Old Coors Elementary Pre K-4
Week of March 18

Finishing Strong!
Message from Principal Kirby
As we get closer to the end of the school year, I'm thinking back on all the amazing growth and learning we've experienced together. Big thanks to you for always having our students' backs and helping them grow. It's been awesome seeing how they've tackled new challenges and bounced back stronger than ever. Even when things got tough, we all showed how tough we can be. I know we're all itching for summer, but let's keep the school spirit alive till the very end. So, keep sending your kids to school till the last day, and let's make every moment count!
Learning is Fun at MAS!
Reading and Math is Paramount!
Attendance Goal is 95%
4/26/24 - 5/2/24
- Pre K 94 %
- Kinder 96%
- 1st Grade 92%
- 2nd Grade 95%
- 3rd Grade 96%
- 4th Grade 96%
Every grade level that hits the 95% goal will have recess every Friday until the last week of school! Let's Go!! Shout out to all the grade levels who met the goal!
Abigail Igbadumhe- Pre K
participate. She continually puts forth her best effort. She is
willing to share her ideas and help other students. Thank you, Abigail,
for your great attitude!
Roy Xander Morales- Kinder
He is focused in class all the time. He is a polite kid. He is always an active participant in class. Roy also knows his letters and sounds and can read words the fast way.
Yoan Ramos- First Grade
Yoan always tries his hardest. I never have to ask Yoan to bounce back. Yoan raises his hand and isn't afraid to give a wearing answer. Yoan is very brave for trying his hardest at all times.
Jasper Herrera- Second Grade
Aislynn Saravique- Third Grade
Aislynn was chosen as student the week because she always shows a growth mindset. When it comes to challenges she tries her best, is confident, and even though she doesn't get the score she wants she always says I tried my best but I will try harder next time. When others around her are fighting, she tries to help them find a way to work it out. When she is upset with someone else she names it and works on ways to better communicate with them to fix the issue. In any circumstance she finds a solution and does not let anything tear her down!
Isabella Montalvo-Fourth
Do you need to contact your child's teacher?
Carrie Cleveland carrie.cleveland@mascharterschool.com 1st Math
Tony King tony.king@mascharterschool.com 3rd/4th Reading (small group)
Alicia Esquibel alicia.esquibel@mascharterschool.com 2nd Math
Janet Aguilar janet.aguilar@mascharterschool.com Kinder Reading
Flor Caingcoy flor.caingcoy@mascharterschool.com Kinder Reading
Iyean Varela iyean.varela@mascharterschool.com Kinder P.E.
Kami Hight kami.hight@mascharterschool.com 4th Science
Dianna Spilca dianna.spilca@mascharterschool.com 1st grade Math (small group)
Gloria Farmer gloria.farmer@mascharterschool.com Pre Kinder
Ashley Castillo ashley.castillo@mascharterschool.com 2nd Reading
Elizabeth Lamanilao elizabeth.lamanilao@mascharterschool.com 4th Reading
Cherish Rosete cherish.rosete@mascharterschool.com 1st Reading
Maria Cristy Melgar maria.melgar@mascharterschool.com 2nd Reading
Maritess Medina maritess.medina@mascharterschool.com 1st Reading
Lynn Medina lyhn.medina@mascharterschool.com, I-Station Interventions
Margaret Deshler <margaret.deshler@mascharterschool.com 3rd Math (small group)
Silvia Barela silvia.Barela@mascharterschool.com 3rd Math
Sarah Vander Wal sarah.vanderwal@mascharterschool.com 4th Math
Joseph Vineles joseph.vineles@mascharterschool.com I-Station Interventions
Daryl Aimes <daryl.aimes@mascharterschool.com 4th PE
Manuel Jaramillo <manuel.jaramillo@mascharterschool.com 3rd PE
Audra Polk audra.polk@mascharterschool.com 4th Math (small group)
Antonia Weller antonia.weller@mascharterschool.com Pre Kinder
Dannielyn Salison dannielyn.salison@mascharterschool.com Kinder Math
Charmaine De Venecia charmaine.devenecia@mascharterschool.com Kinder Reading
Robert Dela Paz robert.delapaz@mascharterschool.com 3rd Science
Hannah Hansen hannah.hansen@mascharterschool.com 2nd Reading
Lordelyn Piquero lordelyn.piquero@mascharterschool.com 1st Reading
Manny Villarreal manny.villarreal@mascharterschool.com 2nd PE
Trent Dewyer trent.dewyer@mascharterschool.com 2nd PE
Bonnie Sumner bonnie.sumner@mascharterschool.com1st PE
Alex alex.cordova@mascharterschool.com 1st PE
Sharon Ali sharon.ali@mascharterschool.com 3rd Reading
Kim Deleon kim.deleon@mascharterschool.com1st Reading
Jason Poncejason.ponce@mascharterschool.com Kinder PE
Luis Sanchez luis.sanchez@mascharterschool.com Pre Kinder
Important Dates to Remember
May 8- 3rd-4th Grade Reading Interim Assessment
May 10- 3rd-4th Grade Reading Inventory Assessment
May 13- 3rd-4th Grade Math Interim Assessment
May 14- 3rd-4th Grade Science Interim Assessment
May 20-24- K-2nd iStation EOY Assessment
May 24- PreK Graduation
May 27- Memorial Day- No School
May 28- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL- End of Year BBQ
8:00 8:30