Boletín de Adams
Family Newsletter - Friday, June 7th
Muchísima gracias!
This will be the final newsletter for the school year, 2023-24. The next newsletter will be sent in August.
We want to extend a very special thanks for your continued partnership and commitment to our students, staff and the whole Adams community.
We wish you a wonderful summer!
Jude and Geoff
Estamos comprometidos a apoyar a los estudiantes en su viaje académico a ser bilingües, bialfabetizados, y ciudadanos del mundo.
We strive to support students on their educational journey as they become bilingual, biliterate, and citizens of the world.
Monday, June 10th
This Week's Menu (6/11)
Mon 6/10
Glazed Chicken Bites with Garlic Toast
Potato Wedges
Green Beans
Garlic Toast
OR Grilled Cheese
OR Chicken Alfredo Penne Pasta
Viewing or Printing End of Year Report Cards
In a web browser, go to: https://www.spps.org/onestop.
Login with your One Stop username and password. Usernames begin with the letter “g” and end with 6 numbers. This is the same username you used to complete iUpdate.
Directions (see image below)
Top left corner, click on the three lines.
In the dropdown menu, select Documents.
Under Report Card select Elementary Progress Report Official.
Ensure the School Year is 23-24 and your student’s name is showing at the top right hand corner.
Note: Please contact the school office if you need help with your Guardian login name and password.
Free Summer Meals for Kids Age 18 and Under
Summer meals are available at NO COST to kids 18 and under, and those over 18 with a disability enrolled in a school program. Meals will be served at parks and community spaces starting June 17. The food truck stops at 5 sites per day starting June 20. Meals must be consumed on site. SPPS Nutrition Services is excited to see you there!
For information and locations, visit spps.org/summermeals or click the flyer below.
Click the flyer below for more details about Summer Reads!
Help Us Get Our Books Back
All library books are due. Once students have returned all of their books, they will receive tickets for a chance to win prizes like reading bracelets, dragon bookmarks, a Yoda bobble head, books, and more! There is also a grand prize: Wild Rumpus bookstore $20.00 gift card. If books are lost, we’d really appreciate it if you pay what you are able to replace them. Our library loses thousands of dollars worth of books a year, and we are well below the recommended number of titles per student for an exemplary library collection. Overdue reminder slips have been given to students to help them find their books. Please check your email notices, too. If you have any questions, please contact library media specialist, julianne.ninteman@spps.org
Yearbooks for sale!
If you did not preorder a yearbook, they are for sale in the office (cash or check)
They will be distributed the week of June 3.
PTO Update
Host an Amity Intern!
Hello Adams Families!!!
We are looking for families to host our Amity interns for the next school year. So far Santiago and David, both from Colombia, have accepted positions at Adams for the 24-25 year and our hope is for more! Funded by the PTO, Amity Interns have always been a fabulous addition to our Adams community- these native Spanish speakers are assisting teachers in classrooms and enriching student learning by bringing different perspectives, cultures, and accents to share with the students and community.
We are actively recruiting a host family for Santiago.Santiago is passionate about education, sharing his customs and culture while learning about ours, and loves sports (especially basketball, soccer, and taekwondo!).
A few details about hosting an intern:
You have the option of hosting for either a half year or full school year.
The intern must have a private bedroom. Bathrooms are able to be shared.
Host families provide food and some transportation.
We are looking for families who are interested in warmly welcoming someone into their family life and activities.
Hosting an intern provides families with an amazing opportunity to share our community and culture, showcase our beautiful city, and learn about the cultures and customs of another country. If you are interested in hosting Santiago, or another intern, or would like more information, please contact us at adamsinterns@gmail.com.
Erin Eleria, Pearl Wistl, and Amanda Loge
School Supply Kits for Next School Year
Great News!!
We are once again offering the SchoolKidz supply kit program which
offers pre-packaged, school supply boxes filled with the exact items requested by your child’s teacher. Why fight the hassle of retail when there's a cost effective and convenient
way of purchasing your back-to-school supplies?
If you have questions, reach out to Holly from the PTO at losamigosdeadams@gmail.com
Treats for Teachers!
It's Friday... Time to sweeten the week!
Sign up to bring treats for the staff on Fridays and brighten everyone's day. Plan to bring a snack that will serve about 50 portions (25 donuts, cut in half, for instance). Treats are delivered to the office.
THANK YOU you to all the families for the wonderful treats throughout the school year!!!
Arrival/Dismissal Safety Procedures
To ensure the safety of our students, staff and families, we want to remind you to continue following our safety procedures and protocols:
1. Entering the Building
- Contact the teacher if you plan to visit the classroom
- Visitors must enter Door 1 and through the office to enter the building
- Visitors MUST have a visitor tag
- Parents should identify themselves, their child, and purpose of the visit
- Please follow the instructions on the signs at each entrance
2. Parent Pick Up
- Parent pick-up must enter/exit through the exterior cafeteria door ONLY
- Families must stay in the cafeteria - A staff member will be posted by the interior door to prevent visitors from entering the rest of the building.
- Families may NOT enter/exit through playground door
- If you want to enter other areas of the building, you must exit the exterior cafeteria door and enter through the Main Entrance ( Main office Door 1)
- If a student needs to be removed from a bus - that is done by staff, not families
- Please follow the instructions on the signs at each entrance
Rights and Responsibilities Link / QR Code At Open House
Adams Spanish Immersion School
Directions to Adams Spanish Immersion
Email: jude.vales@spps.org
Location: 615 South Chatsworth Street, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: Office : 651-744-6985 • Cell: 612-452-1222
Facebook: facebook.com/AdamsSPPS
Twitter: @AdamsSPPS