ISABB Newsletter
Summer 2020
Virtual Education Opportunities
Summer Workshop
Antibody Identification: Understanding Antibody Panels and Case Studies from Area Hospitals
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020
Time: 8 am - noon
Cost: $10
Click here to register for Summer Workshop
ISABB Annual Meeting
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Time: 7:30 am-4:30 pm
Cost: $40 for non-members, $30 for ISABB members, $20 for students
Topics include:
- Managing blood shortages
- HLA Jeopardy
- Case Studies with high and low-incidence antibodies
- Change mangagement
- Creative staffing
- Collecting and transfusing Convalescent Plasma
Click here to register for ISABB Annual Meeting
ISABB Collaborative Symposium
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020
Time: 7:30 am-4:30 pm
Cost: $40 for non-members, $30 for ISABB members, $20 for students
Topics include:
- Thromboelastograhpy
- Checkpoint inhibitors
- O negative RBC utilization
- Anemia management for elective surgeries
- Managing stress and burnout
- Platelet and plasma transfusion
- Clinical outcomes from Convalescent Plasma transfusion
Nominate a Colleague for the 2020 Victor Muller Award
This award was established in 1991 to honor Victor Muller, MD for outstanding achievement in the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. This award recognizes an individual who has consistently demonstrated a commitment of excellence towards education, science, patient care and community service in relation to the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine.
Recipient criteria is:
- An individual may be a member or nonmember of ISABB.
- An individual who has given many years of dedicated service to the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. Specifically:
- An individual who has contributed substantially to the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine in the area of applied research, education and bench application -or-
- An individual who has concerned themselves with the educational advancements and technical training of persons interested in the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine -or-
- An individual who, through dissemination of administrative duties, has enhanced and fostered the growth of the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine -or-
- An individual who, through their work in the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine, has inspired co-workers and/or students to work and contribute to this field, -or-
- An individual who has given outstanding service to the community.
ISABB members are encouraged to nominate individuals. The Board/Nominating Committee will make the final selection. They may request a C.V. on the person nominated. This award may be given posthumously. Nominations must be submitted via e-mail to president@isabb.org by September 1.
Literature Update
VPMA Alverno Laboratories Franciscan Alliance Central Laboratory
As the number of patients enrolled in the Mayo Clinic’s Expanded Access Program for COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma continues to rise, literature regarding its safety and efficacy is being published.
There are two notable publications to review. The first study is the preliminary safety data on CCP from the Mayo Clinic entitled, “Early Safety Indicators of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma in 5000 Patients” where the authors delineate the complication rate of CCP. In short, the investigators state that CCP appears safe. This is quite reassuring as many of us were concerned about the risks of TRALI and TACO in COVID patients with pre-existent lung injury.
The second article comes from the Chinese investigators’ experience in Wuhan, China with ~100 patients who were dosed with CCP. This study is a little less encouraging as it shows no impact to hospital LOS and mortality. However, the study is small compared to the extensive number of patients in the US enrolled in the Mayo EAP and the study was terminated early as the disease prevalence in China declined. Furthermore, many other randomized controlled trials of CCP are ongoing outside of the Mayo IRB. A number of these trials are designed to examine patient severity, dose timing and impact of other therapeutics e.g. anti-viral agents. The accompanying editorial is also well worth the read.
About Us
ISABB was organized in 1980 to form an educational network among individual blood bankers and institutional blood banks in the state of Indiana.
We encourage all individuals and institutions who are interested in the exchange of ideas and information in immunohematology and transfusion medicine to join.
Email: info@isabb.org
Website: isabb.org
Facebook: facebook.com/isabb.org