Stonybrook School Weekly Update #33
May 12th, 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week!
This week we celebrated and acknowledged our amazing Stonybrook teachers and staff. Their dedication to teaching goes above and beyond, and I am truly grateful for all that they do.
Thank you to our incredible Stonybrook Teachers and Staff!
Family Engineering Design Night
On May 7th, we held our second Family Engineering Design Night. Thank you to all of our students and families that attended. Thank you KEHSA for sponsoring this wonderful evening!
Thank you KEHSA!
Every school year, our teachers have an opportunity to apply for Mini Grants that are offered from KEHSA. Several of our teachers were provided with grants this year. These grants allow our teachers to purchase items for their classrooms and our students that add to instruction and learning. Ms. Melfi has received new stools that are being used in her classroom and the students are loving them. Thank you KEHSA for your generosity and support of our staff and students.
5th Grade Social Studies
Earlier this month, Robert Sochor, Holocaust Survivor, and Ilyse Shainbrown, director of the Holocaust Council of MetroWest, visited Stonybrook fifth graders to share Robert’s experience in Antwerp, Belgium during World War Two. The speakers addressed the power of doing something when you see something that is not right. Thank you to Mrs. Gardberg for this presentation.
Stonybrook Art Show
Please join us on Monday, May 20th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. for our annual Stonybrook Art Show. Artwork from all students will be on display throughout the school. Come see all of the wonderful work that our students have created this year. Light refreshments will be served.
Save the Dates for our 5th Grade End of the Year Events
All students received their PEEC Packets on Friday afternoon to take home. There are several forms that need to be signed and returned to school. If you have any questions, please email your child's teacher. Thank you.
Important Upcoming Dates
May 13th to May 22nd: NJSLA Testing for Grade 5 begins
May 15th: GOAL Law Trip
May 18th: Diversity Derby - Being held at KHS
May 20th: Stonybrook Art Show - 4:00 p.m. for all families (Further information will be sent home).
May 21st: Board of Education Meeting at 7:00 p.m. at KHS
May 24th: School Closed - Give Back Day
May 27th: School Closed - Memorial Day
May 29th: GOAL Museum Night
May 30th: Stonybrook Career Day
May 31st: Field Day
Chromebook Reminder
Important Reminder: Please make sure that your child's Chromebook is charged and brought to school each day.
If your child has been provided with a loaner at any time this year, and now have their original Chromebook back, we ask that you please return that to Mrs. Bosch.
As we begin to prepare for our NJSLA Standardized Testing on May 13th for 5th grade, your child will be using their Chromebook each day in class. It is important that they have their device each day. Thank you for your continued support. *Please remember to make sure that your child has headphones and a wired mouse for testing. Thank you.
Important Reminders
As the weather begins to get warmer, please be mindful that all clothing should be school appropriate.
Please make sure to label your child's sweatshirt, if one continues to come to school, with their name/grade.
Please also label your child's water bottle with their name/grade. If your child has lost a sweatshirt or jacket throughout the school year, please have them check the lost and found in the cafteria. All items will be donated at the end of May.
Thank you.