Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
April 30, 2024
🗓️ Important Dates
April 30: MAP Growth Testing Continues (grades 2-8)
May 3: First Friday 8:30am Mass, hosted by 1st Grade & May Crowning
May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7: Field Trip (grades K and 1)
May 8: Pigging out for DI Day & Progress Reports Posted (grades 4-8)
May 9: Spring Band and Chorus Concert & 3rd Grade Recorder Performance
May 10: Early Dismissal, 12:30pm & Band Field Trip & Middle School Social at OLSS
May 12: Happy Mother's Day & DI Bake Sale at St. Aloysius Church
May 13: Field Day (grades PK and K) & FAW Athletic Awards Banquet, 6-8pm
May 15: Field Trip (grade 1)
May 16: Field Trips (grades 5 and 8)
May 18: Catholic Schools Relay Races (at SMR) & 1st Communion at St. Aloysius Church
May 21: Field Day (grades 6-8)
May 22: Field Trip (grade 8)
May 22-25: Destination Imagination Global Finals Competition
May 23: Field Trips (grades 1-8)
May 24: FAW Class of 2024 Graduation & No School for Students
May 27: No School - Memorial Day
May 29: Field Day (grades 1-5)
May 30: HSA Ice Cream Social
May 31: Last day for Pre-K, Pre-K Graduation, and Middle School Monthly Activity
June 1: Catholic Schools Track Meet (at SMCM)
June 6: 9am Mass, hosted by 2nd grade & Early Dismissal - Last Day of School
$3 Tag Day in Memory of Finn - TOMORROW - May 1st
Our school is supporting the family of Finn Cusick, a beloved student from St. Mary's Bryantown who had DIPG. Please consider joining the Catholic schools who are hosting Tag Days in his honor on May 1st, which is the beginning of Brain Cancer Awareness month. Finn's Foundation will also be launched on that day.
Have Pizza for Dinner Tomorrow and Raise Dough for FAW DI!
After School Tutoring is Available on Thursdays!
Our National Junior Honor Society would like to provide after school tutoring on Thursdays from now through May 16th. If you are interested in receiving tutoring for your child, please sign up HERE!
Have your student join members of our Linda Maloney Chapter of NJHS on Thursday afternoons from 2:45-4pm. This is open to students in grades 2-8 and tutors are available for homework help in core subjects as well as Math, Reading, Writing and Spelling practice.
May Crowning
Our annual May Procession and Crowning of Mary will be held this Friday, May 3rd after our 8:30am Mass, hosted by our 1st grade.
Used Uniform Pop Up - This Friday!
There will be a used uniform pop up event this Friday after school from 3 - 4:30pm. Thanks for donating clean uniforms for others to enjoy this last quarter of the school year.
Important Dismissal Message
In order to provide for the safety of all of our students and a smooth dismissal, we want to give a friendly reminder regarding dismissal procedures.
1. Please notify the front office by 2pm if you are picking up your child early from school. This ensures for the proper notification of teachers, staff, students and front office.
2. Please avoid using the bus lane after 2pm for pickup.
3. Please ensure that the person picking up is listed on your student emergency contact list.
Thank you for your support!
Support FAW Destination Imagination!
We are excited to announce that two of our Destination Imagination (DI) teams from Father Andrew White School are two of the top-scoring DI teams in the state of Maryland and now have the opportunity to present their Challenge solution at the DI Global Finals in Kansas City, Missouri —an international competition where they will compete against teams from around the globe.
Please consider donating to help these teams get to the Globals competition!! Destination Imagination is an educational, academic program that has helped our students learn and practice valuable skills like creative and critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork through different competitive, STEAM-based (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) Challenges.
The teams are working hard to raise the $5,500/team registration fee plus the almost $1,000/student it will take to get them there to experience this amazing opportunity! Raising $20K in only one month’s time is daunting, but they are DItermined!!! Every gift is a blessing and we truly appreciate your support! Thank you so much for your contributions.
Support Destination Imagination!
A Night at the Races: Saturday, May 4th at the Greene Turtle
Come on out to the Greene Turtle for a fun evening of horse racing, raffles, and a Kentucky Derby watch party to culminate the evening! Last year, we had a blast! Come help make this year's event another one to remember!
MOD Pizza Spirit Night - next Monday!
Panda Express Spirit Night - next Wednesday!
Pigging Out for DI - next Wednesday!
Pigging Out for DI: Wednesday May 8th.
Students can place their "orders" this week for how they want to participate in our day of pigging out for DI! Students may wear pajamas, select an item (or 2) from our bake sale/treat table, enjoy a lemonade for lunch, and vote for the teacher that they want to see kiss a pig! Some students may even WANT to kiss a pig, too! They may buy tickets for a chance to pucker up! Order forms are coming home this week. Or look here, in the newsletter for all information and order forms. The DI teams thank you!
Save the Date!
The Band, Chorus and 3rd Grade Recorder Concert is scheduled for Thursday, May 9th at 6:30pm at Father Andrew White School!
Spring Uniforms are in Effect
Please ensure that your student's uniform is compliant. Remember to check that your student has a belt that fits, buttons are secure on skirts and haircuts are the proper length. Also, our students love to be active at recess! Please ensure your child wears shorts under jumpers or skirts. Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Middle School Social at OLSS - May 10th
FAW Athletics
Catholic Schools Relay Races
Relay Race practices are underway!
VIRTUS cleared volunteers are needed... see the opportunity in the volunteer section below.
Donate to our Annual Giving Campaign that directly benefits our students!
Bone and joint pain can occur throughout life for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes, especially with the elderly, it can even be used to forecast the weather (ie when “Old Arthur(-itis) starts acting up!”). With children, we sometimes dismiss their complaints as “just growing pains.” Often this is indeed the case, but it’s always important to be sure of the actual cause. Common reasons for bone and joint pain in children include sprains, strains, fractures, cartilage tears, and tendonitis. Buckle fractures of the forearm are often seen when a child falls onto an outstretched arm. Aside from injuries, children may have pain from juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Still’s disease (a form of rheumatoid arthritis), hereditary multiple exostoses (HME), or other congenital, autoimmune, and varying conditions and diseases. When it comes to knee pain, a fairly common childhood ailment is something called Osgood Schlatter’s Disease. This is actually an irritation of the growth area where a bony raised area develops just below the kneecap, and it happens because the bones grow fast but the muscles don’t always keep up. Fortunately, it can be helped with proper treatment once the cause is identified. In general, If your child is experiencing pain, and they can’t seem to “walk it off,” you should probably visit a professional - and don’t forget the acronym RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation).
Relay Race Volunteers Needed
This year the Catholic schools are participating in relay races on May 18, 2024 at St. Mary's Ryken. VIRTUS cleared parent volunteers are needed to assist during the training sessions (Tuesday/Thursday from 2:30 - 4pm). Additional volunteers are needed on the day of the event. Please let Katy Burfield know you'd like to help by emailing her at kateburfield@gmail.com or click on the SignUpGenius link below.
Lunch and Recess Monitors
Would you like to earn volunteer hours by assisting at lunch or recess time? Click the SignUpGenius Link to see the days/times you can help! Slots are in 30 minute increments and we truly appreciate your willingness to assist the teachers in this way.
Thank you to our 2024 Auction Sponsors!
Important Calendar Change
There will be no school on Friday, May 24th due to the eighth grade graduation at 10am. This was originally an early dismissal day for the start of Memorial Day weekend. Please mark your calendar!
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Attend First Friday Mass and May Crowning (Friday)
❏ Check out the Used Uniform Pop Up Event (Friday)
❏ Sign up for Tutoring
❏ Support DI
❏ Participate in our Annual Giving Campaign
❏ Submit Volunteer Hours
Email: office@fatherandrewwhite.org
Phone: 301-475-9795
Website: www.fatherandrewwhite.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fawschool