December 20, 2024
From the Principal
It has been a fun week of holiday activities in preparation for the upcoming winter break. Ms. Campbell won our staff "most festive" holiday attire today! Please see pictures below from some of the events!
The mobile dentist did not come to LEES on December 18, due to a scheduling conflict on their end. They are scheduled to now come on January 22. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
The winter break for staff and students will be December 23, 2024-January 3, 2025. There will be No School during those two weeks, and the school office will also be closed. I hope everyone has a wonderful break and enjoys time with family and friends! We are all blessed to be working with such great students and families at LEES!
On the first day back from break, students and staff are invited to wear their PJs to school to ease back into school and ring in the new year!
Have an amazing holiday and winter break!
I will see everyone back at school in 2025!
Mrs. Ridder
Dates to Remember
December 23-January 3--No School--Winter Break
January 6--Staff and students may wear their PJs to school for 2025!
January 9--County Spelling Bee at 6:00 PM at JFHMS
January 17--No School for students. Teacher Workday
January 20--No School--Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Linville-Edom Elementary School
Email: LEESnotes@rockingham.k12.va.us
Website: lees.rockingham.k12.va.us
Location: 3653 Linville Edom Rd, Linville, VA 22834, USA
Phone: (540) 833-6916