East High News

March 23, 2025
ACT Test / Virtual Learning - March 25
On Tuesday, March 25th, the ACT will be offered to all high school juniors. All students who are juniors will report to the school buildings by 7:20 am to take the ACT state assessment. Buses will run at regular times before and after the ACT session.
Also on Tuesday, March 25th, East, Central, and South High Schools will have a Remote Learning Day for freshmen, sophomores, and seniors. Only juniors will report to school that day, and none of the other students will report to the building. Further instructions for virtual day expectations for 9th, 10th, and 12th grade students will be sent by the high schools.
Calculators: You need a scientific calculator or a graphing calculator for the ACT. You can NOT use the Desmos calculator. If you do not have a calculator, we will be checking out calculators the morning of the ACT. Make sure to arrive early because we will be checking out calculators on a first come, first served basis. We do not have enough calculators for everyone so please bring a calculator if you have one. If you have any questions about calculators, please ask your math teacher.
T-Bird Nest Restock Alert!!!
The $25 hoodies are back in stock at the T-Bird Nest! Available in blue, white and black with the East High Logo on it!
Hours for March 24-28
Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 7:30 - 11:00am
Open Tuesday 6:00 - 8:00pm
“The Anxious Generation" written by Jonathan Haidt book study
Greetings families!
East High School and Cary Junior High are joining together to offer a book study on the book “The Anxious Generation"; How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness”, written by Jonathan Haidt. We will be meeting every Thursday starting April 10 for six weeks. We will meet at East High School in Rm. 713 at 6pm. We have a limited number of books available for check out, if you are interested, and cannot obtain your own copy. We will loan the books on a first-come-first serve basis. Please fill out the form if you are interested in reading and discussing this book with us.
We look forward to this enlightening book study and discussing it with you together!
If you have questions, please reach out to Barbara Wolfe at East High School or Candice Love at Carey Jr. High.
Form link: https://forms.office.com/r/k6NJPveRu4
Parent Advisory Meeting
The meeting will take place in the College and Career Center (Room 402) at 6:00 pm on April 15th.
East High Counseling team will be presenting information on ASCA model and our collaborative efforts for supporting East students throughout the school year.
Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University will be here on April 9, 2025, at 9:00 am to visit with any juniors or seniors that are interested in learning more about this University. Donuts will be available so please sign up, using the ling below, by November 7, 2025, so we can get an accurate count.
Senior Panoramic Picture
The senior panoramic picture is scheduled for April 18 at 9:00 am in the big gym.
Engineering Summer Program for High School Juniors Students at UW
We offer high school juniors an opportunity to participate in a summer program of hands-on experiences in various engineering fields. You might have a chance to build a digital circuit, study solutions to an environmental issue, program a robotic device or design timber trusses.
Here is a link to our web page: https://www.uwyo.edu/ceps/resources/outreach/programs/esp.html
Application Deadline: April 18, 2025
Here are the basics of what we will need from a student.
Date: June 8-14, 2025 (Sunday evening through Saturday morning)
Cost: $350 (scholarships available) Lodging and Food included
*STUDENTS - Before you begin your application, make sure you have the following documents prepared or in the process of being prepared.
1. Interest essay: (one page) Describe your interest in engineering and explain why you want to attend ESP.
2. High School transcript (if you have trouble getting the transcript by the deadline, please contact us).
ESP ONLINE Application for Summer 2025: https://forms.office.com/r/jVeRrM8Sch
Important Dates
March 25
ACT Test - All 11th Graders
March 28
Early Release - All Schools - Planning - End of Quarter
March 31 to April 4
Spring Break
Intro to the workforce hosted by The Office of Youth Alternatives 1320 Talbot Ct, Cheyenne, WY 82001. This provides youth with the skills needed to obtain employment.
Wednesdays March 19th-April 30th 6:00pm-7:30pm (April 2, 2025, 1pm-4pm) Contact Youth Alternatives at 307-637-6480 to register. For Ages 14+ COED
Weekly Schedule:
March 26th- Career Fair
April 2nd- SWAT/CPD/Fire Department DEMO
April 9th- Resume Building and How to Write a Check
April 16th- Financial Literacy Presentation by Blue FCU
April 23rd- Career Fair
April 30th- Mock Interviews with various Cheyenne Business Professionals Intro
University of Northern Colorado
On March 26, 2025, at 9:30 am an admissions representative from the University of Northern Colorado will be here to meet with students. Please use the link below to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Aimee Steil at aimee.steil@laramie1.org.
Senior Information
“**IMPORTANT REMINDER FROM HERFF JONES** If you have not yet ordered your cap & gown, time is running out! The Deadline to order you cap & gown is April 1st, 2025. You can place an order on their website at www.urherffjones.com. Remember, caps & gowns are delivered at school during senior checkout in May. Graduation Announcement orders are delivered at school on March 18th from 10:30am - 1:00pm. If you have any questions, please contact Herff Jones at 866-238-5336 or glmiller@herffjones.com. "
Month of the Military Child
In 1986, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger proclaimed April 2025 as the Month of the Military Child. Military bases, cities, and school districts around the globe will celebrate these young American heroes with special events dedicated to them. As part of this month-long tribute, local communities are encouraged to join in the Purple Up! initiative. Each state designates a specific day for this observance, where individuals can wear or display purple to honor our military children. Here are some ideas for how your school can participate in the Month of the Military Child.
Use this link for 50 Way to Celebrate DAF SLP 50 Ways to Celebrate Our Youngest Heroes (1).docx
Use this link for Purple Up Day purple up day.docx
Use this link for Military Essay Contest military Essay Contest.docx
Use this link for the Essay Letter 2025 Essay letter (1).docx
Wyoming U.S. Service Academies, ROTC and Congressional Information Event - April 5th
Tremendous opportunity for high school Scholar-Athlete-Leaders to gather information about the application process for all Service Academies and the many ROTC programs across the country to include an Army and Air Force ROTC program at the University of Wyoming. The event will be held in Casper, WY at Natrona County High School and parents are encouraged to attend. As you will see highlighted on the link below, this will be the only combined event in Wyoming this Spring.
To provide some insight, a student from Cody, WY who attended this event last year applied for a National ROTC scholarship and a Naval Academy scholarship. Last week he was awarded a 4-Year National Scholarship to UW and acceptance into the Naval Academy. This young man has selected to attend the Naval Academy. This is just one of many examples of how lucrative these opportunities can be.
Wyoming Boys' State
Wyoming Boys' State, a program of The American Legion, for high school juniors. Hosted at the University of Wyoming from June 8-14, 2025, Wyoming Boys' State teaches students the principles of democracy and civic engagement in a hands-on environment. More information can be found at Boys' State. The application is simple and takes just a few minutes: www.wyoboysstate.org/apply/delegate.