Newsletter October 3

Thursday, October 3
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Dear School District of Beloit Parents and Families,
I first would like to thank you for a great start to the school year. We are so excited to have all of our students back and with your support, we know this will be another great school year for the School District of Beloit.
As we complete the first three weeks of the school year, I want to take a moment to address an important issue that we have to deal with and need your support in when speaking with your child(ren): student altercations and physical confrontations.
School is a place for learning, growth, positive social interaction, and it is our collective responsibility to maintain an environment where every student feels safe and respected. We want to make it abundantly clear that the School District of Beloit will not tolerate students putting their hands on one another or engaging in fights.
Students who choose to engage in physical confrontations will face school and/or district-level consequences. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the opportunity to learn in a safe environment, and we are committed to upholding these standards for the benefit of all.
Again, we encourage you to talk with your child(ren) about the importance of resolving conflicts with the help of adults who are here for them daily. We believe in treating each other with respect and we know that learning and building positive relationships is the center of our student's growth.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your school’s administration, our district office at (608) 361-4000, or our pupil services team.
In service,
Dr. Willie E. Garrison II
School District of Beloit Superintendent
Speak Up Speak Out (SUSO)
Who knows more about what’s going on, in or out of school, than students themselves? Individually and collectively, they play an essential role in keeping our schools safe. The Speak Up Speak Out reporting system empowers students to share their concerns safely and confidentially.
Students, parents, school staff, and community members can submit a school safety concern, by downloading the SUSO app, visiting speakup.widoj.gov, by calling 1-800-MY-SUSO-1, or by accessing our website
We encourage you to talk to your student(s) about the importance of letting a trusted adult know about their safety concerns or by sharing how to access SUSO.
Research supports that:
- Good attendance habits can help students develop routines that reduce anxiety and create a lifelong habit of showing up.
- Students who miss fewer days become better readers.
- Regular attendance helps students do well in school and is a key indicator of engagement with classmates and teachers.
#EveryDayCounts #AttendanceMatters
Family Fun (K)night at Beloit Memorial High School
Join us for a fun event at Beloit Memorial High School before our homecoming game against Badger High School on Friday, October 11. The theme for the evening is Homecoming and Teacher Appreciation.
The festivities start at 4:30 p.m. and run until 6:00 p.m. Enjoy free family activities. Food will be available for purchase. We encourage you to stay for the game and cheer on the BMHS Purple Knights to Victory. #PurpleKnights #Homecoming2024
Visit Our Community Hub Website
Our Community Hub highlights many family-friendly, fun events and activities in our area. This week, we share information about Becca's Closet and Knight's Armory, our 2024 Hispanic Heritage Celebration, Career Tek's Construction Zone, and much more! Lots to do this month!
At the School District of Beloit, we enjoy sharing events, achievements, and recognitions highlighting our students, staff, and community partners. We provide transparent and up-to-date information and communication through our social media platforms, our SDB App, website, weekly school newsletters, and my newsletter. We appreciate the positive engagement by everyone who follows us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and stays connected with us by downloading our SDB App or accessing our News Tab.
We believe in respectful, truthful, and encouraging messaging and communication. We will continue to communicate in that manner with our students, staff, families, and community.