It's a Good Day in Pre-K
Love and Appreciation
Back in November, I wrote about gratitude and giving. It was fitting since we were celebrating Thanksgiving, but we don't always need a holiday to get in the habit of showing appreciation. February is often known as the month of love. What better way to acknowledge this by engaging in acts of love, kindness, and appreciation. Gratitude is important for children and research shows it is associated with greater happiness! Just a little love and appreciation goes a long way. Attached find an article titled Teach Children Coping Skills with Acts of Gratitude. https://marylandfamiliesengage.org/teach-children-coping-skills-with-acts-of-gratitude/
A is for...architect
In Mrs. Macgiffert's class, this Little Mustang wanted to build me a house! Using Legos uses spatial reasoning and problem-solving. This young architect is learning through play! "Building with Lego Toys is like a mental workout for our little learners." Please check out the video below on how Lego play helps early child development.
M is for...Mountaineers!
Above, our littlest Mountaineers in Mrs. Heath's class are showing off their school spirit!
M is also for...Marshmallow igloos!
Students in Mrs. Jenkin's classroom at Donald P. Sutherland were busy building igloos out of all things, marshmallows! Building igloos encourages teamwork, creativity, fine motor skills and a glimpse of Arctic cultures. It also allows them to explore geometry and resilience in not eating the marshmallows!
S is for...Snow!
Students in Mrs. June's classroom at Catskill were busy making snow! Sometimes it's great to say yes, to a mess, especially when it is too cold to go outside. Mrs. June's Pre-K students just used 2.5 cups of baking soda, 1/2 cup of conditioner and a lot of sensory exploration to make snow. While they don't understand this yet, making snow introduces basic science concepts about chemical reactions. Luckily there were no snowball fights!
Just 2.5 cups baking soda...
Just 1/2 cup conditioner...
Just homemade snow!
3D Printing
Last year we were fortunate to receive a Helping Kids Mini-Grant from AASA, The School Superintendents Association for Early Childhood Education. This grant allowed us to get two 3D printers for our PreK program. While we mostly see 3D printers being used in our high schools, we are using them in PreK to show our early learners how items such as toys are made. Here, Ms. Gilbert, and a little Mountaineer from Berlin are watching their first print being made! Below are some more pictures of our students at Red Mill Elementary in East Greenbush and at Berlin Elementary making items for their classroom!
U is for...Unicorn
Students in Mrs. Halsey's classroom at Red Mill Elementary were super excited to learn about 3D printing. Mr. Mike visited and shared "the magic box" and explained what a 3D printer can do. They were super excited to create their first 3D design which was a fidget toy unicorn. Next project...penguins!
Black History Month
February is dedicated to Black History honoring the struggles and accomplishments of African Americans throughout history. Picture books are a great way to teach our Pre-Schoolers about Black History. Attached is a link to PBS Kids which lists some great books which celebrate Black History. https://www.pbs.org/parents/thrive/childrens-books-to-celebrate-black-history-month
Groundhog's Day
Sunday, Feb 2nd is Groundhog's day. This is the day where we look at good old Punxsutawney Phil to predict the weather for the next six weeks. According to folklore, if it is sunny the groundhog will go back into its burrow for 6 weeks. If it is cloudy, than spring will come early.
Making predications is an important skill for our preschool students. In Pre-K our students are learning to notice patterns, sequences and make connections that help them guess what is happening in the word around them. Talk to your little ones and have them make a prediction on whether or not Phil will see its shadow! Personally, I hope it is cloudy. Bring on Spring!
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a FREE book-gifting program for any child under age five, no matter their family’s income. Each month, the Imagination Library mails a high-quality, age-appropriate book to all registered children, addressed to them at no cost to the child’s family. If you are interested and want to enroll please follow the link below!
Pre-K Funnies
Every so often some Pre-K joksters like to tell me jokes. Here are some timely Pre-K jokes for the month of February:
Do you know where elephant's keep their valentines?
Their trunk!
What did the bat say to his valentine?
You're fun to hang around with!
What day is it when frogs wear watches?
Hoppy Valen-Times day!