Liberty Newsletter
Friday, October 4, 2024
School News
Ready for Reading
Liberty is looking for volunteers to help build reading skills with kindergarten students. Our kindergarten students would love to welcome you for just 30 minutes each week! Volunteers can be neighbors, grandparents, parents, or friends. Read below for more information and click HERE to register. After registering, a program coordinator from our school will be in touch with more information. Thank you for your willingness to help our young readers!
Harvest Party & Parade
Harvest and Halloween activities will be held on Thursday, October 31st. Wearing a costume is optional, but if your child chooses to wear one, they should come to school already dressed. Weather permitting, parents are invited to watch the costume parade beginning at 8:30 on the playground blacktop area (behind the school). If it rains, we will communicate with you that the outside portion of the parade will be canceled. If you do not hear from us, please know that the parade will continue as planned.
For any student that chooses not to dress-up and/or participate in the costume parade, they are invited to visit the library during the parade time. As mentioned above, wearing a costume is completely optional and students do not need to give anyone a reason why they are choosing not to wear one.
For students who do dress-up, the costume may not include weapons or blood, and cannot be too scary, also no masks are permitted at school. If a student wants to change after the parade, they should wear street clothes under their costume so all they would have to do is remove their costume (not needing to go to the restroom to change).
Teachers will communicate with families if there are additional details to share about the day regarding activities inside the classroom.
Important Dates
October 5 - Family Fun Day at the Dublin Chiller
October 8-23 - PTA Read-a-thon
October 10 - School Picture Absentee/Retake Day
October 11 - Superintendent Coffee, Sunny Street Cafe, 8:30-10 a.m. at 8461 Sancus Blvd., Columbus
October 14-17 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 15 - PTA Chipotle Dine-Out
October 18 - Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL
October 28- November 1 PTA Scholastic Book Fair
October 29 - Book Fair Family Night 5:30-7:30 pm
PTA News
Family Fun Day at Chiller Ice Rink
Join us for ice skating at the Chiller Ice Rink (8144 Highfield Dr, Lewis Center, Dublin,) tomorrow, October 5th from 1:50 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. The cost to skate is $10 per person. Please mention the fundraiser when you pay to skate, or show the flier below.
Read-A-Thon Fundraiser Begins Tuesday, October 8th!
Liberty PTA will kick-off the 3rd annual Read-A-Thon Fundraiser beginning on Tuesday, October 8th through Wednesday, October 23rd. This year’s theme is “Under the Sea”. Students are encouraged to read with an adult or to themselves during this time. Each student will receive a paper bookmark from their homeroom teachers to record their daily-minutes read. Families will help students set a reading goal, solicit pledges or flat-donations, and log their daily reading on their bookmarks. Follow this link to search for your student’s fundraising page under the ‘participants’ tab. Prize winners will be announced at the Book Fair Family Night on Tuesday, October 29th, although everyone who participates will receive a small prize when they turn in their bookmark on October 23rd. We can't wait! Let's get "sea"rious about reading!
Conference Week, October 14 - 17
Parent/Teacher conferences are happening soon! Again this fall, PTA will be providing lunch for the staff on Monday, Oct. 14th, and leaving snacks in the lounge throughout the week. If you'd like to contribute snacks, follow this link to sign-up. Please drop off any items by Friday, October 11th. Thank you for supporting our wonderful Liberty teachers and staff!
District News
Holiday Assistance
Once again, it’s time for the holiday assistance program sponsored by the Worthington Kilbourne Student Council for PreK - 5th grade students. This is a first-come, first-served process, and each application received will be dated and time-stamped. Completed applications should be turned into Liberty’s front office. Click here for the application form.
October Safety Drills
The safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community are always our top priorities in Worthington Schools. Research and experience show that when students and staff are well-prepared through knowledge and practice, they can respond effectively to emergency situations. This is why we continuously engage in safety routines, drills, and learning to support the safety of everyone in our schools.
Historically, our schools have participated in several important safety drills:
Fire Drills: These drills teach students and staff how to report fire hazards and safely evacuate the building using multiple exits.
Weather Drills: These drills help everyone stay calm and safe during weather-related events, such as tornadoes, by identifying and using sheltered spaces within the building.
Lock-Down Drills: These drills prepare us for situations where free movement within the school is restricted due to external disturbances or unauthorized visitors. They involve securing the school perimeter, classrooms, and common areas to keep everyone safe.
Rally-Point Drills: These drills focus on safely exiting the building in cases of emergencies like a gas leak or unsafe visitor, and moving to a predetermined safe space away from the school.
In addition to these drills, Ohio law requires public schools to conduct a "Full Scale" Safety Drill every three years. This comprehensive drill combines elements of the previously practiced drills and includes a controlled classroom lockdown, as well as a simulated evacuation to move students away from the building in the event of danger.
Our staff has been trained in the ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) emergency response model, which includes additional countermeasures during a lockdown to facilitate a safe evacuation to a Rally Point. In the event of an emergency requiring relocation, students would be transported to a designated "reunification" location, with the Worthington Education Center (WEC) being our primary consideration.
In October, we will provide instructions and practice opportunities for students across all our schools to prepare for a Full Scale Safety Drill. By being well-prepared for unplanned interruptions, we aim to build confidence and ensure the ultimate safety of our students. We know that when students feel safe and understand safety protocols, they can better focus on their learning. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in keeping our schools safe.
Community News
New Girl Scout Troop for Kindergarten Students
A new Girl Scout Troop for Kindergarten students is starting at Liberty! You are invited to be part of this amazing adventure! Together, we will embark on a journey to learn social skills, forge lasting friendships, and make a positive impact in our community. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity! For more information, please contact Sam Schnabel at kim.samantha@gmail.com. We can't wait to welcome you to our troop!
Worthington Girl Scouts Recruitment Event
Do you want to learn more about Girl Scouts? You are invited to attend a recruitment event at the Wilson Hill Elementary School shelter house on Friday, October 18th at 3:00 p.m. Learn about Girl Scouts from experienced troop leaders and current Girl Scouts. Your child will have the opportunity to complete a service project, learn some songs, and much more. Interested families can RSVP here. If you can’t attend the recruitment event, reach out to girlscoutsworthington@gmail.com for more information or to help connect you to a troop.
FREE Thanksgiving Meal from Worthington Presbyterian Church
Every year, Worthington Presbyterian Church helps the Worthington Community by providing all the ‘fixins’ needed to prepare a Thanksgiving meal for families who may need a little help during the holiday season. If your family would benefit from receiving a Thanksgiving meal, please contact Mrs. Roberts, our school counselor, at (614) 450-5220 or email her at rroberts@wscloud.org. Liberty has a set number of meals, so it’s first come first served. Families are asked to pick up the food on Tuesday November 26th (the last day of school before Thanksgiving break).
Liberty Elementary School
Email: cbelair@wscloud.org
Website: https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/Domain/20
Location: 8081 Saddle Run, Powell, OH, USA
Phone: (614)450-5200
Facebook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057616923023
Twitter: @LibertyLeopards