
The Counselor's Role
MRE counselors play a critical role in promoting students' overall well-being by addressing their academic, personal, and social needs. Their primary role is to help students develop positive attitudes and behaviors, cope with challenges, and succeed academically. They collaborate with teachers, parents, and other school staff to create a supportive and inclusive school environment. Counselors also provide appropriate referrals to outside resources when necessary. They also organize workshops and programs to address issues such as bullying and mental health. Overall, the MRE counselors advocate for students and work to ensure their success and well-being.
Karen Perez (Grades PK-2) *Bilingual*
Ashley Warren (Grades 3-5)
Click here to learn more about the Counseling Program at MRE.
Save the Date for "Coffee with the Counselors" on October 16th!
We will host a workshop for parents as we recognize Bullying Prevention Month!
Love and Logic Parenting Classes will be offered at multiple campuses during the Fall semester of 2024. Participation options are listed in the chart below. Katy ISD families may register to attend any session. Dates for Love and Logic courses will also be posted on the Professional Learning website. Families who wish to participate in Love and Logic courses may pay $10 for the cost of the workbook with cash, check, or with the Pay ‘N Go system.
- Love and Logic Facilitators will arrange for parents to pick up materials.
- At least 10 participants are required for each session.
- If a minimum number of participants is not met, registered participants will be directed to an alternate session.
In accordance with Texas Education Code 28.004 and Senate Bill 9, elementary students in 5th
Under Texas statute, parents must choose to “opt-in” their child to participate in the lessons that
address abuse and violence prevention.
Beginning September 2nd through September 30th , parents may elect to opt-in their child to participate in the lessons by logging in to MyKaty and selecting the KISD Option Portal icon.
Below is the opt-in window as well as the time frame when lessons will be taught:
Parent Opt-In Window: September 2nd – September 30th
Log in to MyKaty and select the icon KISD Option Portal
Instruction Window: November 2nd – December 20th
All lessons are aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and meet the
requirements that are mandated by the state. Click here to review the elementary guidance lessons.
This content is intended to initiate conversations between you and your child about the physical,
emotional, and social changes that occur during adolescence.
In addition, awareness and education on abuse and violence are key to prevention and intervention. It is a priority for Katy ISD to partner with our families and community to create a safety net for our students.
Fall Book Fair will take place September 30th through October 4th.
Curating a love of reading is important to educators and families in Katy ISD. Campuses host book fairs to encourage the love of reading and build excitement around literacy. It is important for parents to assist their child in selecting books that garner student interest and engagement in reading.
Participation in the book fair is voluntary, and parents must opt in students to purchase books and other items included in the book fair.
- During Power School enrollment, parents had the opportunity to “opt in” to Book Fairs.
- Parents may choose to change their child's designation.
- This can be found on the “Partnering with Parents” link on the district website HERE.
As a reminder, new this year: Emergency contacts are allowed to pick up your student in a non-emergency situation.
New Enrollees:
- Parent/guardian has the option to designate up to 4 Emergency Contacts or may choose not to designate anyone.
- All Emergency Contacts have been deleted from all student’s records.
- Parent/guardian has the option to designate up to 4 Emergency Contacts or may choose not to designate anyone.
- Parent/guardian may sign their student out from school anytime
- New 2024-2025 – Emergency Contact may sign out a student from school anytime without notification or documentation from parent/guardian.
Parent/guardian may request an “Authorized Person” to sign their student out from school.
If you need to authorize someone that is not listed as an EMERGENCY CONTACT to pick up your child from school: Parent/guardian must email BessieYCampos@katyisd.org the following:
- the student’s name
- where the student is going
- what time the student will be signed out from school
- who will be signing out the student
- Parent/guardian must email you a copy of their photo ID. This procedure has not changed.
As part of the Title III Initiatives, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is offering a parent engagement
event for parents of emergent bilingual (EB) and immigrant students in grades PK-12.
This parent outreach and training provides parents with the skills, activities and training needed to improve their English language skills and become more active participants in their child’s education. The engagement event details are as follows:
ALWAYS bring your physical driver’s license or passport with you when you come to school. We are video monitored by the Katy ISD Police Department to make sure we are checking identification for each person that enters the school to ensure the safety of your child and our staff. Therefore, we are unable to let you into the school without proper identification.
Our cafeteria doors open for breakfast at 7:30 AM. and our front entrance doors open at 7:50 AM. We’ve found that having “All Mavs in by 8:10 AM” has been a great help in making sure they are in class ready to learn prior to 8:10 AM. Please have your child ready to exit the car when you are in position to unload. Your child is encouraged to exit on his/her own, if capable. If your child is not in the building by the time the tardy bell rings (8:10 AM), he/she will be sent to the front office for a tardy slip.
Our morning car rider line ends at 8:10 AM. If you arrive at the school after 8:10 AM, please drive to the front of the school, park, and walk your student(s) into the front office doors for parent check-in and a tardy slip.
Likewise, in the afternoon, please be on time to pick up your child. Our afternoon car rider line ends at 3:45 PM. If you arrive at the school after 3:45 PM, please drive to the front of the school, park, and walk into the front office doors for student check-out. Please bring your car rider tag and/or a form of identification with you.
The teachers and staff are off contract at 3:45; therefore, we do not have anyone to stay late for those children who are not picked up on time.
Please make sure your child’s name is on all coats, jackets, backpacks, and lunch boxes. These items will be donated at designated times throughout the school year if not picked up.
If you plan to check out your child early, please do so prior to 2:30 p.m. but after 9:35 am. (This would be considered an early checkout for attendance purposes.) Our schools are funded based on many factors, one important factor being attendance. It is always in the child’s best interest to be in school a full day, but we know that is not always possible. If you need to check your child out for a doctor’s appointment, dentist, etc. towards the end of the school day, it must be done before 2:30 p.m.
Changes of Transportation can be (1) e-mailed to the front office with a copy of the parent or guardian’s driver’s license to MRECOT@katyisd.org (2) hand-written in the front office. Change of transportation requests must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on regular days and 11:30 a.m. on early dismissal days.
Please report absences online when your child is absent on our Morton Ranch Elementary website under the Absence Reporting link. You may also call our front office on (281) 234-0300. Teachers are busy teaching our Mavericks and therefore not able to relay your phone or email message to the attendance clerk.
We understand emailing the teacher is the easiest form of communication. However, it is not acceptable for changes in transportation, reported absences, or early checkouts. You can always email the teacher a “heads up”, but please know that the teacher doesn’t always have time to check email/Dojo/voice messages before or during class.
Plan ahead for rainy/cold weather by sending jackets and umbrellas. (Please write your child’s name on all jackets and sweaters). Children who are bikers/walkers may want to keep a rain poncho in their backpacks. If your child is a biker/walker and there is a chance of bad weather, please make it easy on yourself by submitting the online change of transportation with your child, making him/her a bus or car rider.
Same day changes must be submitted before or by 2:00 pm.
You may choose to notify the teacher of changes of transportation.
However, you MUST notify the front office following the directions on the flyer below.
This option is to facilitate changes in case of last minute needs.
Children thrive on routines and systems put into place for them to follow daily.
Creating too many changes can be confusing for any child.
Please consider this when making changes of transportation.
**REMINDER** Morton Ranch Elementary does not have an alternate weather dismissal plan. It is the parent's responsibility to watch the weather forecast, decide if a change of transportation is necessary, and submit a change in a timely manner by or before 2:00 p.m.
Important websites are linked below!
Morton Ranch Elementary
Website: https://www.katyisd.org/campus/MRE/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 2502 North Mason Road, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: 281-234-0330
Twitter (X): @MREMavs