WDMCS Staff Newsletter
August 30, 2023

In This Edition
- Dr. Adams' Video Message to Staff
- All-Staff Welcome Back Photos
- Welcoming Week Sept. 11-15
- Homecoming Week Sept. 18-22
- Allergy Aware Stickers
- Communications Tools: Blackboard and TalkingPoints
- Updates and Reminders
- Beat Dr. Adams in a Cardboard Boat Race!
West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) is excited to participate in a nationwide program called Welcoming Week the second week of September. This special staff newsletter includes information about what Welcoming Week is, how WDMCS will observe the week, and how you can engage with Welcoming Week.
Blackboard Email/Text Notifications
Blackboard communication tools are used to send one-way emails and texts to families, students, and/or staff.
- Administrators can communicate school-wide or choose specific groups.
- Teachers' rosters are synced through Infinite Campus.
- Office staff can access entire school/grades for broader communication.
Log Into Blackboard
Use your WDMCS Google credentials to log into Blackboard.
Bookmark this URL for future reference: https://wdmcs.parentlink.net.
TalkingPoints Two-Way Texts
TalkingPoints provides a way to connect with families through two-way, translated communication. Families receive a text in their primary language. They can respond in their primary language, and it is translated back into English for the teachers and staff to read.
Log In Using Clever
Use your WDMCS Google credentials to log into Clever. You can then access TalkingPoints by selecting the icon on the DISTRICT PAGE tab.
Access Training Tools
Read more and access training on how to leverage TalkingPoints for your school and classroom.
Learn more about TalkingPoints >
Questions? Need Training?
Contact Laine Buck or Alexandra Wade, School/Community Relations
Please do not contact Mike Sherman or the Technology Department.
Allergy Aware Stickers
All WDMCS buildings should have an "Allergy Aware" sticker on a window by the main entrance. While preventative measures and response plans are in place to ensure student safety, WDMCS cannot guarantee that a particular classroom or portion of a school is completely allergen free.
Confirm you have one in common areas (ie: outside main office, nurse’s office, dining area, media center, etc.)
You DO NOT need to place these stickers throughout your entire building. These should be used in classrooms of students with severe allergies and in common areas. These stickers are not easily peeled/replaced in another area so please place them strategically throughout your building.
If you need more stickers, please contact School/Community Relations at scroffice@wdmcs.org.
Safe Schools Training Deadline Sept. 15
While some employees may have unique modules to review based on their role, the average time it should take to complete the training is two hours. Please be sure to take time in the next two weeks to complete the required training.
In addition, all employees must review several items through TalentEd as part of an annual checklist from Human Resources. The deadline to complete this checklist is also Friday, Sept. 15.
2023-24 Employee Directory "Do Not Release"
Please complete the form linked below if you DO NOT want your personal address and/or phone information included in the WDMCS employee section of the directory.
Deadline: Friday, Sept. 8, 2023
Email Signature
If you would like a district or school logo to be added to your email signature, you can access the graphics and instructions through TechHub.
View steps to insert a logo in your Gmail signature >
Dr. Adams competed in the Raccoon River Rally cardboard boat race last year against Superintendent Brad Buck from Waukee. This year, he wants to compete against our very own students and staff!
If your school, classroom, or club would like to build a cardboard boat and race against Dr. Adams, register at the website linked below. WDMCS groups that defeat Dr. Adams will earn a special surprise directly from the superintendent on top of any Raccoon River Rally awards!
Raccoon River Rally
Saturday, Oct. 14
Raccoon River Park
2500 Grand Ave., West Des Moines, IA