Dragon Newsletter

Central McClean Girls' Volleyball Takes 8th Place at State
Congratulations to our Cougars girls' volleyball players! We are especially proud of Lindsey and Daphne for their hard work and dedication. Harpyr served as the student manager for state and was able to execute her impeccable leadership skills. Daphne made the All-State Team—what an incredible accomplishment! We are so proud of our talented students and can't wait to see what their futures hold. -Go Cougars!
Dragons of the Month
Congratulations, Franco!
This student exemplifies the Dragon Way in three ways:
This student approaches relationships with classmates by being patient, encouraging and avoiding conflict. This person doesn’t tattle, act petty, or enter into needless power struggles with other classmates. Despite being highly distracted by other classmates, this student tries hard to ignore the bad behavior of others.
Academically, this student tries extremely hard each and every time on each and every assignment. This student takes home and finishes homework and brings it back to school to hand in the next day. Even though school work doesn’t always come easy to this student, this student doesn’t give up or make excuses. This student genuinely wants to get better at things they struggle with.
Finally, this person tries to be kind to all in the school. When this student doesn’t understand something, about academics, rules, ways of the classroom or community norms, this student asks questions and asks for help. This Dragon shows up everyday with a smile, a good attitude and ready to learn.
That is why our second DRAGON OF THE MONTH is Franco.
Congratulations, Milla!
Ever since Milla learned about the "Dragon Way," she has been conscious of trying to follow it. She is always safe inside and outside the classroom, respectful to adults and her peers, and really focuses on making sure everyone around her feels included and special. She truly loves to learn and is always trying her best. Milla follows the "Dragon Way" not only when she is in school, but when I see her outside of the school as well. Milla is a great example of what it means to be a Dragon!
A Note From Ms. Munro
Dear Families,
As the year draws to a close, it’s a bittersweet time of year as I find myself reflecting on this last year, the progress our school has made, the triumphs and tribulations, and the excitement of what the future holds for our small school district. The highlights of my day are always the time I get to spend with our students.
I hope you enjoy family time as we soon transition to Christmas break. I read something about the amount of time we get to spend with our children and how that drastically declines even as they become teenagers. As the old saying goes, the days are long but the years are short. The brief amount of time we get to spend with our kids goes quickly, I hope everyone takes some time to savor the time together and enjoy the gift of family and togetherness.
Our favorite elementary librarian, Mrs. Netzloff, put together some of her favorite Christmas books; see below. Please remember to get in some reading minutes over break. What better way to enjoy family time than with some Christmas classics?
I just finished reading Brene Brown’s book, Daring Greatly. Brene Brown is a researcher, and she studies courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. This book was an incredible read, and it challenged me to consider the human connection in my life and being present. When we take the time to be vulnerable with others and take the time to put our phones down, great and magical things can happen. I challenge you this Christmas break to consider taking the time to make connections with others and examine how present you are with friends, family members and coworkers.
Have a safe and magical holiday season!
Proud to be your Superintendent and Elementary Principal,
Ms. Munro
Christmas Book Suggestions with Mrs. Netzloff
Christmas time is a great time to give books as gifts and do some reading. There are many great books for elementary students.
A favorite book in the elementary library is The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg. It is a story of a young boy who is welcomed aboard a magical train. It is Christmas Eve and the train is traveling to the North Pole. The Polar Express travels through many different areas before reaching a huge city standing alone on top of the world. This is where the boy will make his Christmas wish. What will it be? Read the book and discover what it is.
Another favorite is The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. The Herdman siblings, also called the worst kids in the history of the world, participate in the church’s Christmas Nativity pageant. They are not familiar with the story and it becomes a hilarious interpretation of events, along with unexpected disasters and miracles.
Other interesting and fun Christmas books are Olive the Other Reindeer, Corduroy’s Christmas,
Snowmen at Christmas, Mickey Saves Christmas, Is It Christmas Yet?, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.