Cecilton Elementary Update
October 13, 2024
Cecilton Elementary OPEN HOUSE ~ This Week
On Wednesday, October 16th, teachers will be available from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. to share information about the school, their classrooms, and more! This is a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with the adults who spend over seven hours a day every week with your child. We are excited to speak with you!
Cecilton Elementary School Improvement 2024-2025
Each year, the staff at Cecilton Elementary School works together to create a plan to ensure academic growth so that we show increasing student achievement - the School Improvement Plan. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that every student is prepared for the rigors of middle school and beyond. We look at the needs of the whole child from academic to school environment to readiness to learn. In addition, we look for ways to support our families so that children come to school each day ready to learn. As you can imagine, this is a complex task with many interrelated parts that must work together - much like the gears in the diagram above. Over the next few editions of our newsletter, we will learn about many of those "gears" that are working together for your child.
This week, we will begin with our goal for Safe Schools. Every successful learning environment is built upon a foundation of safety. We have a Crisis Emergency Response Plan which helps our building remain organized and prepared by outlining safety procedures and includes a schedule of safety drills. We also must ensure that all students feel safe within the building so that they want to come to school. This is where our PBIS program steps in. Under the direction of our school counselor Mrs. Simpson, the PBIS team supports a number of initiatives to teach students Tiger Pride (safety, responsibility, and respect). Students who exhibit Tiger Pride receive individual passport points while whole classes can earn Power Paws. You will hear your child talking about "cashing in" or whole class rewards and this is a result of earning positive reinforcement of Tiger Pride behaviors. Through guidance and PBIS, we also work to help students build the skills to be good friends and to resolve conflicts in a healthy manner. The third component of our safe schools goal is under the direction of our Community School Advisor (CSA), Mrs. Morris. This position is a new grant funded position at our school and the CSA focuses on several support areas for students including helping families who may need to connect with county services, connecting with community organizations to meet school and student needs, and supporting improved attendance for all students.
All of these initiatives work together under the goal of Safe Schools to create a positive learning environment for the students and staff at Cecilton Elementary School.
BOOK SWAP - 1st Fridays starting in November
We are excited to bring back our monthly book swap opportunities for all students. Each month, on the first Friday, Mrs. Wiggins will open the library during arrival, breakfast and morning meeting times for students to exchange gently used books. This allows your child to get new books to read without always having to purchase new books or run to the library. Your child may keep the books as long as he or she wants (maybe even forever!). The next month, bring the books back and swap out for some new ones. If your child does not have books to begin the first month, please let us know that your child wants to participate. We can begin the whole process with them selecting a book to start with. Our first book swap of the year will be held on the morning of November 1st.
Cecilton Elementary will be celebrating Unity Day on Wednesday, October 16th. Unity Day is a day where Cecilton Elementary students will come together as a community and celebrate kindness, acceptance and inclusion. We ask that everyone wear orange on Wednesday to show that we are a strong community that supports each other at Cecilton Elementary.
Survey Opt Out for Grade 4
On Tuesday, October 15th, students in grade 4 will receive an opt out form for an upcoming Social and Emotional Competency Survey. If you do NOT want your child to participate in the survey, please return the completed form to the school.The survey will be completed during the window of October 28th and December 6th.
Calling All Veterans!
We are looking forward to honoring our Veterans at Cecilton Elementary School next month. As we prepare for the festivities, we need some information. Please forward the names and digital pictures of your veterans to Mrs. Mosier ( ammoser@ccps.org ) to be included in our slideshow presentation.
Updates from Cecil County Public Schools
Judy Center Schools:
Family Service Coordination - revised!
Little Learners Home Visiting- revised!
Playgroup Schedule - find your school’s schedule in this folder!
Parents, would you like to know more about what your child is learning this school year? Our district has provided many resources for families, including course overviews, that you can access online. Below, you will find links to access these resources. If you have any trouble, please let us know.
If your child previously received Medicaid benefits please remember that there is no longer an automatic renewal. You can find more information on how to renew your child’s benefits HERE.
The Office of Multilingual Education will be offering virtual (zoom) parent workshops twice a month on Tuesdays starting on October 15, 2024. Time: 10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Flyer
Elementary Movers with Parks & Recreation
It's time for fall soccer! We are excited to hear that Mr. Ringgold will be returning as our youth soccer coach through the Parks and Rec program. Please make sure to sign up by using the contact information below.
We Still Need Candy Donations!
Thank you to the families who have already donated candy for this annual event. The Cecilton community organizations are now accepting donations of candy to be distributed at the Trunk or Treat. Please bring your donations to the Cecilton Elementary School school office or by sending them in by "backpack express." Thank you for helping our community come together to make this event special for our children.
On Friday night, we will have a DJ, dance area, snacks and more! So try on those Halloween costumes early and get ready for a wonderful family event!
Click the link HERE to the October school calendar. Click on the link in the calendar to read detailed information as it becomes available. Translated materials are also available at the link.
Changes will be made on the live calendar available at the link. Please check this link each week for any updates!
November is Election Season
In the coming weeks there will be a number of important dates related to local elections in Cecil County. On 10/9/24, the Cecil County Chamber of Commerce will host a General Election Candidate Forum beginning at 6:00 PM at the Milburn Stone Theater. This event is free and open to the public. Candidates for County Executive, County Council, and the Board of Education will be speaking.
On 10/22/24, the NAACP will host a candidate forum at Elkton High School beginning at 6:00 PM. All candidates for local office have been invited to participate.
The cutoff for voter registration is 10/15/24. Please visit the Maryland State Board of Elections for more information or to register to vote.
Local elections have a significant impact on our schools. Please make an effort to learn about the candidates running for local office and support and vote for those that are committed to supporting public education in Cecil County!
The Judy Center Playgroup @ CES
The Judy Center County Wide Opportunities
Cecil County Health Department
The Cecil County Health Department has a large number of resources for families including crisis services, mental health services, housing and emergency food support, and much more. Open the link below for contact information for any type of assistance you may need.
Food Resources
Adult Education Opportunities
Affordable Health Care