ib Film Newsletter
What's Happening in our Class!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It’s been a great first quarter in film as we welcome Juniors and returning Seniors. Students have been busy creating unique films, some of which you can view below! I love seeing the creativity and ideas that our students bring to the classroom. Thanks to all senior parents who have allowed filming to take place at their homes this last week, the students have been so excited to film outside of Woodrow.
Technology Update: If you have a junior student, they are still welcome to bring in a personal device to download Premier Pro, otherwise we have a great set of class computers for all students to use. Personal Computers are not required for the class.
If you're interested in donating to the IB Film class, ALL DONATIONS ARE DOUBLED on Donors Choose September 18th. While we're in need of some technology, i'm hoping that DISD will fund big purchases, till then I am looking to fund an inflatable screen for outdoor movie viewing, and popcorn for in class celebrations for the year.
You can find out more by clicking this link Donations DOUBLE Sep. 18th!
Have a great week!
Here are some of the senior STAR Students so far this quarter
Cover Your Cough Film Crew
Director: Mallory Goodwin
Editor: Audrey Sloan
Cinematographer: Channing Schkade
Sound: Natali Hall
Unplug to Plug In h Film Crew
Editor: Lucia Fuentes
Director: Porter DeLuca
Screenwriter/ Sound: Anna Nicholson
Cinematographer: Lucas Stanley
Junior Workshops are underway, check out these superstars!
Junior Shoe Workshop Crew, Period 5
Anthony Stanley, Justin Stout, Jose Calderon, Katie Seeburger
Junior Shoe Workshop crew, Period 6
Landon MacDonal, Max Medaris, Isabel Aranda, Jackson Radcliff
Double Donations on September 18th
Your donations are doubled on September 18th, $10 becomes $20, $50 becomes $100!
This fundraiser will help us purchase a large inflatable screen for outdoor movie nights, popcorn to snack on while we watch student movies, and film to take photographs of film crews who make it onto the HollyWoodrow wall of fame. Click the link to find out more! (Currently i'm hoping DISD will replace and purchase other expensive items)
Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024, 09:45 AM
Upcoming Dates
Progress Reports should be issued on 9/27 by your students Advisory teacher
Spirit Week - Monday is Movie Star Day! I hope all film students SHOW UP!
First Quarter ends on October 4th
Mrs. Raff Contact Information
Email: jessicaraff@dallasisd.org