Principal's Weekly
Dr. Beth N. Choquette
Bridge Street School
2 Parsons Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
413-587-1460 (phone) 413-587-1474 (fax)
Dr. Beth N. Choquette, Principal
Elizabeth Peterson, Administrative Assistant
Jordan Celino, Secretary
Nora DeJasu, Head Teacher
Translation of the Principal's Weekly
At the top of the weekly email, there's a link that reads "View it in your browser," click that and it takes you to the post on a webpage.
Scroll to the bottom where there's a black menu bar and pick the option that says "Translate."
Select the language you would like it translated in and it will then translate it on the webpage.
Traducción del semanario del director
Le gustaría traducir esta carta de noticias? Aquí están los pasos para traducirlo:
En la parte superior del correo electrónico semanal, hay un enlace que dice "Verlo en su navegador", haga clic en eso y lo llevará a la publicación en una página web.
Desplázate hacia la parte inferior donde hay una barra de menú negra y elige la opción que dice "Traducir".
Seleccione el idioma en el que desea traducirlo y luego lo traducirá en la página web.
Bridge Street School Vision and Mission Statements
Bridge Street School’s faculty and staff, caregivers, and community are committed to providing educational excellence and equity to its students by challenging the injustices that create barriers to high academic achievement, to access and opportunities to learn, to high-quality teaching and learning, and to a climate of belonging. This commitment to educational equity, where all children are successful regardless of their personal, social, or cultural contexts, is at the core of our practices, structures, and policies.
A Message from Principal Choquette
Good evening, I hope you all had a nice weekend. We have a very short week this week with only 2 1/2 days of school. Please see the dismissal times for our half-day on Wednesday below under Important Dates.
Tomorrow all current Liftoff Learning Program (LLP) students will receive a letter for caregivers informing them on whether or not they still qualify for the program. If your child is currently in the LLP program, please look for the letter tomorrow. 17 students no longer qualify for the program. I was going to mail the letters but my worry was that you would not have enough time to plan for childcare if you waited for snail mail, especially with the upcoming holiday. The Liftoff Learning Program staff took last week to review the data to see who would still need to remain in the program. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Due to the short week, there will be no BASE or LLP programs this week.
One of our caregivers, Quaverly Rothenberg, has started and International Tea on Tuesday mornings for BSS caregivers. They began as a group of moms from Rwanda, Canada, Belarus, and the US and would love for more folx to join! They meet at the preschool playground after drop-off and walk to Graves Avenue where they put on the kettle, brew their favorite teas, and chat about life. If you are interested in joining this group, please go to the preschool playground on Tuesday mornings after drop-off.
Finally, the past 18 months have been so hard for everyone, but especially our students. Many of them are having to learn all over again "how to be in school" and "how to be a member of a school community." Unfortunately we are seeing an increase in behaviors, struggles with peer interactions, the use of inappropriate language, and some unkindness towards each other. Therefore, I would like to do a "reset" with a couple of our grades to start. After we return from the Thanksgiving break, I will spend that time up to the holiday break to work with 3rd and 5th grade classrooms, as that seems like the priority at this moment. We will go back to the basics, understanding our school-wide expectations, allowing everyone to have a voice during circles and to talk in a respectful way about what it truly means to be a member of our BSS community. Your support at home will also be helpful, talking with your children about kindness and taking care of each other will be key in rebuilding relationships.
Thank you for your continuous support. I wish you all a very peaceful break filled with good health and happiness. I am thankful for all of you, your children, and for our BSS family.
From Dr. Provost
Dear NPS Community:
I invite you to view our third episode of the Policy Conversations Podcast Series. In this episode Kendall, Johnathan, Principal Vailancourt, and I discuss policy ACAB: Prohibition against Sexual Harassment and Other Forms of Harassment and Discrimination.
Topics Covered Include:
Online Harassment
Safety Planning
I hope you enjoy this episode!
Important Dates
November 24th: 1/2 Day Dismissal K-5 11:30 a.m.; A.M. Preschool 10:40; Full-day preschool 11:20. No P.M. Preschool
November 25th and 26th: No School Thanksgiving Break
November 30th: Liftoff Learning Resumes 2:10-3:30 p.m.
December 1st: Kindergarten Information Night (2022-2023) via zoom 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Free COVID-19 Vaccine for children ages 5-11
Free COVID-19 Vaccine for children ages 5-11!
No insurance needed.
Appointments are open for all children at all sites regardless of which school they attend.
To make appointments and find more information:
Or go to and click on Vaccine Clinics
Elks Lodge, Florence, MA
17 Spring Street
Mondays in November: 4-6pm
Thursdays in November: 3-6pm
Additional clinics are being planned in the downtown neighborhood that will be accessible on foot or bus to make vaccine access equitable across families’ transportation needs and healthcare status. Vaccine is also available at several local pediatrics offices.
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine approved for 5-11 year olds will be given.
A second dose must be at least 21 days after the first dose. You will be able to make the appointment for your child’s second dose at any of the above sites as soon as your child receives their first dose.
One caregiver should plan to be with their child for their vaccination.
These specific clinics are by appointment to accommodate the needs of children and for safe distancing in the vaccination area.
This is the same vaccine that is available also at local pediatrics offices.
Please note: The Pfizer vaccine approved for ages 12+ will NOT be available at these clinics. Booster shots will NOT be available at these clinics.
¡Vacuna de COVID-19 gratis para los niños de 5 a 11 años!
No se necesita seguro.
Las citas están abiertas para todos los niños en todos los sitios, independientemente de la escuela a la que asistan.
Para hacer una cita y hallar más información:
O vaya a: y pulse en Clínicas de Vacunación
Logia Elks, Florence, MA
17 Spring Street
Lunes en Noviembre: 4-6 p.m.
Jueves en Noviembre: 3-6 p.m.
Se están planificando clínicas adicionales en el centro de la ciudad a las cuales podrá llegar a pie o en autobús para que el acceso a las vacunas sea equitativo para las necesidades de transporte de las familias y el estado de la atención médica. La vacuna también está disponible en varias oficinas de pediatría locales.
Se administrará la vacuna Pfizer-BioNTech aprobada para los niños de 5 a 11 años.
La segunda dosis tiene que ser por lo menos 21 días después de la primera dosis. Usted podrá programar la cita para la segunda dosis de su hijo/a en cualquiera de los sitios anteriores tan pronto como su hijo/a reciba su primera dosis.
Un cuidador debe planear estar con su niño/a para su vacunación.
Estas clínicas específicas son con cita previa para atender las necesidades de los niños y mantener un distanciamiento seguro en el área de vacunación.
Esta es la misma vacuna que también está disponible en las oficinas de pediatría locales.
Favor de tener en cuenta: La vacuna de Pfizer aprobada para los mayores de 12 años NO estará disponible en estas clínicas. Las vacunas de refuerzo NO estarán disponibles en estas clínicas
New Curriculum Newsletter from Karen Albano
Welcome to our first volume of the NPS Elementary Curriculum Corner!I In this monthly newsletter, we will share curriculum news, offer a view into a different grade levels and curriculum, and share the many reasons we are grateful for the amazing NPS educators and all of the joy and learning taking place among the wonderful students in our schools!
Newsletter Link:
PTO Save The Date
- Tuesday, December 14 at 2:30 PM - PTO Meeting
- Tuesday, January 11 at 6:00 PM - PTO Meeting
- Tuesday, February 8 at 2:30 PM - PTO Meeting
- Tuesday, March 8 at 6:00 PM - PTO Meeting
- Tuesday, April 12 at 2:30 PM - PTO Meeting
- Tuesday, May 10at 6:00 PM - PTO Meeting
- Tuesday, June 14 at 2:30 PM - PTO Meeting