Weekly Parent Post
December 9-13th

Good afternoon PJMS families,
Many, many thanks to the following people who donated food to our holiday meal:
Andrea Dittbrender from Metal Creek, Tounce Olinger, Victoria Kost, Olivia and Bella Saunders, Alaina Lopez, Veronica Rios, and others who we may have missed. Thank you to our wonderful Mr. Grover and Mr. Crume for all your help as well as the MANY hands that had a part in making this meal special. We appreciate our community of wonderful staff, families and businesses. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Remember, there is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, December 20th and school resumes for Semester 2 on Monday, January 6, 2025!
Have a wonderful and SAFE Winter Break with your loved ones! See you next year!
Palmer Jr MIddle School
1159 S Chugach St.
Palmer, AK 99645
Phone: (907) 761-4300
Email: PJM@matsuk12.us