GISD Parent Dyslexia Informer
March 2024
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Student accommodations for students identified with dyslexia are crucial for ensuring equal access to education. Dyslexia can present challenges in reading, writing and comprehension, making it essential for schools to provide tailored support. Accommodations should be tailored to the students needs to level the playing field for dyslexia students allowing them to demonstrate their knowledge an skills without being hindered by their learning differences. By implementing accommodations, schools foster an inclusive environment where all students can thrive academically. Check out some links below for more ways you can advocate for your students through the use of accommodations.
Save the Date!
Dyslexia Summer Camp
Be on the lookout for a registration form from your campus dyslexia teacher/therapist about our quickly approaching dyslexia summer camp. This program is for students in grades 1-8, identified with dyslexia. Dyslexia instructional components, supports, strategies and enrichment activities are implemented to increase literacy and to mitigate learning loss over summer.
June 24-27, 2024
Austin Academy
Contact Information
Marcy Eisinger, M.S., M.Ed., LPC, LDT, CALT, CDT
Assistant Director, Dyslexia
Special Education
Visit us on Twitter: gisd_dyslexia