The Hoffman Hum - 11/15/24

The Hoffman Hum! - Hoffman School's Official Family Newsletter
Friday, November 15, 2024
¡Traduzca este boletín! 이 뉴스 레터를 번역하세요! Энэ мэдээг орчуулаарай! Przetłumacz ten biuletyn! | Переведите этот информационный бюллетень!
- Watch this short video for instructions on how to translate it into your language.
- Mire este breve video para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducirlo a su idioma.
- 귀하의 언어로 번역하는 방법에 대한 지침은이 짧은 비디오를 시청하십시오.
- Үүнийг хэрхэн богино хугацаанд өөрийн хэл рүү хөрвүүлэх зааврыг энэ видеоноос үзээрэй.
- Obejrzyj ten krótki film, aby uzyskać instrukcje, jak przetłumaczyć go na swój język.
- Посмотрите это короткое видео, чтобы узнать, как перевести его на ваш язык.
Hoffman School
Email: afranco@glenview34.org
Website: ho.glenview34.org
Location: 2000 Harrison Street, Glenview, IL, USA
Phone: 847-998-5040
Principal's Message
Happy Friday!
I hope everyone is enjoying these brisk fall days. As the seasons begin to change, Chicagoland weather can be unpredictable. Some days can be pretty cold during recess, even in the middle of the day. I recommend that families send students with layers like sweatshirts or coats in the event that it is on the colder side. We had a few days of recess this week where the temperature was in the 50s and students were outside in tee-shirts. Brrr! Some students shared that they didn't think to bring an extra layer to school.
Speaking of layers, we have quite a few sweatshirts and coats in our Lost and Found. If your student is missing an article clothing, please encourage them to visit the Lost and Found to claim their clothes! I have embedded a video of our current Lost and Found lower in this newsletter. You might be able to spot something that belongs to your student!
On Wednesday, November 20th, Mr. Banas will host a 3rd grade & choir concert. The event that evening will be divided up into two concerts. The choir will be performing at both concerts. Below you can find the times of the two concerts and which 3rd grade classes will be performing.
- 5:30-6:00 - Ms. Greene, Ms. Hanna, Ms. Tomey, and Ms. Cabey.
- 6:30-7:00 - Mr. Hoerr, Ms. Klise, Ms. O'Hara, and Mr. Tomaszewski
Later this month, Report cards will be available to parents via Powerschool on November 22nd. We hope that our report cards will give you another opportunity to share how your child is performing, both academically and socially.
Have a great weekend!
Luke Larmee
Hoffman School Principal
Lost and Found "I Spy": Can you spot any of your child's clothing items?
Nurse Notes - Ms. Briones
Fall weather is finally here! With more rain and cooler weather, the school grounds are much more wet and muddy. Please consider sending an extra set of clothes with your child (top, pants, underwear, and socks) to keep at school in case they need to change after recess.
I also just want to remind parents/guardians that medications, either prescribed or over-the-counter (including cough drops), should NOT be sent to school with students without a medication authorization form on file with the health office. This form needs to be completed by their physician and also signed by a parent/guardian. Please find the form below, and it can be emailed back. Once completed, parents/guardians can drop off medications to be kept in the health office.
As a reminder, your student should stay home if they have vomiting, diarrhea, or a temperature of 100.4F or above. They should be free of these symptoms for 24 hours without the use of medication. Absences can be reported by calling 847-998-5040. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the health office.
A Note from Katie Link - School Psychologist Intern
From the PTA's Newsletter...
Holiday Helper 2024
Let’s come together to support our Henking and Hoffman families this holiday season! Whether it’s providing a food box, sponsoring a family, donating a grocery gift card, gifting a board game, or helping to collect donations at drop-off day, every bit helps. Drop-offs will be on 12/14 from 8:30-10:30am at Henking.
- Volunteer to work Drop-offs on 12/14
- Provide a Food Box
- Sponsor a Family
- Donate Gift Cards
- Give Board Games
- Monetary Donations of any amount are appreciated, welcome, and go a long way to helping our efforts. Make sure you put Holiday Helper in the memo field.
Holiday Helper co-chairs:
- Gillian Mathews: mathews.gillian@gmail.com
- Phoebe Elder: phoebemelder@gmail.com
- Rhonda Heublein: rheublein6@comcast.net
- Nicole Carlson: nicolecarlson1@hotmail.com
See's Candies Yumraiser Now through 12/9!
It’s time to turn candy into cash! Live now, you can order your favorite chocolate assortments, and 20-50% of the proceeds go back to the HE/HO PTA! It’s the perfect holiday gift for those who help you all year round- think hairstylists, coworkers, teachers, house cleaners, babysitters, and hostess gifts! Candy is ready to ship 11/11 and the shop is open through 12/9.
Orders ship directly to you, making holiday shopping easier than ever.
Next PTA Meeting at Henking: 11/22 at 9:30am
Stock the Lounge!
Help us stock the staff lounges!
Please help us by donating an item or two to help stock the staff lounges for our teachers!.
Upcoming Dates
11/20/24 - 3rd Grade and Choir Performances
- 5:30-6:00 - Greene, Hanna, Tomey, Cabey and 4th/5th Grade Choir
- 6:30-7:00 - O'Hara, Tomaszewski, Hoerr, Klise and 4th/5th Grade Choir
11/22/24 - PTA Meeting at Henking - 9:30 am
11/22/24 - Report Cards Available to Families via PowerSchool
11/27/24 - Institute Day - No school for students
11/28/24 & 11/29/24 - Thanksgiving Break - No school for students
School Hours
M, T, R, F
Arrival Begins: 7:35 AM
Classes Begin: 7:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM
Arrival Begins: 8:35 AM
Classes Begin: 8:45 AM
Dismissal: 2:40 PM