CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
The same can be true of us this Labor Day. As we make an effort to rest in the Lord this week, this can mark the end of one season and the beginning of the next. This can be our season to work for the Lord. Before you balk at the idea of work, remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 11. He invited all who were weary and heavy with burdens to come rest in Him. His next statement is, "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me". Rest in the Lord leads us into learning how to work correctly. Embrace this time of training and preparation for your purpose.
September Focus
As we begin our focus of Rest & Solitude, put down the phone, turn off the tv, and read a good book. Sign out a book as many times as you would like through the month of September (after you return the last one :). If you aren't feeling the book you chose, you are welcome to pick a new one!
Labor to Rest
On Saturday, September 14, come help us prepare the park! We will meet around 9:30am. Be prepared to rake mulch, paint, pull weeds, and/or many other tasks. Bring work gloves and some water. A meal will be provided.
Movie Night
Saturday, September 21 will be the next movie night. Arrive at 7:30pm to grab your free concessions. The movie will begin around 8pm. Depending upon the weather, we may even light the fire! Get your chair and all your friends as we enjoy a night of fellowship.
Daily Devotion
Our next devotion from the Bible app is all about surrendering anxiety and resting in the Lord. It is a 40-day devotion which will be available through September and October. If you are unable to find us on the Bible app, this is the direct link: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/24728
Please bring a ball and/or a doll for the shoeboxes this month. Ensure that the size of either one you choose is able to fit into a box. If you don't have time to purchase something, donate $ for shipping. If you don't have $, bring a shoebox.
5th Sunday
The month of September has a 5th Sunday. You know what that means - Breakfast! If you are able to bring a breakfast item, be sure to put your name on the sign-up sheet. These laid back days are the perfect opportunity to invite your family and friends who do not attend church.
If Jesus Needed it, So Do You!
Rest, pray, and hear from God. This is the purpose of solitude. Throughout the gospels we see moments when Jesus got away alone, or with his disciples. Sometimes it was directly after a great movement of healings and other miracles. Other times it was in preparation for the crowds He was about to minister to. It’s worth noting that Jesus went up on a mountain and prayed all night before naming the twelve apostles. And don’t let this get past you, Jesus had to be very disciplined about his solitude! People were constantly pursuing Him, so He did things like get up before dark and climb a mountain, or He would find some other desolate place.
But this is Jesus, God the Son. He is the one who created all things. How is it that He needed to rest, or set aside time to pray and hear? This may be hard to understand, but one thing is clear, if Jesus needed times of solitude, then so do we. What if we pursued hearing from the Father like Jesus did? What if we wanted to be sure that every word that came from our mouths was a result of meeting with God? What do you think would happen if we also did whatever it took to find solitude before we moved into action?
Ask Yourself:
- What practices in your life demonstrate that you value hearing from God?
- Where will you go for solitude?
- When will you go?
*Remember, solitude does not have to be complicated. Solitude could mean a whole day on an actual mountain, but more often it will be finding a half-hour of quiet space in your own home or nearby park.
Pause to Pray:
Holy God, please increase my desire for times to be filled by you…
Take the Next Step:
-Make a plan for solitude: Where will you go? When will you go? Try to go for at least two hours of rest, reading, prayer, and worship.