The Buzz
Autumn Term - 7th December 2023

Message From the Executive Headteacher
Yesterday I was delighted to share the inspection report from the recent visit by Ofsted. As a school we are obviously delighted to retain outstanding grade despite the incredibly demanding expectations of this under the current inspection framework. I know that this school is exceptional; everyday the staff go over and above for the children of Hampton Infant School and Nursery and the children are keen to come to school, enthusiastic for their learning and willing to do their very best. The parent community is hugely supportive of the school ethos and we are grateful for the good wishes and support we have received.
We have really got into the Christmas spirit this week, the hall is fully decorated by the children and rehearsals are in full swing for the shows next week. Please ensure you have checked the time of the show and remember that tickets are only two per family. I know that you will really enjoy the show especially if this is your first one.
Helen Lockey
Executive Head of School
Below is a link to donate to Save the Children Justgiving Page for Christmas Jumper day on Friday 15th December along with the latest Parent Communication Policy, please take time to read this policy.
🌟Certificate of Excellence
AM Nursery - Amelia
PM Nursery - Kacey
RC Eren
RF Tommy
RK Logan
RP Zaina
1B Hendrix
1C Lexie
1D Flossie
1Y Sincere
2C Daisy-Lou
2H Frances
2J Ameerah
2MC Aurora
👋 Makaton Sign of the Week
🟨 Nursery
In Nursery this week we have been continuing to enjoy reading the story 'Kipper's birthday'. We have been learning when our own birthday is and trying to say the month. We have been discussing how old we are and what age we will be turning when it is our next birthday. We have been hosting parties in the home corner, writing out party invitations and making playdough birthday cakes and cookies. We have been singing happy birthday to each other and pretending to blow out the candles. In maths we have been learning to count accurately using buttons. We have been continuing to learn our Christmas songs ready for our show on Friday 15th December. We have also had fun decorating the nursery ready for Christmas.
🟥 Reception
It has been a very cold week in Reception but that hasn't stopped them getting busy and enjoying their learning! The children have been continuing their learning around our focus text 'Kipper's Birthday.' They have been learning about the different months of the year and when their birthdays are. They have also been talking about how they celebrate their birthdays, if they wear any special clothes or eat special things and what they enjoy about their birthdays! We talked about how different people celebrate their birthdays around the world and learnt how to sing Happy Birthday in Spanish!
Reception have also been practising their Christmas songs along with actions too. It is so lovely to hear their wonderful singing voices and we saw lots of excited faces when they got the opportunity to try on their costumes and go up on the stage!
🟦 Year 1
In the build up to Christmas, we have begun looking at the story ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ by Janet and Alan Ahlberg in English. We have been focusing on our understanding of the story and answering comprehension questions about the text. We then used time connectives to sequence the story before putting this into sentences using the correct punctuation.
In maths, we have been investigating 2D and 3D shapes. We have been identifying the differences between 2D and 3D shapes, and looking at their various properties. We noticed that 2D shapes are the faces on 3D shapes, as well as looking at the number of sides, edges, vertices and faces of the various shapes. We investigated which shapes could be stacked and which could not, discussing the reasons for this and why certain shapes were better than others. We looked around our classroom to see if we could identify various shapes in everyday objects, and sorted shapes using various criteria, e.g. number of faces and sides, curved edges, etc. We also had fun creating various patterns using shapes.
In art, we have continued with our exploration of pattern based on the artists Shantell Martin and Bridget Riley. We have used our knowledge and practise of the patterns to create wonderful pieces of art.
In geography this week, we have looked at the route we took for our local walk on a map. We looked at how the main features that we saw were represented on a map using ordinance survey symbols. We then created our own map of our route and incorporated these symbols to show the things we passed on our journey.
We have also had our second lesson focusing on our ‘lifting limits’ whole school initiative. We continued our discussions about the impact of putting incorrect or unfair labels on other people. We talked about what we could do if we feel like a label had been placed on us, which might stop us from doing the things we enjoy or being the person we want to be.
🟩 Year 2
We can't wait for you come and see our Christmas Show next Tuesday, we have been busy rehearsing this week, remembering all our songs and actions.
2MC &2J's show will be at 9.15am,
2C & 2H's show will be at 10.30am.
If you haven't already sent in black leggins/ trousers and a black top, please do so as soon as possible ready for our show.
We have been really enjoying our new focus book ‘Once Upon a Snowstorm’ which really surprised us as a story book without words. We loved exploring this delightful picture book and sharing our ideas about what we think is happening in the story with each other. We are looking forward to becoming authors over the next couple of weeks and writing the words to accompany the beautiful illustrations for this book. We loved acting out scenes from the book on Tuesday and exploring the different emotions the main character in the story may have experienced on his journey.
In Maths we have been thinking about our knowledge of shape and thinking about properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We will be exploring symmetry in 2D shapes for the rest of the week.
In Computing we have continued our topic of Photography and this week have been using computers to edit images. We explored how we could change the colour, tone and lighting on images. Next week we will be applying all our photography skills to take our best photos yet!
Year 2 Have designed and made festive wraps in DT - they were yummy !
Domestic Abuse News
Physical violence is just one type of abuse – domestic abuse can be any behaviour which is used to harm, punish or frighten you, or makes you feel bullied, controlled or intimidated. This includes mental, sexual, financial and emotional abuse and other harmful practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM), so called honour based violence and forced marriage.
Support for victims of domestic abuse
Richmond borough – Refuge (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor(IDVA) and Outreach Service) 020 8943 8188 Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
Kingston Borough - Domestic Abuse Hub, support and advocacy for survivors of DA: 0208 5476046 (Mon – Fri 9.30 – 5pm)
Concerned about a child, call the SPA: 0208 547 5008 (Mon – Fri 8am-5pm)
🎅Christmas 2023 Diary Dates
Tuesday 12th Dec
9.15am - 10.00 am 2J & 2MC Christmas Show
10.30am - 11.15am 2H & 2C Christmas Show
Wednesday 13th Dec
9.15am - 10.00am 1C & 1Y Christmas Show
10.30am - 11.15am 1D & 1B Christmas Show
Thursday 14th Dec
9.15am - 10.00am RP & RF Christmas Show
10.30am - 11.15am RC & RK Christmas Show
Friday 15th Dec
Christmas Jumper Day (full Mufti) - Whole School
10.30am - 11.00am AM Nursery Christmas Show
2.30pm - 3.00pm PM Nursery Christmas Show
Tuesday 19th Dec
Nursery and Reception Christmas Party - children to come to school in party clothes and bring festive packed lunch
Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Lunch - uniform
Wednesday 20th Dec
Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Party - children to come to school in party clothes and bring festive packed lunch
Reception Christmas Lunch - School Uniform
Nursery Last Day of Term
Thursday 21st Dec
HISN Rec, Yr 1 & Yr 2 End of Term (1.20pm pick up)
January 2024
Monday 8th INSET DAY
Tuesday 9th Children Return to School
Messages from the Office
Helpful School Information
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815