FJVD Weekly Info
We Live the Word!
From the Principal's Desk
"A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows."
-St. Francis of Assisi
As Spring blooms and Summer beckons, may we all be that sunbeam for someone. Here's to a great conclusion of the year over the next two weeks!
Please keep reading below for more information on the following items:
- We've achieved our goals! Check out the pictures of the Blessing of the Goals below for information about our recent back field improvements!
- Save the Date: FJVD Annual Field Day for Grades K-8 will be Monday, June 10th. Our pre-kindergarten students will be celebrating their own special field day the Friday before on Friday, June 7th. Information for volunteering at our Field Days is included below!
- Calling all students entering 4th-8th grade! Saints John and Paul Parish is seeking altar servers! See below for more information.
- With only a few weeks left in the school year, it is time to begin thinking about Uniform Fitting and Ordering. See more details below! It is highly recommended that all uniform orders be placed by July 1st!
- Speaking of uniforms, we will once again be bulk ordering gym t-shirts and sweatshirts again this year. Order will be shipped to the school and must be placed by July 1st (No Exceptions). Pleas see below for more details!
- Join us in celebrating Fr. Woolley's 25th Anniversary of Ordination on Sunday, June 2nd! Details, including link to purchase tickets, included below!
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
You can find the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar below, along with a Calendar Brief for Families which highlights important dates, events, etc. for the upcoming school year.
We've Achieved Our Goals!
This past Wednesday, Fr. Woolley blessed our newly installed 7' x 21' soccer goals in the field behind the school, completing the Field Renovation Project that was begun last Fall. In late November, we installed an irrigation system which is hooked up to the irrigation well that waters the front school lawns. Then in early December, we installed two 12' x 40' backstops with mesh netting, to keep the balls from going into the woods. Next, we overseeded the lawn in February; and finally, we installed the goals, which were given by the Coventry Soccer Association in exchange for the use of our school gym for their Futsal program this past winter. The Field Renovation Project was funded by this year's Walk a Thon and Alumni Appeal, thank you to all who donated to these fundraisers, for enabling us to achieve our "goals"!
Saints John and Paul Church is Seeking Altar Servers!
Our Parish is now recruiting for new Altar Servers, and there will be having an Altar Server Training Class, Saturday June 15 from 1 to 3pm in the Church. All boys and girls who are parishioners at Ss. John and Paul, are entering 4th grade or above next school year, and have made their First Communion are eligible to become an Altar Server. If you are interested, please fill out the form below and return it to Mrs. Jarvis or Fr. Woolley.
Field Day is Coming Soon! Volunteers Needed
FJVD Annual Field Day for Grades K-8 will be Monday, June 10th. We always have a blast with various games, activities, and celebrations throughout the day, and we need YOUR help to make it happen!
Sign up to volunteer here and/or donate Bunch O’ Balloons for water balloon games!
Lastly, please note that our pre-kindergarten students will be celebrating their own special field day the Friday before on Friday, June 7th.
Uniform Fitting and Ordering
You can order your uniforms directly through the school here or though our app. You can always order directly through Donnelly's. If you are ordering uniforms directly from the school, and need help with sizing or help ordering , please schedule a time with Mrs. Jarvis or Mrs. Marra. If you are ordering directly through Donnelly's please make an appointment through their website for sizing and help ordering . It is highly recommend that all orders be in by July 1st to ensure you receive your uniforms on time!
Bulk Ordering for Gym T-shirts and Sweatshirts
We are happy to bring back a way for our families to save some money on school gym shirts. In order to get the best pricing, we will be bulk ordering these items. T-shirts are $10, and Sweatshirts are $17. Because this is a bulk order all student orders must be placed by July 1st. (No Exceptions) Gym shirts can be ordered at. https://fjvduniforms.square.site They will be shipped to the school and we will set up a time to pick them up prior to the first week of school. (Gym shirts can still be ordered from Donnelly’s or the school website at regular price at any time.)
An Invitation from Fr. Woolley - 25th Anniversary of Ordination Mass and Dinner
Fr. Woolley invites everyone to his 25th Anniversary of Ordination Mass, Sunday June 2, 2024, 2pm at Ss. John and Paul Parish, followed by a Dinner Reception at the Quonset O Club at 4pm; this Mass fulfills one's Sunday obligation. Bishop Henning will be attending the Mass! As Catholic Schools have been a very big part of Fr. Woolley's priesthood, he encourages all students who plan on attending to wear their school uniforms to the 25th Anniversary Mass. Also, while you do not have to RSVP to attend the Mass, the deadline to purchase tickets for attending the Reception Dinner is Sunday, May 26; tickets can be purchased at https://bit.ly/FrWoolley25
God Bless,
Fr. Woolley
As always, be assured of my prayers for you and your families.
God bless and Go Saints!
Mr. Peloquin
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Photos from the Week
Soccer nets in action!
5th graders made their own rosaries as part of their religious studies, and Fr. Woolley stopped by to bless them!
Academic Calendar and Other Documents
The Virtue Corner
Virtue of the Month: Diligence - doing your best and working hard until you're finished.
Saint(s) of the Month:
- PK-2: St. Andrew Bessette
- 3-5: St. Francis de Sales
- 6-8: St. Catherine of Siena
Home Projects for the Month of May:
Home projects are broken down by grade level groupings. These are not required and rarely involve a material project, but rather include an opportunity to discuss and practice the virtues as a family. You can find the home projects for the month of May here.
The Nurse's Corner
Cough Drop Policies
Please note, students requiring cough drops are asked to provide the nurse with the cough drops in their original packaging for use during the school day. Additional documentation, including a standing order, may be required in order for the nurse to provide cough drops for your student. Please contact Nurse Kathie if you have any questions.
In addition, under no circumstances are students permitted to share cough drops or any other medication with other students.
Thank you!
Thank You to Our Partners in Education!
Platinum Sponsors
Ocean State Scale and Balance
Olde Theater Diner
Rhode Island Artesian Well
Gold Sponors
Silver Sponsors
Stay Connected
About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Email: kevinpeloquin@fjvd.org
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints