Mary Hogan Family Newsletter

Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
January 12, 2024
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
There was a lot happening this week again at Mary Hogan. We had so much fun with the snow at the start of the week, getting out and making nests and sledding. The wind and rain didn't dampen our spirits, and the theme of the week was being active. We kept busy with wrestling, swimming, exploring the woods, and more!
Today, your child came home with their progress report. This is a new format based on input from families and teachers. There is more information below about the reports and January conferences. Take a moment to check it out. Also, if your child lives in 2 households, we will be mailing the second progress report out on this coming Wednesday, 1/17.
Another thing to note is an email I sent this afternoon about our January Options-Based Drill, which will happen on Wednesday 1/17. Please reach out if you have questions about the email sent home.
Be well,
Upcoming Events
Monday 1/15 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
Tuesday 1/16 - Conference Day (Teachers will communicate if they will use this day or another time.)
Wednesday 1/17 - Options Based Drill #2 - see email
Friday 1/26 - 1st grade goes to Shelburne Farms
Monday 1/29 - MESA sponsored "Hot Drinks for Mary Hogan Staff" - more to come
Wednesday 1/31 - Readathon Opening Assembly
January Progress Reports and Conference Information
Please note we will be holding parent-teacher conferences between January 16th and February 9th for families to meet with teachers to discuss their child's January progress report. We are putting the finishing touches on a revised progress report that will show student progress towards grade level standards and the IB Approaches to Learning. Report cards will be sent home on January 12th.
Some teachers came up with this explanation of the progress reports and process and I wanted to share it with you in case it felt helpful.
This Week at Mary Hogan
Snow Painting
Getting Outside
Wrestling Practice!
All students got a chance to learn a bit of wrestling thanks to the guest teaching of Tigers' Wrestling Coach, Ethan Raymond.
Disc Golf
The Disc Golf putting league began this past Monday. Check out more info below to see how you can come and have fun!
Student Council
Student Council has been working hard on their action projects for how they will make Mary Hogan better. Stay tuned for more information!
MESA Message
February Basketball Tournament Concessions
MESA is looking for volunteers to help run a concessions booth at the Middlebury Rec Gym for two basketball tournaments in February. The dates are 2/3-2/4 (girls tournament) and 2/10-2/11 (boys tournament). These are 5/6th grade tournaments. Please reach out if you have questions. More details and sign up slots are in the link:
January MESA Meeting
The January MESA meeting is Thursday, Jan 18th at 6:30pm in the school library. The principal's round table starts at 6:30pm, followed by the business meeting at 7pm. A Zoom link will also be provided for those that can't attend in person.
The Read-A-Thon starts in February
Details coming soon!
Family Resources & Opportunities
ACSD schools are participating in the 802 Smiles Network, which promotes dental health programs in Vermont schools. This means your child is eligible for a free dental screening at school and may be eligible to receive preventive dental services at no cost to you. All you have to do is to fill out the online consent forms by February 1st, 2024. We also have paper forms that will be sent home.
The registered dental hygienist can provide the following free services:
Dental Screening (simplified dental check-up)
Fluoride Varnish (brush-on liquid that can help prevent cavities)
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (brush-on combination of silver and fluoride that can help stop cavities from getting bigger)
Dental Cleanings (helps keep the mouth healthy and clean!)
Oral Health Education (teaches students how to brush, floss, maintain good oral health)
Dental Sealants (a thin layer of material placed on back teeth to prevent decay)
Our schools will be served by dental hygienist, Michael Messina. If you choose to participate, Michael will send you a follow-up letter after your child’s screening explaining the services provided, whether additional treatment is recommended, and help connect you to a dental professional, if needed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school’s dental hygienist, Michael Messina at michaelmessina.rdh@gmail.com or our school nurse.
Winter Reading Challenge sponsored by Ilsley library
Ilsley Public Library is challenging the youth in our ACSD community to read 15 titles from the various local and state youth book award lists between January 1st and March 31st. Students should not check off books that they read prior to 2024!
Tracking sheets are being sent home with students!
Youth who read 15 books will earn a ticket to a special movie showing at the Marquis Theater in April!
Questions? Contact Tricia Allen, Youth Librarian:
Girls on the Run at Mary Hogan - Looking for Coaches!
Girls on the Run is a program designed to inspire girls in grades 3-8 to believe in themselves, build confidence, and be part of their community - at school and in general.
- Our season begins the week of March 18 and will be 10 weeks featuring 20 lessons. Participant registration opens Wednesday, February 21 2024.
- The end of the season 5K Celebration on Saturday, June 1 at the Champlain Valley Expo in Essex.
Addison County Adventures!
The Ilsley Public Library and a group of 4 Middlebury College seniors are premiering their new program Addison County Adventures! This program focuses on promoting outdoor recreation and community connection in Addison County. On our website we have several starter adventures. These adventures range from self-guided tours of local town centers to fun activities on local hiking trails.
We are currently looking for interested members of the community to test these adventures and submit feedback through our website so we can make this program long-lasting and successful. Additionally, if you or anyone you know is interested in creating an adventure, feel free to delve into the resources we have available on our website regarding that process. These adventures are community-sourced so anybody can participate and create! Any other questions can be directed to Renne Ursitti at the Ilsley Public Library!
Want to help out at Mary Hogan? - Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Photo of the Week
For more awesome photos, check out the Instagram account, below!
Connect on Social Media!
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405