Tiger Talk: Parent Edition
Stonewall Tell Elementary School-Community Newsletter
Stonewall Tell ES Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for your continued support of Stonewall Tell ES..
School Governance Council (SGC) Elections https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/7358
Volunteer Sign-up link http://tinyurl.com/n7db6wkv
Pay online for school breakfast and/or lunch https://www.mypaymentsplus.com/welcome
Student absences and late arrivals, whether excused or unexcused, impact a child's ability to succeed in school. Click here for the FCS Attendance Website.
Visit the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to view student attendance and grade reports. If experiencing challenges please email Ms. Dawson at DawsonL2@Fultonschools.org
Nikki R. Porter, Ed. S.
Head of School
Stonewall Tell Elementary School, an IB World School
Your opinion matters! Make sure to take the Annual Parent Perception Survey by March 15! https://www.fultonschools.org/annualparentsurvey
STES Black History Month Calendar
February 2024
2/19 Presidents Day-No school for students
2/20 Professional Development Day-No school for students
2/21 School Governance Council Meeting at 5:00pm in the media center
2/27 PTA Meeting /Black History Month Program at 6pm in the cafeteria
March 2024
- 3/11 Teacher Workday-Students Off
- 3/12 Professional Development Day-Students Off
- 3/13 Title 1 Input Meeting at 5:30pm in the Media Center
- 3/15 PTA Sponsored Donuts with Dads
- 3/18 District 4 Community Meeting w/ Board Member Warren, 6pm Hughes HS
- 3/20 School Governance Council Meeting at 5pm in the Media Center/Assessment Meeting at 6pm. https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/4592
April 2024
- 4/1-5 FCS Spring Break- No School
- 4/8-26 iReady Assessment Grades K-2
- 4/12 PTA Sponsored Family Skate Night (Cascade Family Skating)
- 4/16 Kindergarten Roundup at 9:00am
- 4/19 SGC Sponsored Family Movie Night at 6pm
- 4/22 District 4 Community Meeting w/ Board Member Warren, 6pm Camp Creek MS
- 4/29- 5/10 Georgia Milestones Assessment for grades 3-5
Welcome Volunteers
We are excited to welcome volunteers back into our building this year! We love having volunteers in our building on a regular basis. Please remember that if you are going to volunteer at Stonewall Tell ES in any capacity (in the classroom, in the media center, cafeteria, or at a school event, etc.) you must watch the volunteer video and fill out the volunteer form prior to being in the building. Once you complete the training, it takes up to 48 hours to process your approval. All approved volunteers must re-apply for volunteer status every two calendar years.
Please follow the link to Fulton County’s website, https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/9539 to complete the necessary volunteer online training and application.
Contact Person: Mrs. Rice, Parent Liaison
Email: RiceL@Fultonschools.org
Volunteer Sign-up link http://tinyurl.com/n7db6wkv
Stonewall Tell Elementary School families!
Our Stonewall Tell Tiger Dance Fit fundraiser is kicking off soon! Lookout for more information in the coming weeks. For now, mark your calendars with these key dates!
● Stonewall Tell Tiger Dance Fit Kickoff - 02/08/2024
● Event Day - 02/16/2024
Thanks for your support.
Dance Fit Fun-Boosterthon 20204
Visit from Westlake HS Cheerleaders
Reviewing expectations with Counselor Dunn
Townhall Meeting with AP Latimore-Reviewing academic and discipline data.
Help students reach academic goals using iReady!
Parent Resources
Please use the resources linked here to support your child's learning at home.
Math Websites
Black History Month Resources
Please view the video below featuring Arden, former STES student share about internet safety.
PTA Meeting Dates
August 22, 2023 at 6pm
December 12, 2023 at 6pm
February 27, 2024 at 6pm
April 16, 2024 at 6pm
STES PTA Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/domain/4543
School Governance Council
Please click dates below for a direct link to meetings.
- August 4, 2023 at 4PM
- September 20: In Person, STES Media Center @5PM
- October 18: Virtual @5PM
- November 15: Virtual @5PM
- January 17: Virtual, @5PM
- February 21: in-Person, STES Media Center @5PM
- March 20: In Person, STES Media Center @5PM
Stonewall Tell ES Parents and Guardians,
I would like to take a moment to address an important matter regarding driving safely in the parking lot. The safety and well-being of our students and staff are of utmost importance to us, and we kindly request your cooperation in ensuring a secure environment for everyone.
Parking lots can be busy and hectic, especially during drop-off and pick-up times. Morning drop-off takes place between 7:10-7:40am. Afternoon car rider pick-up takes place from 2:20pm-2:40pm. It is crucial that we all follow the designated traffic flow and adhere to the speed limits. Please be mindful of pedestrians and other vehicles, and always yield the right of way when necessary.
Additionally, we kindly ask that you refrain from using your mobile phones while driving in the parking lot. Distracted driving poses a significant risk to everyone's safety, and we must all do our part to eliminate this hazard.
By driving safely and responsibly in the parking lot, we can create a secure and efficient environment for everyone. Let us set a positive example for our children and demonstrate the importance of following traffic rules and regulations.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Together, we can ensure the safety of our school community. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
- Morning car rider drop-off takes place in the front of the school only. Parents must park vehicles and escort students into the building and sign-in after 7:40am.
- Bus rider parents, school busses depart our campus at 2:30pm daily. The FCS Code of Conduct applies to all students transported by school bus.
- Afternoon car riders will be routed to pick up students in front of the cafeteria. Cars will enter through the main entrance to the school from Stonewall Tell Road and will follow directional arrows to the cafeteria/bus loop. This will allow for a smoother process while preventing traffic on Stonewall Tell Road.
- Afternoon car rider parents, please make sure your scholar is picked up by 2:40pm. Parents and guardians must remain in their vehicles.
- If picked up from school after 2:40pm, your scholar will be seated in the front office. Please park and come in to sign your scholar out. The school social worker will be notified of families who violate student pick-up procedures. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Safety is our priority.
- Early student pick-up ends at 1:30pm daily. Please contact the school at 470-254-3500 if in need of emergency early pick-up.
*Uniforms are expected for Stonewall Tell ES students.
The standard school uniform consists of a maroon, gold, or white polo styled top and khaki skirts, shorts or pants. A logo patch is optional, but are not required
Khaki bottoms are preferred with uniform tops, however, jeans are allowed to be worn with uniform tops. *No frayed or ripped jeans are allowed*
- Uniforms are worn on Monday – Wednesday.
- Thursday is College Day! Students may wear a college shirt!
- Every Friday is Spirit Wear and Free Dress Day. *
Fulton Dress Code-I.13a Improper Dress
Students in the school system are expected to dress and groom themselves in such a way as to reflect neatness, cleanliness and safety. All students shall dress appropriately so as not to disrupt or interfere with the educational program or the orderly operation of the school. Examples of inappropriate dress and grooming include lack of cleanliness in person or dress; shoe lessness; "short-short" clothing; bare midriffs; "tank tops"; "see-through" clothing or apparel which designates gangs or similar organizations or any dress that is disruptive to the educational process. Designated dress involving school activities approved by the principal shall be acceptable. The principal or other duly authorized school official shall determine whether any particular mode of dress or grooming results in a violation of the spirit and/or the intent of this rule.
Schoolwide Goals 2023-2024
63% of K-5 scholars will score at Tier 1 as measured by i-Ready Math Diagnostic by May 2024.
The percentage of Grades 3-5 students performing at Developing and Above on the Math, Georgia Milestones will increase by 3% for the 2023-24SY.
68% of K-5 scholars will score at Tier 1 as measured by i-Ready Reading Diagnostic by May 2024.
The percentage of Grades 3-5 students performing at Developing and Above on the Reading, Georgia Milestones will increase by 3% for the 2023-24SY.
Winter iReady Data-Dec. 2023
Contact Us
Mrs. Porter-Principal -PorterN@fultonschools.org
Mr. Latimore-Assistant Principal latimoreg@fultonschools.org
Ms. Tyson- Curriculum Support Teacher- TysonE@fultonschools.org
Ms. Boyd-Assistant Administrator -BoydAL@Fultonschools.org
Mr. Dunn-Counselor- DunnA1@fultonschools.org
Ms. Abercrombie-Instructional Support Teacher- AbercrombieF@fultonschools.org
Mr. Gumes- Grades K-5 Math Coach - Gumes@fultonschools.org
Ms. Long- Grades K-2 Literacy Coach- Longaa@fultonschools.org
Ms. Gillard-Grades 3-5 Literacy Coach- GillardS@Fultonschools.org
Ms. Hooks-IB Coordinator- Hooksk1@fultonschools.org
Ms. Peete-Media and Technology Specialist- PeeteN@fultonschools.org
Contact Us
Email: PorterN@FultonSchools.org
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/stonewalltelles
Location: 3310 Stonewall Tell Road, College Park, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-3500
Twitter: @StonewallTell