Principal Weekly Update: 12/1/23
Please take time to read through these important details.
From Mrs. Stanczak's Desk:
What do the Advent candles represent?
St. Clare Cares: Advent Cause & Community Project
COVID-19: What to do if you or someone at home is positive and/or symptomatic:
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Students are very sad if they are at school without the required gear to play in the snow with their friends. Please remember to help them pack a snow bag the night before school with boots, snow pants, a warm hat, and mittens/gloves. They will be required to stay on the blacktop only if they are without this gear.
Thank you,
Katie Stanczak
No Recess if the temp with wind chill is -10 or lower
All Students must have coat, hats, and mittens to play outside.
Boots are REQUIRED to play in the snow.
Parent-Student Handbook, page 20: Winter Wear Policy:
Upcoming Calendar Reminders:
Wrightstown Holiday Parade at 4:30pm on December 2nd.
🎄Meet at spot #14 at 4pm on School Road for the Parade❄️
St. Nick Breakfast: Sunday, December 3rd (Greenleaf)
Next Hot Lunch: Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Christmas Concert: December 14th at 1:30pm and 6:00pm
All School Mass on Thursday, December 7th 2023
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is on December 8, 2023. This is a beautiful Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics. Students will be attending Mass as a school on Thursday morning, 12/7, as usual. Parents and Guardians are encouraged to bring their families to Mass for the Holy Day of Obligation at the following times:
Thursday, Dec. 7th, 6:30pm Parish Mass for Immaculate Conception @ WR
Friday, Dec. 8th, 8:00am Parish Mass for Immaculate Conception @ GR
As the primary educators of the children, St. Clare Catholic School supports parents and families in making strong faith-based and Christocentric decisions. We hope to see all of you at Mass on Thursday evening or Friday morning.